DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I just finished reading the entire thread. I have learned a lot more than I thought I would and not just about how to grow in DWC.
Thanks a bunch Heisenberg and everyone else who contributed to this knowledge rich thread.
After giving up on DWC a week or two after I started everytime, I am happy to say I'm in my second week in DWC with nice explosive root growth and no slime. I also used the tea on two seedlings in soil which also showed explosive growth!!!!

This is after 24 hours giving the girls the tea. Is this normal to have this much brown slim?


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Wtf that shit is down right nasty. Is has the consistency of green mucus, but brown. Ive allready lost a few plants, im running a diy undercurrent 5 gal bucket system with 85 buckets. 2'' pvc pipe conecting with 2 1600 gph mag drive pumps for return. I have a huge air pump sweet water s45. And have a 1.5 horse powper chiller that keep my res at 66. I have it at 72 for the tea. About two weeks ago I seralized my system with 3ml per gal with h202, then added green planet clean slate an then roots acelarator. I thinks the 3ml was to much and fried my roots. These are young plants. Then I ran some ridomil and drained now im nto the tea with this result.
were the roots already fucked up before the tea, or did your tea do that? what are your ingredients and process for bubbling tea and dosing the res? Make sure no chloramine or light leaks.

what do you use for nutes? Make sure nothing containing organics.

I have been having good results with great white, aquashield, ancient forest humus, and molasses. The wrong ingredients or additives... or using too much molasses can slime you.
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what are your ingredients and process for bubbling tea and dosing the res? Make sure no chloramine or light leaks.
100% to the Heises directions. I have put no zymes. I did put in a root acelarator before the tea though. I guess maybe i could have a small bit of light with not having enough hydrotron. Still thinking that brown slimed took over in 24 hours I must have some other issue
only time I have been slimed like that is from liquid karma... organics...

actually... I have also been fucked by mycogrow... which is why I'm using great white now. I think the molasses is too much too... I use 1 TBSP in 3 gallons r/o water.
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Another perspective is that I had the same issue with my 144 unit power cloner. I ran the ridomil and they really responded well. Tons of new shoots and seeing almost a inch day in growth. I drained on monday and added the tea. I also put in a dosage of botancare power cloner. New slips had to go in with the old clones. Had no choice. And today I added a presrbide dose of aquaguard. So want this to work. The idea of dirt is not appealing. Although I have 84 in dirt that look amazing in week 3 of flower and wondering if I can pull this off.
So after 48 hours I am seeing new root prodution. No slim at present and my ph rose from 6.1 - 6.5 in 14 hours. Finaaly going the right way. So I thought I should bring my ph down. I used AN ph down diluted before I droped in rez. Around 25mls. With in a minute I had foaming in my rez and all of the buckets. I also noticed my new roots were hating what I did. Obviously this in not what to do. Anybody have some input on adjusting ph with fresh bennies.
never had a problem with general hydroponics or technaflora ph adjusters. several AN products are known slime triggers (they have an anaerobic "bennies" product which causes slime), and they are overpriced anyway... see if you can go with a different company. Also worth noting, I tried the GH ph down powder and I don't recommend the powder.
Thanks, a bro told me that a ph product that is ammonia based is also a bennie killer. Read the label and did not say what the base was. Im am thinking on moving to botanicare products. There power cloner product works very well and im using there auqa gaurd. Im at a point were Im going to give my 84 buckets another round of ridomil. There is a dude on a icmag web site that doc. a turn around using the ridomil and his plant were is the same shape as mine. I am going to follow how lead and dose every plant. last time i just dropped it in the rez. Ill post pics of my results of my power cloner. after three days of recovery I had to start topping the new growth.
botanicare is good... I use kind for nutes... don't put liquid karma in the res. aquashield and pond-zyme is the combo I used for a long time, but back to great white / aquashield tea this run. Not sure what ridomil is, but if it works why not.
Just wanted to add some ingredient that I tested in my tea lately, actually I have no idea if it´s any good in the tea honestly so hart to tell why this worked so well for me without any real science and knowledge about the effects? All I can do is give to plants and watch what happen and for sure something did happen, noticeably better growth.

