GUYS listen here


Well-Known Member
I just got in a big fist fight with my step dad and we hashed it out really bad

I got a busted nose and he has a cut up face

Thats not why im posting this thread

I might not be on for a while cuz he called the cops

I love u guys (except main liner lol jk)

I've never been so attached to people on the internet before like you guys

Hopefully they dont arrest me or chase after me

I had a bit to drink so my friend is driving me to Florida

If all goes well y'all will here from me tomorrow or the day after


Well-Known Member
bitch, my brother knocked out my tooth and I did some bad bad dirty south shit.

get over it, I on parole and got kicked outta a court mandated program for substance abuse. yo shit is that

come back when you serve some time in a supermax over gun charges and attempted murder.


Well-Known Member
Thats right Ty I know you listen to country music and if there is one thing that will teach you its bye gawd you hit people when they are wrong.

And you're supposed to fight your dad especially if its a step dad dont hop in the general lee and run to Florida stand your ground, Say to him yous say "Stewart Imma man now and I jack it to scene girls in the livin room when nobodys home if I want" and then hit him.