Are you using his original recipe? How big is the pot?
I'm just wondering about that colour. It looks a little pale to my eyes (Nitrogen?). I could be seeing things though.
Are you using his original recipe? How big is the pot?
I'm just wondering about that colour. It looks a little pale to my eyes (Nitrogen?). I could be seeing things though.
Yea I am pretty sure its the original as a part of me thinks he uses shells, crap meal of whatever sorry i can't think of it I am pretty baked, but mines just ewc, blood, bone, guano, humic, azomite, lime, think i missed one thing
I top dressed a day or two ago so i think once it gets to the roots it'll bounce back, hopeuflly
Are you using his original recipe? How big is the pot?
I'm just wondering about that colour. It looks a little pale to my eyes (Nitrogen?). I could be seeing things though.
You think it's a toxic reaction? I'm thinking if he's using Sub's recipe, then it's possible he's dealing with a deficiency. I suppose one needs more info in this case, i.e. the actual recipe used.I agree ....time for a flush to my blog:
Rock Phosphate?
If that's the case, it should help. But they look like they're filling in nicely.
yep thats what i was forgetting last night, and epson salt
I followed it pretty good the only thing i can think is that the plant while it was still vegging was
1) while it was still vegging was in coco for a bit till i switched it
2) the SS i used hadn't been activating for the full time
3) temps have been around 78-83 F
So i used
2 bags of potting soil
bat poop
rock phos
dolo lime
sprayed with a SS tea and a EWC tea once each
top dressed with SS 2 days ago
haven't ph'd my water, as it comes out to be around 7
600w hps
temps around 78-83 -- 40-55% humidity
i think for the batch of SS i used initially had a local brand as the base potting soil as the base and then i am oretty sure i topped it off with Roots, i think that might be an issue because i was having problems with that soil with my other plants till i said fuck the local brand i'm gona stick with roots since i know its success
i will try that ph the soil/water, i do have a pen first round was coco, and see; i wouldnt be surprised if its cause the soil
though my peppers and tomatoes are loving that shit haha
That's what I am finding, too. It's my first year experimenting with SS, and I've started on the tomatoes (normally I add ferts in the feed water). Sure enough, it works as advertised.But I am also now watching for inconsistencies or signs of problem. My soil pH though is rocking at 6.3 (using the slurry method), so if anything happens in the short term, it won't be from lockout. You can also use the slurry method with a ppm pen, too. Might as well check it, then you'll know with more certainty if it's a deficiency or toxicity issue.