Travan Martin all over again??


Well-Known Member
You are a laughable little fool. If you weren't so monotonous and boring, you'd still be monotonous and boring.

Six zeroes in a million.
why don't you ever have a sngle word of condemnation for any of the racists, white nationalists, or white supremacists n this forum?

people who aren't racist shitheads usually like to speak up and condemn that kind of thing.

so why haven't you?


Well-Known Member
why don't you ever have a sngle word of condemnation for any of the racists, white nationalists, or white supremacists n this forum?

people who aren't racist shitheads usually like to speak up and condemn that kind of thing.

so why haven't you?
No they don't.

Most are content to mind their own business and be cautious about jumping to false and damaging conclusions.


Well-Known Member
No they don't.

Most are content to mind their own business and be cautious about jumping to false and damaging conclusions.
history tells a different tale, bignbushy.

people were pretty quick to tell you what a piece of shit you were under your previous username.

well, except for people like kynes and muyloco. white nationalists like desert dude were happy to praise you.


Well-Known Member
they also kill more people of other racial and ethnic groups than anyone else, so they got that goin for them too.

~13% of the population, ~38% of violent felonies.

but recognizing this fact is "RACIST!!"

if you want a really good laugh, check out "Operation Ghetto Storm" where they have invented a whole new category of death called "Extrajudicial Killing" to explain why so many (313 in 2012, by their extremely dubious claims) negroes are slain by "police security guards and vigilantes"

their "report" is 35 pages of hysterical claims of "genocide" and "extrajudicial murder" and "state sanctioned killing" of blacks, claims like "The govt promotes violence in "The Community", "the international banking system (which totally does not mean The Jews...) is complict in the "drug Trade which destroys "The Community" "The CIA brought crack in, to destroy "The Community", "the cops are CREATING crime in "The Community" by paying informants, and running stings!" and other such twaddle, followed by, by, i shit you not, 135 pages of "touching stories" like this one

View attachment 3231403

or this "victim of govt sponsored violence"

View attachment 3231404

or my personal favourite:

View attachment 3231405

armed robbery perp flees in car, crashes said car, jumps off of a bridge and dies.... Cops Killed Him!

the whole thing is a lollercaust of stupid shit like this, with a surprisingly small sprinkling of actual cases of excessive force or cops killing an innocent victim.

Perhaps the best term I've read this year, how did I miss it before?!


Well-Known Member
history tells a different tale, bignbushy.

people were pretty quick to tell you what a piece of shit you were under your previous username.

well, except for people like kynes and muyloco. white nationalists like desert dude were happy to praise you.
It only seems like there are a minority of racial dumb beaters around here.

Where racism exists all that need be done is that it be exposed.

You do that quite well.


Well-Known Member
Here's the original video. Witness is in background, doesn't know he is being recorded. Starts at 6:28 =>


Well-Known Member
in other words, you believe the cop's story no matter what despite the multiple contradictory eyewitness accounts.

makes perfect sense for someone like you, especially considering your quotes in my sig.
Lookey Lookey....

The eye witnesses said the defendant was running away from the cops as they were shooting at him.

Those must be some pretty amazing bullets to fly past him, do a 180 and hit him.

Or maybe the eye witnesses are mistaken and/or lying.

All the shots hit him in the front, not the back....

Maybe it was because the bullets were racist...


Well-Known Member
No, witness says Brown was rushing officer. Said he thought officer missed because Browm continued to rush.


Well-Known Member
No, witness says Brown was rushing officer. Said he thought officer missed because Browm continued to rush.
Considering the location of the bullet holes and pending Dr. Baden - one of 3 forensic examiners that is going to look at the body. It appears that Brown was rushing the cop.

If a 6'4 250# man is charging a police officer after he had already assaulted that police officer and was not listening to commands it might actually be a good shoot.

I wonder how much more rioting will happen if that turns out to be true.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't claim to know enough about it to make the choice. I don't usually weigh in on the race debates. I just know that 99% of UB's conclusions are the far fetched delusions of a guy with genuinely serious psychological issues.
Boy, ain't that the phukin' truth.


Well-Known Member
Lookey Lookey....

The eye witnesses said the defendant was running away from the cops as they were shooting at him.

Those must be some pretty amazing bullets to fly past him, do a 180 and hit him.

Or maybe the eye witnesses are mistaken and/or lying.

All the shots hit him in the front, not the back....

Maybe it was because the bullets were racist...


Well-Known Member
So the truth starts to come out...

The cute pictures of the little black kid turn into 7-11 video of him conducting a strong arm robbery by going into a convenience store, grabbing what he wanted and terrorizing the owner or employee in the process. And now it makes sense why he would attempt to jump into a police car and steal the cops gun. (this seemed a little out of hand before the facts started coming out.)

Do you think that cute little black kid was trying to reach for the gun because he was scared of the white cop?? Is that how the media is going to portray this story?

I would love for there to be video of the shooting because there isnt much bias in live tape.

The above being said... If everything else is true then that cop executed a black man in the street and he needs to go to jail.

The story isnt over yet....
Not over by far. National Guard sent in today.

This is self rule. People see outcomes looking like a Police State, we riot.

We have no regard to personal or public safety. That is the US Constitutions, WE the People.

I've done it. I got hurt. I am forever proud I did.


Well-Known Member
Lt Governer of MI, "We don't get Justice from the street."


Businesses should riot along with the Schools.

This is Kent State, not Travon.


Well-Known Member
Lt Governer of MI, "We don't get Justice from the street."


Businesses should riot along with the Schools.

This is Kent State, not Travon.

Ahahah ---- your joking, right?

The “shit for brains” segments of the population are destroying private property! They don’t give a fuck about justice --- that’s just an excuse to act out.

Hey, I got an idea; if you’re serious, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and take a few of your buds from RIU and join hands with the rest of the loons down there?

You could make up a RIU flag and patches so we could recognize you on TV!

Ahahah --- you are entertaining!


Well-Known Member
How is anyone going to tell the difference between the National Guard and the police? They all have the same equipment, tactics and weapons.


Well-Known Member
Lt Governer of MI, "We don't get Justice from the street."


Businesses should riot along with the Schools.

This is Kent State, not Travon.
You are dishonoring the students killed at Kent State.

The victim here just robbed a 7-11 and there is now evidence he was not running from the cops when he was shot.


Well-Known Member
Yep, Looks like Travan all over again...

DOJ conducting it's own investigation. Obama proves yet again he doesnt trust local officials. Then it comes out the Justice Department was pressuring the local law enforcement not to release the video tape of the 7-11 robbery.

If this guy attacked a cop inside his police car then ran away but turned around and charged the cop then it was a good shooting and I bet Eric Holder tries to go after the cop for a civil rights violation with the same effect it had on Zimmerman. He aint got shit... Good to know that our Justice department is color blind. It dont matter what happens to whitey, but if there is the hint of a violation against a black person we are going to focus our full attention on it... Bengazi? IRS? We dont have time for that stuff!