Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Well-Known Member
I've been changing diapers ever since I was a kid, I've never once been sprayed, lol.

But I so agree, babies are so cute, and fun, and I just want to hold em! My niece is 4 years old, and today we were showing her a lot of videos we took of her when she was a baby, and she was so precious.

They grow up so fast, and they're never as cute as when they were babies.


New Member
my kids are 18 and 21 and they are a pain in the ass...but I had the best time when they were babies...most fun I have had in my whole life....:)


Well-Known Member
my kids are 18 and 21 and they are a pain in the ass...but I had the best time when they were babies...most fun I have had in my whole life....:)

Aww that's so cute! *tackles you and smothers you with love for being a cute daddy*

I love hearing dad's talk about their kids. My dad sucks, so it kinda makes me feel better to know there are good dad's out there.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My three year old was over at her grandparents today and they think she's the best thing ever...she thinks the same about them...anyway, my old man is like, come on honey, lets go home, and she told him"Go to work....I'm staying with grandma and grandpa." And gently steered him out the door.I hope she doesnt keep them up all night.
Aww that's so cute! *tackles you and smothers you with love for being a cute daddy*

I love hearing dad's talk about their kids. My dad sucks, so it kinda makes me feel better to know there are good dad's out there.


Well-Known Member
I used to love staying at my grandma's house too. I used to watch Ren & Stimpy there all the time....

What rolls down stairs
alone or in pairs,
and over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack,
And fits on your back?
It's log, log, log

It's log, it's log,
It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good."

Everyone wants a log
You're gonna love it, log
Come on and get your log
Everyone needs a log
log log log


New Member
my kids are 18 and 21 and they are a pain in the ass...but I had the best time when they were babies...most fun I have had in my whole life....:)
Aww that's so cute! *tackles you and smothers you with love for being a cute daddy*I know....this guy breaks the mold:mrgreen:he's a sweet family man. he's just a little rough in the packaging dept;)

I love hearing dad's talk about their kids. My dad sucks, so it kinda makes me feel better to know there are good dad's out there.
me too
never had a good role model
I'm still looking for one

My three year old was over at her grandparents today and they think she's the best thing ever...she thinks the same about them...anyway, my old man is like, come on honey, lets go home, and she told him"Go to work....I'm staying with grandma and grandpa." And gently steered him out the door.I hope she doesnt keep them up all night.
I think the adoration grandparents feel about their own babies kids is priceless:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Its just one of those wonderful things to watch
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