Easy Cloning!


Well-Known Member
Soak 1 x1 rockwool cubes in 5.5 ph water. Use lemon juice to lower.
Cut stem with at least 3 nodes, at 45 degree angle with super sharp blade.
Place directly in water.
Take all cuttings.
Now scrape outside of stem that will be in medium. (soil)
Remove half all old leaves but leave the new growth alone.
Dip scraped stem in rooting hormone gel or powder. (Powder)
Insert stem beside hole in rockwool all the way to the bottom. (Provided hole drains)
Place cube with cutting on bed of perlite in a closed dome under 20 hours of light x day.
After 5 days crack the dome so very little air can enter.
In 7-12 days you will have healthy rooted clones.
These can be placed directly into soil.

FYI This was my first attempt at cloning and was 10 for 10. Lucky yes. But I did my research and am happy you guys know what your doing !! Thanks!
PS. Sweet Black Angel and Sensi Star are my girls.


Well-Known Member
WTG! I too had similar success with my first 18/20 with pretty much the same technique ...short of I used ProMix potting soil in a party cup for the first 12 (I did 8 more in a dirt/manure mixture later when I mistakenly thought I had killed the first batch). I also spritzed with water that had a half dose of Fertilome flowering nutes (1/2 tsp per gl) I did a couple things that seemed to be a bit unique. I grew in clear solo cups that were dropped into red cups allowing me to slide the clear out of the red to see root growth without dumping... while still keeping the lights off the roots. Also made little single clone domes with another clear cup capping the clone and attached with a punched hole and a bit of yarn.

Just had to top about 8 inches off of all the originals as I need them to stay in my clone cabinet for another month. Will be culling 10 or 12 in the end. That will be a sad day. Would love to give them to someone but I tell no one...except y'all.

East Coast

Well-Known Member
No heating of perlite or cubes?

What is the temperature of your clone room?

What type / wattage light are they under?
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Well-Known Member
I know you are asking the OP but just FYI...My clone cabinet was generally between 80-85 and I did have a heating pad ...but it was just one I had around and it was the kind that turned itself off so it was not very effective. I also did 24 hour lighting under 2, 3ft T5s.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Ive done quite a few just cutting (near the bottom of the plant seem to take better) splitting bottom of cutting vertically, poking a hole in soil with toothpick and sticking the cutting in. Lightly pack around and put in indirect light for a few days. No domes, hormones,or heatpads. Right into solo cups. worked for me more than 90% of the time.

I had a pal who did the dome thing and all the doodads from the growshop, and any time he would take it off they would just fall down and droop over. I think he figured it out eventually, but it was just as easy for me to do it with just a razor and water.


Well-Known Member
Ive done quite a few just cutting (near the bottom of the plant seem to take better) splitting bottom of cutting vertically, poking a hole in soil with toothpick and sticking the cutting in. Lightly pack around and put in indirect light for a few days. No domes, hormones,or heatpads. Right into solo cups. worked for me more than 90% of the time.

I had a pal who did the dome thing and all the doodads from the growshop, and any time he would take it off they would just fall down and droop over. I think he figured it out eventually, but it was just as easy for me to do it with just a razor and water.
The 18/20 I mention here were my first cloning done completely by myself. My first grow, currently at 5 weeks of flower was done with plants that I cut and initially planted but were maintained by the gentleman mentoring me until my grow room and clone cabinet was complete. He did suggest Rootone cloning hormone and the miniscule amount of Fertilome but for me that accounted for less than $1 for the whole process. When I did my OWN, the first weekend, my mentor unavailable, I did not expect my cuttings to fall over drooping like they did ....so after checking locally for domes I came up with the solo cup dome idea (although I have since found out here that it was not an original idea ;) ). Those solo cup domes stood my clones right back up in a day and a half. I probably did not need them but, I left them on until I saw my first root and then took them off...they never re-drooped although due to a different mistake I thought I had messed them up so I made 8 more cuttings with the Rootone but..no dropping and thus no dome, and also no nutes. I did use a little different soil mixture though 2/3 basic K-mart dirt, 1 part manure. All eight of those hit the ground running and never had an issue. I read about the stem splitting here and will probably try that for grow 3. In any case, I too would be hardpressed to buy or build some fancy cloning device when this is so simple, cheap, and effective. As mentioned I had to top my newest plants as they were too far ahead of schedule...just for fun I have cut and scraped one of the toppings instead of tossing it and just threw it in water...like my wife does her African Violets...will see how that works out.


New Member
If anyone has any experience on growing clones in 100% perlite. (Like it suggests on the bag of perlite I have.) I would be very interested to hear how it turned out.
Also what are your guy's thoughts on using super thrive instead of a powder or gel?


New Member
OK. So say I don't happen to have a cloner...
UOTE="spek9, post: 10853575, member: 582769"]Seconded. No hormones or gels, no heat mats or domes or watering. Fill cloner with tap water, snip the plant, put in cloner. Done!



Well-Known Member
air layering is what i do now
got tired of failed clones , hormones , wilt , heating pads , misting , domes >.> etc etc
and im taking whole branches instead of a couple nodes :D