
Active Member
Help!. Ok, so I read on that my metal halide can be 8 inches to any plant based on it's wattage, and 16 inches as sunlight, and something else as furthest, so I decided to go in the middle of that, and I adjusted my metal halide and made it closer, it was then after adjustment 12 inches distance from my plants. I also then replaced the distilled water I was using with filtered rain water. This rain water came from the carport roof, but I made sure it was brita filtered before using it.

Then next thing I know some not, all, but some of my plants looked wilted and tips of leaves claw curling, so I got a new more expensive filter and re watered them all the next day, I also adjusted the light to be a little more like 18 inches from plant.

Now a few are looking better, but the one that looked the worse did not bounce back, instead it became worse!!

I have attached 2 pictures, the first is of all the plants, and the second is, of the worse one. Please tell me what to do. I have been feeding them all 2 times a day, once when I wake up with the lights on, and again before I go to bed with the lights on.

The temp is never over 79F. And never below 70 because it is too damn hot in Washington this time of year for where I live. (Everett WA). The Humidity is in the 60's. And I use only advanced N, ph perfect, AN REVIVE, with 3ml molasses per liter. I feed about 14 plants that average 7 inches tall with about a total of 2-3 liters of feed per day. I have so far only done one or two feedings with no nutrients and just water and h202. H202 was about 3 weeks ago.

The lights turn off around 5 AM, and they turn back on 11AM. I get up and water them around 4PM. I then water them again around 4AM. I water just enough to get barely any run off. And the soil is never completely dried out unless it is from the one pot out of the 14 I have. And I think that is because that one pot that has the dry soil is the only one that is a jiffy pot, so it drys faster. Some are coco, some are fox farms, and some are both, either way all have 1 inch perlite bottom pot, and mixed with general medium.

So my last feeding was this morning before the lights turned off. And that was around 3AM. I have decided not to feed them again until I get an answer as to what to do to fix this.

Please someone, help me.140815_0001.jpg140815_0002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Help!. Ok, so I read on that my metal halide can be 8 inches to any plant based on it's wattage, and 16 inches as sunlight, and something else as furthest, so I decided to go in the middle of that, and I adjusted my metal halide and made it closer, it was then after adjustment 12 inches distance from my plants. I also then replaced the distilled water I was using with filtered rain water. This rain water came from the carport roof, but I made sure it was brita filtered before using it.

Then next thing I know some not, all, but some of my plants looked wilted and tips of leaves claw curling, so I got a new more expensive filter and re watered them all the next day, I also adjusted the light to be a little more like 18 inches from plant.

Now a few are looking better, but the one that looked the worse did not bounce back, instead it became worse!!

I have attached 2 pictures, the first is of all the plants, and the second is, of the worse one. Please tell me what to do. I have been feeding them all 2 times a day, once when I wake up with the lights on, and again before I go to bed with the lights on.

The temp is never over 79F. And never below 70 because it is too damn hot in Washington this time of year for where I live. (Everett WA). The Humidity is in the 60's. And I use only advanced N, ph perfect, AN REVIVE, with 3ml molasses per liter. I feed about 14 plants that average 7 inches tall with about a total of 2-3 liters of feed per day. I have so far only done one or two feedings with no nutrients and just water and h202. H202 was about 3 weeks ago.

The lights turn off around 5 AM, and they turn back on 11AM. I get up and water them around 4PM. I then water them again around 4AM. I water just enough to get barely any run off. And the soil is never completely dried out unless it is from the one pot out of the 14 I have. And I think that is because that one pot that has the dry soil is the only one that is a jiffy pot, so it drys faster. Some are coco, some are fox farms, and some are both, either way all have 1 inch perlite bottom pot, and mixed with general medium.

So my last feeding was this morning before the lights turned off. And that was around 3AM. I have decided not to feed them again until I get an answer as to what to do to fix this.

