Police abuse at it's finest

when a black cop has shot and killed a white guy, yes it has happened you just don't hear about it, you don't see gangs of white people looting stores and setting fires and rioting do you? I don't like to lump all people into one category but you do have groups the band together with same mentality. if the shoe fits...
when a black cop has shot and killed a white guy, yes it has happened you just don't hear about it, you don't see gangs of white people looting stores and setting fires and rioting do you? I don't like to lump all people into one category but you do have groups the band together with same mentality. if the shoe fits...

So how did you hear about it?
I just have a hard time believing a whole neighborhood of any race would collectively lie, just because someone of their race was killed.

when a black cop has shot and killed a white guy, yes it has happened you just don't hear about it, you don't see gangs of white people looting stores and setting fires and rioting do you? I don't like to lump all people into one category but you do have groups the band together with same mentality. if the shoe fits...

This is also a very racist thing to say....
So with that thought process if it were a black cop and a dead white guy, and all white witnesses they would all say the black cop is at fault.

This scenario wouldn't have made the news. That's the reality.

It's a real shame what happened here, and until all of the facts come out we're dealing in speculation ..... but why should this case be any more worthy of our remorse than William Reddie? Similar situations, but in this instance there was a black guy killed by a white cop, so it's national news. Why is that?

Al Sharpton popping up on the scene every time something like this happens does a disservice to his supposed cause. His words ring hollow with me anymore. If he really wanted to help the black community he would address the ridiculously high violent crime rate with his people (usually black on black). He'd stress the importance of an education. He'd fight to get funding for inner city schools. He'd point to the fact that blacks make up 13% of the population, yet account for 51% of all violent crime and work to change that. Instead, he chooses to fan the racist flames. He's no advocate for the black community.
This scenario wouldn't have made the news. That's the reality.

It's a real shame what happened here, and until all of the facts come out we're dealing in speculation ..... but why should this case be any more worthy of our remorse than William Reddie? Similar situations, but in this instance there was a black guy killed by a white cop, so it's national news. Why is that?

Al Sharpton popping up on the scene every time something like this happens does a disservice to his supposed cause. His words ring hollow with me anymore. If he really wanted to help the black community he would address the ridiculously high violent crime rate with his people (usually black on black). He'd stress the importance of an education. He'd fight to get funding for inner city schools. He'd point to the fact that blacks make up 13% of the population, yet account for 51% of all violent crime and work to change that. Instead, he chooses to fan the racist flames. He's no advocate for the black community.

Because white Americans are not the victim of an orchestrated socioeconomic war on minorities....They are by far disproportionately arrested compared to whites, and African American males under 21 make up almost 20% of all police homicides, where white men under 21 is around 5%. African Americans only make up 14% of the population.

Whatever the causes for those statistics, they are a far bigger issue than the death of Reddie(which was horrible and never should have happened.).
There are socioeconomic issues at play here. That's undeniable. I think it's a reach to say that they're orchestrated, or aimed at any particular race though. There is a small percentage of (mostly white) folks that control all of the wealth, and then there are the rest of us. A black kid growing up in the hood has the same opportunities that a white, or Latino, or Asian kid does from that same hood.
There are socioeconomic issues at play here. That's undeniable. I think it's a reach to say that they're orchestrated, or aimed at any particular race though. There is a small percentage of (mostly white) folks that control all of the wealth, and then there are the rest of us. A black kid growing up in the hood has the same opportunities that a white, or Latino, or Asian kid does from that same hood.

Well in the "hood" it is a majority of minorities. If your not aware of how hoods become hoods, then I suggest you do some research on real estate practices over the last 100 years when it comes to minorities. Also the uniform way public schools are funded across the country is also a dead give away with how these hoods are "orchestrated" to stay "hoods". Whatever your race when you come from a lower income segment of the country your likely to stay there.

The pull yourself up from your bootstraps bull shit, is bull shit....
Well in the "hood" it is a majority of minorities. If your not aware of how hoods become hoods, then I suggest you do some research on real estate practices over the last 100 years when it comes to minorities. Also the uniform way public schools are funded across the country is also a dead give away with how these hoods are "orchestrated" to stay "hoods". Whatever your race when you come from a lower income segment of the country your likely to stay there.

The pull yourself up from your bootstraps bull shit, is bull shit....

I agree that the odds are stacked against kids growing up in poverty. That's a lifestyle that is most often perpetuated. I disagree that those circumstances tilt in a certain direction due to skin color.

There are many reasons that hoods become, and remain hoods. Detroit is a perfect example. Shitty schools. Shitty police force. Shitty elected officials. No tax base due to high unemployment. Etc

Who's fault is that though? I will concede that certain things are out of the control of the residents of Detroit, but they're not completely victims of circumstance. Who is to blame for electing shit head after shit head to the mayors office and city council? Who is to blame for the preponderance of single family, undesirable situations that kids are being raised in? Who's to blame that the city cant attract decent teachers because every school has to be equipped with metal detectors and security guards due to the violence? Who's to blame for the astronomical rate of (mostly black on black) violent crime?