What I do know though is that my plants were stunted and when I put that ingredient in my tea I manage to start them up again and they are doing much better then before stunted even so perhaps it does add to tea really I don´t know but it surely seam to have an effect on the plants either way. I am gonna try brewing my tea like I always did in the past and add this substance in the water for plants instead next time to try it out cause it surely did have some effect on my plants of that I am certain and they grow faster when I add it as well + just overall healthier! I came up with the idea after I was out of both Ascophyllum Nodosum that I normally put a little of in my tea at the end of brew. Was also out of Superthrive and Supervit not that I add that to tea but still I like to experiment so...

The substance I talk about is: Shilajit/Shelajeet/Mumio/Muijo, it goes under many different names although most common is: Shilajit at least here in the west. If anyone wanna try this out please be very careful guys especially if new to Shilajit, my tip is to study it carefully first and go with a well known seller/brand that have a great reputation cause this might the most faked substance in the hole world. It is very scarce and therefor very expensive, it´s found in very small amounts at high elevation in the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus mountains etc and false marketing is all over the place. Many recommend Lotus Blooming Herbs brand but me personally think PurBlack is even one notch higher in quality although both are of very high quality, stay away from brands who cook the substance when cleaning it from impurities cause it destroy a lot of goodies in it, also stay away from powders and go for the live resin. It is expensive as heck but when you go for the undiluted high quality stuff you need very little of it, I put about half a gram in 5-10 liter of fluid with awesome results but perhaps I could use less only one way to test it out right?

Quote from rudramani online but do your own research if you wanna try it out:

"Shilajit contains 85+ minerals in ionic form, Vitamins, Fulvic acid and very important phytonutrients. The fulvic acid in shilajit is in it's most natural and purest form. Fulvic acid is required to dilate the cell walls and transport the minerals deep into the cells. No amount of mineral supplements will be of any use unless they are transported into the cells. Minerals also act as catalysts in the assimilation of vitamins. Insufficient supply of minerals will also mean vitamin deficiency. Fulvic acid alone can transport the minerals through the thick cell walls. Shilajit has 85+ minerals apart from fulvic acid and can instantly supply them to the cells. It can effectively prolong cell life and keep it healthy for a very long time. No wonder the Indian Yogis called it as Amrita or the Elixir Of Life. Shilajit is truly a SUPERFOOD"

Yeah I know it´s for human consumption but it obviously work on animals and plants as well I suppose and full of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, enzymes, electrolytes, amino acids etc so if you interested you can Google/search for lab analysis online, although only good for that specific Brand and batch though since this is a natural substance "manufactured" by nature under hundreds perhaps thousands of years. Also read the testing that have been done if you read up on proven benefits, especially the Russians are leading in that area. I take it myself as well obviously and yes there is no doubt I feel it, NOT placebo I have tested all kinds of superfoods on the market under many years now and for most of the time I can honestly say that mostly I cannot tell if working or not but Shilajit is indeed different in that department.

Sorry for this looong text and slightly OT subject guys, just wanted to share my experiences from using this substance for plants cause I feel I must share this after personally experiencing such amazing results.


PDF: http://www.google.se/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http://www.sabinsa.com/products/standardized-phytoextracts/shilajit/shilajit.pdf&ei=BwD6U7OjJ4m9ygPYyYCgCw&usg=AFQjCNEmarbIeOPmGiNWIO9ur8AOIAmbmA&bvm=bv.73612305,d.bGQ
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Just wanted to add some ingredient that I tested in my tea lately, actually I have no idea if it´s any good in the tea honestly so hart to tell why this worked so well for me without any real science and knowledge about the effects? All I can do is give to plants and watch what happen and for sure something did happen, noticeably better growth.