Please someone, help me.View attachment 3229952View attachment 3229953
Get them out of those solo cups, they need some more space. Typically curling is nute lock, only use water for a week or so and transplant those ladies, also I wouldn't water any plant twice a day, I water mine maybe twice a week in veg, when the soil dries the roots grow seeking the water and moist soil, you don't want to let it get too dry but I would def space it out, but I'm thinking your watering twice a day cause the cups are so small and the roots probably take up most of the cup


Active Member
Ok, I heard that when you transplant you should not water them for 2 days before transplant ,and your saying to only use water, ok. So starting today I should start watering them without any nutes for a week, and then after that week, I should not water them at all for 2 days, and then I should transplant them. Is that correct or, did I get it wrong. And PS, in case I forget to say it later, thank you!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I heard that when you transplant you should not water them for 2 days before transplant ,and your saying to only use water, ok. So starting today I should start watering them without any nutes for a week, and then after that week, I should not water them at all for 2 days, and then I should transplant them. Is that correct or, did I get it wrong. And PS, in case I forget to say it later, thank you!
Yes you got it, your plants look good, and the small leave that was dying is typical, my 3 leaves usually die after 5 weeks or so. I just transplanted my ladies and they have started growing even more, I use the superroot air pots, they are simple to transplant, just unscrew and replant


Active Member
I've got lots of pre made H202 in an air tight container, can I just use that to water with? Or only distilled water?


Active Member
So how this happen? Was it too much light? Not enough light? Light to close? Or too far away? Too many feedings? Or not transplanted soon enough? I was going to transplant all of them, but then I saw the youtube video from and it showed the plant she transplanted as way bigger than mine, in comparison to plant container ratio. So I thought a needed to wait until my plants got to be as big as hers in regards to size of plant and container ratio. Was 12 inches from light too close even though the site said it could be as close as 8 inches? I've heard so many other contradictory things too. Like I hear that soil should never completely dry out ever, but also that in order to see if it needs watering, that I should check to see if the soil is dry from on top to an inch below surface by sticking my finger in it. But how can I do that if I am not supposed to let it get that dry ever to begin with?


Active Member
Ok, gave them H202. Now just waiting for them to become bone dry, then will transplant them all. Will post pics in future after transplant, and give update, thank you everyone for all advice, and if you have any thing last to mention, please do so, your typing time will not be wasted, I will follow all advice, thank you again.


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb for me has been when the soil about an inch or two below the surface is dry and doesn't stick to your finger when you poke it in, it is ready for some water (no more than 2 - 3 times a week). When you water, you should allow some runoff to escape the bottom drainage, that lets you know the grow medium is saturated. A somewhat dry medium will encourage the plant to stretch her roots looking for water!


Active Member
Well the reason I watered them that last time when I did, is because I wanted to give a good flush incase it was getting nutrient lock from the over feeding of nutrients, I realize I added water to a plant that was already over watered, but I wanted to get one last in of H202 so it can clean the medium out of nutrient and salt build up. Now this way as they are drying, and have been since that last watering I mentioned in the forum a day or two ago, and I don't have to worry about too many nutrients or salts being an overpowering problem while they are drying. Also when I said I watered them, I meant I only watered about 4 out of 14, just the really bad ones, that look the worse, and I left the others without any H202 or feed watering.

Now I know I said I would wait a week before transplanting, but is that really necessary? I mean they look pretty thirsty by now, and I have the big 7 Gal 420 pots and 7 Gal Fabric pot, and a few more 7 Gal and 5 Gal Smart Pots, I can put them in. Also does anyone know what the best soil/coco/perlite ratio mix is for 420 pots/ Fabric Pots, Smart Pots.? I tried looking online, but can't find any real information on that pots.


Well-Known Member
i use tap water that has sat for 24 hours. i think you might want to look into whats in your water first.


Well-Known Member
Plants look waterlogged, I would let the pots get light before waterings and feedings, also the deep dark green is a sign your are over fertilizing but i wouldn't worry about that till the tips start burning.


Active Member
Ok, they are looking kinda better, I watered on August/19/2014
Then feed on August/21/2014

But then I saw something I never saw before, and I thought I could mention and show a picture and see what everyone thinks it is. I saw a little bit of crispy on a leaf of one of my best looking plants. And in the middle. So for the first time I saw crispy on both sides but not near the stem and not near the top. Can someone please tell. What this is?



Well-Known Member
Way overferted and overwatered the whole grow, yikes. Soil should be light warrior for seedlings and veg then fox farms for flowering or a mix of the two for veg. Soil thesedays feeds for a few weeks so when you transplant or star out and add ferts then ask whys my plant doing this weirs thing theres your answer plus i only water when soil is really dry, even then i guess that super absorbant peat etc still holds moisture.

I have no experience in coco so no advice on those plants. Repot, dont use those ferts and water once lightly at repot then not till soil and pot are really dry then maybe you have a chance.

Most of the time i find i dont need ferts in soil till at least half way through flowering and repot reguarly.