"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...


Well-Known Member
I live in Colorado and I never run into such women. They may exist, they do not advertise. Makes no sense, everything ELSE women grow turns out awesome!

That would be a sexist statement but for the facts;
A. Seen a lot of gardens and the ladies' win, hands down

B. I know of no women who spend thousands of dollars on gardening equipment and then keep it all inside! This kind of stupidity has testosterone written allllllll over it.
Guilty! I've got loads of equipment. I love fast cars and I've got a full bike license. My Mother always said that I was the son she never had. However she had a Norton 250cc in her day. I'm more CBR 600cc tbh.


Well-Known Member
Ok I heard about the unicorn post over on ganja girls. figured I'd come say hi.
*waves to MD914:bigjoint: fancy seeing you over here! hehehe
Holy shit - ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!


This thread was started, really because it's often a little sausage-like over here in T n T.

I am not a grower (I'm a baker) and also not single.

But - thought it would be fun to get some more Ovaries up in the mix!



Well-Known Member
If our periods start synchronizing it's going to be soooooooo mortifying...

Anyone used to be a fan of YM magazine?

(random fallopian fact: if you lived in Canada as a girl - you fucking loved "Young and Modern" magazine - probably)

Dating thread gone FULL VAGINA! Let's talk about butterflies and boys!!!!




Well-Known Member
Dating thread gone FULL VAGINA! Let's talk about butterflies and boys!!!!


View attachment 3233707[/QUOTE]

I'd rather talk about cannabis and video games.. see my avi? that's my world when I'm not at work.

My favorite right now is Titanfall, soon to be replaced by sims 4, already pre-ordered.
then once the new smell is gone will go back to titanfall


Well-Known Member
I'd rather talk about cannabis and video games.. see my avi? that's my world when I'm not at work.

I don't know much about video games really. Hand-eye coordination is just as important in the vid game world, as it is in the real world.

My COD guy always looked like he had some kind of Palsy.

I DO really like a little game called "Magic: the gathering".

Do you make extracts at all? I have been strictly making butter for awhile. But I think I'm going to branch out.

Tinctures sound like the place to be.

Oh my...and there is some really glorious looking hash out there...


Well-Known Member

I don't know much about video games really. Hand-eye coordination is just as important in the vid game world, as it is in the real world.

My COD guy always looked like he had some kind of Palsy.

I DO really like a little game called "Magic: the gathering".

Do you make extracts at all? I have been strictly making butter for awhile. But I think I'm going to branch out.

Tinctures sound like the place to be.

Oh my...and there is some really glorious looking hash out there...
I have MTG on my 360 and I used to play the actual card game years ago. not recently though.
I make butter, and I really want to make tinctures. I have a nice green glycerin tincture from my local dispensary, really want to make my own now.
I'll leave the hash making alone. tried that.. epic fail


Well-Known Member
My favorite right now is Titanfall, soon to be replaced by sims 4, already pre-ordered.
then once the new smell is gone will go back to titanfall
Titanfall - no idea
Sims - heard of this one, but again have never played

I have played and really enjoyed:

World of Goo - kickass
Battle of the Beards - Duck Dynasty - funny as fuck

And my ex was really into a game where 1940's music was on in the background and you fought zombies in a post-apocolyptic world. Don't...rememeber...the...name though...

I have definitely WATCHED my fair share of vid games back in the day.

My most recent vid game embarrassment: my 87 year old father and 70 year old mother just DEMO'D me at x-box kinect sports. ALL OF THEM!

Oh - and this vid game commercial made me cry...