"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...


Well-Known Member
So there was this one time back in the high school days.. I was hanging with my dudes at the time, didnt smoke at this point unfortunately, and we were discussing our favorite character in Scrubz. Tyler, Nik and Josh the toolshed all claimed they liked Dr. Cox [spelling?] ... And I tend to enjoy asshole characters because the assholery runs thick in my blood. So I exclaimed "I like Cox too!"
they returned with huge stares and gradually increasing laughter. HUEHUE SO FUNNY GUIS

so currently my roommates and I are enjoying that 70s show, and we start naming our favorite characters. Mine were Hyde and Red, obviously. Becca revealed that her fave is Kitty. And I was about to say "nooo, I like the assholes" but then something happened... something magical... I simply kept my mouth shut. [@mainliner take notes bruh]
See, thanks to my previous embarassment, I saved myself some bullshit.
fuck this story, I have a chub goin on and it could be all yours SO COME AT ME LETTES!!1

^pasted from my match.com profile


Well-Known Member
So there was this one time back in the high school days.. I was hanging with my dudes at the time, didnt smoke at this point unfortunately, and we were discussing our favorite character in Scrubz. Tyler, Nik and Josh the toolshed all claimed they liked Dr. Cox [spelling?] ... And I tend to enjoy asshole characters because the assholery runs thick in my blood. So I exclaimed "I like Cox too!"
they returned with huge stares and gradually increasing laughter. HUEHUE SO FUNNY GUIS

so currently my roommates and I are enjoying that 70s show, and we start naming our favorite characters. Mine were Hyde and Red, obviously. Becca revealed that her fave is Kitty. And I was about to say "nooo, I like the assholes" but then something happened... something magical... I simply kept my mouth shut. [@mainliner take notes bruh]
See, thanks to my previous embarassment, I saved myself some bullshit.
fuck this story, I have a chub goin on and it could be all yours SO COME AT ME LETTES!!1

^pasted from my match.com profile
Winning at dating site personal!!!!!!