GUYS listen here


Well-Known Member
Disguise. Disguise is everything. Get a false beard - a long one. wear a nice tweed cap and wooly jumper with wellies. Go all 'Irish abroad', the fuckers are everywhere, so nobody will suspect a thing.

Good luck. Come back safe.


Well-Known Member
Youve fucked up bro. I was in a similar situation once and when i heard the other guy trying to call cops i started strangling him and repeatedly asking you still calling the pigs or you rather breathe? Nothing like the lack of oxigen to change the whim of a persons will belive me. Has worked for me without future retaliation, something about complete vulnerability and you looking like a psycho directly into the subdued persons eyes leaves an ever lasting fear spawning in that person.


Well-Known Member
I made it lol and he pushed me first so I beat the shit out of him

Im in Florida and its hot af but I got family down here too


Well-Known Member
best thing about Jacksonville is i live near blackhat and they make the best vape e liquid

oh and i see mainliner is leaving :D