
Well-Known Member
This is the Autopsy of Mike Brown who was killed in Ferguson Missouri, unarmed, by a police officer. The Autopsy showed that he was not shot at close range, and was shot in the front, possibly with his hands in the air.

What I am getting from this is that the kid messed with a cop, maybe shoved him or something. Then he ran, knowing he was 6' 4" and could outrun the guy. The cop felt emasculated, so he pulled out a gun and yelled "Freeze or I'll shoot". Then when Mike Brown turned around to face him and put his hands up, he unloaded his gun into his face.


Well-Known Member
On a side note, I have been pulled over a multitude of times, never even had a cop raise his voice at me. A better suggestion is to know who you are dealing with and act appropriately.


Well-Known Member
On a side note, I have been pulled over a multitude of times, never even had a cop raise his voice at me. A better suggestion is to know who you are dealing with and act appropriately.
Then I guess I should add to my suggestion, if you are not white or if you have long hair.


Well-Known Member
I never said that either of the conditions didn't apply to me. My avatar is not me lol
If you have never had a cop ask you uneccisary questions or point a gun at you, then you are probably white and somewhat well off. I am pretty sure most people have police point guns at them at some point. All I do is smoke weed and have hair, and I have had at least 8 police guns pointed at me separated into 2 different occasions. 1 time they busted in my house with no warrant, then the other time they pulled me over for having tires that were too flat and making squeekes when I pulled off from a stop sign.

I have been robbed on various occasions including a car jacking, and I have had MORE police point guns at me than "bad guys".


Well-Known Member
Did anyone else notice that the Cops in Ferguson are "playing" Sons of Anarchy right now? They are "Righteously Corrupt" then they fucked up, so they brought in the non-local bald non-white police guy to make them look better, then they put out a video to make the guy they shot look more like he deserved it so that no one wants to ask them any more questions.


Well-Known Member
And just BTW, to anyone that says "Police needs to use their guns all the time to keep us safe" Gangs DID NOT USE GUNS before Governor Wallace came on TV and said that they were arming the police with better guns, better bullets and better cars to come for the gangs. The cops use Glocks, Crown Vics (used to) and have "beats" that are segregated territories. The gangs use Glocks, Crown Vics (still sometimes) and have territories that they control, that are sometimes the SAME as the police quadrants or zones.

When we give certain people the right to use guns and go after certain other people in our communities, they just retaliate. Kind of like how we went to the middle east thinking we were Gods to a bunch of stone age people, and now ISIS is using our own stuff against things we don't want them to. (I don't agree with any of the war, I just say "we" because I am an American and for some reason we do that)

And Mike Brown was UNARMED, 18 years old, and about to go to college.


Well-Known Member
Ferguson has a 50% unemployment rate among males:shock: ..
no wonder they have so much time to riot and loot ...


Well-Known Member
then the other time they pulled me over for having tires that were too flat and making squeekes when I pulled off from a stop sign.
People profile and make assumptions everyday unfortunately, and police do it more due to the nature of their job. It is human nature really. I'm not a cop, but when I see a guy who has flat tires, and a squeaking vehicle, I would personally probably think either the guy was piss poor, or that he just didn't give a damn. In both cases, being poor or not caring, there is a fairly good chance that this is caused by drug abuse. Dispute it if you want, but I have been around a while. Being a police officer is a job. To stop people from doing illegal things. They have bosses to report to and arrest numbers they have to make. Just as in any other job, if they come back with a number of zero, they "haven't been doing their job". They feel they have more of a chance finding something stopping the dude in the POS car. Sorry, but its a fact of life and one that will likely never change. Regardless of anything. Human nature is human nature.

I'm not saying that I agree with it. I'm just saying its a fact of life. Just like life and death. Poverty breeds crime. Crime brings police. Police are human. What can you say? Sucks, but thats life.

As I said before, always be aware of your situation, and always know who you are dealing with and act accordingly.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
If you have never had a cop ask you uneccisary questions or point a gun at you, then you are probably white and somewhat well off. I am pretty sure most people have police point guns at them at some point. All I do is smoke weed and have hair, and I have had at least 8 police guns pointed at me separated into 2 different occasions. 1 time they busted in my house with no warrant, then the other time they pulled me over for having tires that were too flat and making squeekes when I pulled off from a stop sign.

I have been robbed on various occasions including a car jacking, and I have had MORE police point guns at me than "bad guys".
But aren't you in Texas? I haven't any heartwarming stories about Texas law enforcement.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure most people have police point guns at them at some point.
And ehhhh.....i really doubt that. I can't recall any times anyone in my family has said that police have pointed guns at them. Well, other than my cousin, but he's a crackhead. So thats...yea