It's a complex issue that both sides paint with a simplistic brush. Apparently you're in the blame everything on whitey camp, and at the other end of the spectrum are the racist red necks that think black folks made this entire bed.

Somewhere in the middle lays the truth
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I agree that the odds are stacked against kids growing up in poverty. That's a lifestyle that is most often perpetuated. I disagree that those circumstances tilt in a certain direction due to skin color.

There are many reasons that hoods become, and remain hoods. Detroit is a perfect example. Shitty schools. Shitty police force. Shitty elected officials. No tax base due to high unemployment. Etc

Who's fault is that though? I will concede that certain things are out of the control of the residents of Detroit, but they're not completely victims of circumstance. Who is to blame for electing shit head after shit head to the mayors office and city council? Who is to blame for the preponderance of single family, undesirable situations that kids are being raised in? Who's to blame that the city cant attract decent teachers because every school has to be equipped with metal detectors and security guards due to the violence? Who's to blame for the astronomical rate of (mostly black on black) violent crime?

It's a complex issue that both sides paint with a simplistic brush. Apparently you're in the blame everything on whitey camp, and at the other end of the spectrum are the racist red necks that think black folks made this entire bed.

Somewhere in the middle lays the truth

I'm not blaming the whites, I'm sure their are wealthy ethnicities across the globe profiting from our hybrid form of oppressive capitalism and socialism...

Ok so Ill give you a synopsis of the way the hood has been built with regards to blacks and real estate.

Sometime shortly after WW2 African Americans(mainly in the north and large cities) began to have more opportunities to relocate to slightly better neighborhoods . Well it became common practice to sell African Americans homes in predominately white neighborhoods for higher than market prices. Well after a few black families moved into the neighborhood, it would cause home prices to drop(because in the 50's-60's many white people did not want to live near black people) this would cause the white families to quickly sell their property(to black people, because you can charge them more) and move, dramatically lowering home prices. Now many of the black people in the neighborhood are upside down on their mortgages, and eventually these neighborhoods became the same minority neighborhoods the original black buyers moved away from. There was really no viable escape from impoverished areas for African Americans, and it's sad to say that these real estate practices and how home prices are effected by % of black people still exist today.

Combine this with public schools being funded by local property tax, and you have your perpetual cycle of "hoods".

Your poor whites do exist in urban areas but are highly outnumbered, by minorities. I am a pure example. When my mother left my father, she moved us to a very cheap apartment community in one of the largest cities in FL. I was one of 3 white kids in my class out of 35-40 kids. I am sure it is the same ratios in Detroit, as it was in other large cities that I have been to. When black people once again only make up only 14%, how else can you explain those ratios?
I'm not blaming the whites, I'm sure their are wealthy ethnicities across the globe profiting from our hybrid form of oppressive capitalism and socialism...

Ok so Ill give you a synopsis of the way the hood has been built with regards to blacks and real estate.

Sometime shortly after WW2 African Americans(mainly in the north and large cities) began to have more opportunities to relocate to slightly better neighborhoods . Well it became common practice to sell African Americans homes in predominately white neighborhoods for higher than market prices. Well after a few black families moved into the neighborhood, it would cause home prices to drop(because in the 50's-60's many white people did not want to live near black people) this would cause the white families to quickly sell their property(to black people, because you can charge them more) and move, dramatically lowering home prices. Now many of the black people in the neighborhood are upside down on their mortgages, and eventually these neighborhoods became the same minority neighborhoods the original black buyers moved away from. There was really no viable escape from impoverished areas for African Americans, and it's sad to say that these real estate practices and how home prices are effected by % of black people still exist today.

Combine this with public schools being funded by local property tax, and you have your perpetual cycle of "hoods".

Your poor whites do exist in urban areas but are highly outnumbered, by minorities. I am a pure example. When my mother left my father, she moved us to a very cheap apartment community in one of the largest cities in FL. I was one of 3 white kids in my class out of 35-40 kids. I am sure it is the same ratios in Detroit, as it was in other large cities that I have been to. When black people once again only make up only 14%, how else can you explain those ratios?

Regarding home prices for African Americans..... not saying I don't believe you, but this is news to me. Was their a white price, and a separate sale listing for people of color? I could certainly see in that era people refusing to sell their home to a black family, but how did they go about charging them more money?

I'm a product of the Canadian public school system, so forgive me if this is common knowledge down here
I'm not blaming the whites, I'm sure their are wealthy ethnicities across the globe profiting from our hybrid form of oppressive capitalism and socialism...

Ok so Ill give you a synopsis of the way the hood has been built with regards to blacks and real estate.

Sometime shortly after WW2 African Americans(mainly in the north and large cities) began to have more opportunities to relocate to slightly better neighborhoods . Well it became common practice to sell African Americans homes in predominately white neighborhoods for higher than market prices. Well after a few black families moved into the neighborhood, it would cause home prices to drop(because in the 50's-60's many white people did not want to live near black people) this would cause the white families to quickly sell their property(to black people, because you can charge them more) and move, dramatically lowering home prices. Now many of the black people in the neighborhood are upside down on their mortgages, and eventually these neighborhoods became the same minority neighborhoods the original black buyers moved away from. There was really no viable escape from impoverished areas for African Americans, and it's sad to say that these real estate practices and how home prices are effected by % of black people still exist today.

Combine this with public schools being funded by local property tax, and you have your perpetual cycle of "hoods".

Your poor whites do exist in urban areas but are highly outnumbered, by minorities. I am a pure example. When my mother left my father, she moved us to a very cheap apartment community in one of the largest cities in FL. I was one of 3 white kids in my class out of 35-40 kids. I am sure it is the same ratios in Detroit, as it was in other large cities that I have been to. When black people once again only make up only 14%, how else can you explain those ratios?
Wait, so you are saying that since "blacks" move to an area and "whites" moved out it now becomes a hood because the "blacks" are upside down on their mortgages?? what does being upside down on your mortgage have to do with raising your children responsibly, paying your bills, taking care of your home and respecting yours and your neighbors property? I was in an upside down mortgage for sometime and so were most of my neighbors and my hours were cut at work so it was a struggle to pay my bills but guess what, I found a new job, my neighborhood was still safe, gangs weren't an issue, houses were kept up and we were still respectful of our neighbors. And I'm sorry but the truth is that there are more minorities in prison because they are committing more crimes. Or maybe it's that they just aren't as good as the "white" at not getting caught. white guy robs a store and a black guy robs the store next to it the police aren't gonna say lets go get the black guy cause the white guy really needed the money, come on now lets be real about it
You know whats really sad is all the comments from the black community on this guy's video were calling him an uncle tom or worse
Regarding home prices for African Americans..... not saying I don't believe you, but this is news to me. Was their a white price, and a separate sale listing for people of color? I could certainly see in that era people refusing to sell their home to a black family, but how did they go about charging them more money?

I'm a product of the Canadian public school system, so forgive me if this is common knowledge down here

There were limited avenues for African Americans when it came to finding sellers who would sell to a black family, and financial institutions willing to offer them the loan. Most of the time a company would buy up multiple houses in a white neighborhood and then sell them to African Americans, and would either have specific lenders they worked with or would do in house financing. Basically think of the buy here pay here auto market. If I am not mistaken tv shows in the 70's like "All In The Family" and the "Jefferson's" touch on these issues.
Wait, so you are saying that since "blacks" move to an area and "whites" moved out it now becomes a hood because the "blacks" are upside down on their mortgages??

No, I'm saying the blacks that at one time who worked hard enough to buy a overpriced home in a white neighborhood, a few years later became a black family upside down on thier mortgage, most likely now living once again in a black neighborhood with low home values. This means lower property taxes, which means less funding for schools, which equates to a neighborhood of low/under skilled young people who are less likely to get better paying jobs, and more likely to commit crime.

If that doesn't make sense then I highly suggest taking courses in sociology and economics.

So how did you hear about it?
same way I heard about the 4 thugs who beat the white hot dog vendor. local news edited to say local news in ferguson.. I keep up on several different news sites not just mainstream media. my point was those incidents don't make national headlines. why? because it wasn't a racial agenda being thrown into the spotlight and again didn't fit the "socioeconomic" agenda being pushed about minorities
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No, I'm saying the blacks that at one time who worked hard enough to buy a overpriced home in a white neighborhood, a few years later became a black family upside down on thier mortgage, most likely now living once again in a black neighborhood with low home values. This means lower property taxes, which means less funding for schools, which equates to a neighborhood of low/under skilled young people who are less likely to get better paying jobs, and more likely to commit crime.

If that doesn't make sense then I highly suggest taking courses in sociology and economics.

I guess maybe I should because no that doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure that's how it goes but still doesn't make any sense to me at all. Damn I work at mcdonalds lemme go carjack someone?? Let me also say I was raised in Detroit, eastside specifically. My mom didn't work and my dad had a factory job working nights so he wasn't really around. We got by. not poor but definitely wouldn't say middle class either. working poor I guess you could say just like all my neighbors. but houses were kept up, kids were outside playing without fear of drive bys and crack dealers. you're a product of your own mentality and choices.
I guess maybe I should because no that doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure that's how it goes but still doesn't make any sense to me at all. Damn I work at mcdonalds lemme go carjack someone?? Let me also say I was raised in Detroit, eastside specifically. My mom didn't work and my dad had a factory job working nights so he wasn't really around. We got by. not poor but definitely wouldn't say middle class either. working poor I guess you could say just like all my neighbors. but houses were kept up, kids were outside playing without fear of drive bys and crack dealers. you're a product of your own mentality and choices.

You really should...