There are a couple of red flags here. "Natural" is a marketing term. It has no scientific significance when we are talking about chemicals. So right away the claim that purblack is the most "natural" source is just meaningless hype. The same thing goes for "superfood". It has no meaning outside the world of marketing. Looking at the website, it has all the earmarks of quackery. It is true, however, that many, many counterfeit sources of Shilajit are out there.

Shilajit is used in traditional Indian medicine, however most of the claims are BS. There is limited evidence it can help with a few narrow conditions, but so far it has not been studied against placebo. As you can see from this list, the evidence does not support any of the claims made on the purblack website. http://examine.com/supplements/Shilajit/

A scientific review reports:

This review finds that shilajit is used in twenty Sastric formulations and twenty-four proprietary drugs for extraneous indications. Even-though, there is a long history of use of shilajit in traditional Indian materia medica, shilajit unfortunately lacks scientific evaluation and systematic documentation. In vivo antioxidant activity of shilajit has been studied at an irrelevant dose and without using a positive control. The immuno-modulatory activity does not stand the test of critical assessment and currently may be considered as unproven.

Based on the earlier studies, the bioactivity of shilajit lacks substantial evidence. Nevertheless, further studies are imperative to overcome the lacuna in establishing the antioxidant property of shilajit and more specific assays are needed to vouch shilajit as an immuno-modulator which may be of use to establish its rasayana potential.


As for what it can do for plants... there really aren't any studies. It is an interesting idea. We know what fulvic acid can do (http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~soilecol/Full articles/2006/Effects of humic acids.pdf), and there may indeed by some other good stuff in there, as shilajit is basically ancient plant and microbial compounds. The question is, does it outperform other sources of those substances? A gallon of Diamond Nectar is only $30. It seems the first step would be to compare it to cheaper and more abundant products. But, we shouldn't start with the idea that it is special simply because it's traditional, or because marketers have done a good job at pushing our buttons.


HELP NEEDED ASAP ! Hi I've been reading through this thread, amazing info , I just need to pick someone's brains, I've been growing for years with no problems until I switched to dwc .. I got the slime due to improper res conditions, i've now corrected these conditions! with a chiller and blocking out all light leaks,
the problem I'm having is the root that where infected have now been removed but not no new roots are growing and the ones that did start growing survived a day or two then They go brown and mushy once they reach about half an inch from the root riot cube that's sat in the net pot
I'm brewing my first batch of tea as we speak , the babies are very little with little to no roots left coming from the cube are they still infected with slime / Cyanobacteria? the system has been bleach a few times but the roots only grow a day or two after I stop the bleach then they go brown.
this problem has now been going for 6 weeks or more?
1) Are my cubes infected ?is this why roots die ?
2) or is the bad bacteria still living in the pocket above the water line ? How to fix / prevent this from ruing this run , I've waited 5 weeks+ with no sign they are growing at All please help !
Also my system is a alien rdwc 18 pot ph no higher then 6 no lower then 5.5 I'm only light feeding a and b house of garden aqua at the mo, as every time I use the amino, roots Excelerator , multizyme the slime appears again
Please help below is the largest plant with the most root left I know it's bad but any help on getting these rooted again will betruly amazing


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Please someone help me answer the above questions .... also do I need to bleach the system again before the beanie tea goes in? the main problem I'm having, is how do I cure the rot that I believe lives in the root riot cubes ... ? And is killing the new root growth ? The cubes stay very wet with the splash from the bubbles and especially as I have to cover them to prevent light leaks please someone help me get these roots growing again ... Thanks in advance ;)
Understood Heisenberg, I meant to give some info about my own results that´s all really.

Naturally I cannot confirm any info found online really so that´s just basically posting the info I have found, not meant as "I know for a fact" kinda info so sorry about that.
I understand the hole industry is perhaps corrupt but at very least see $$$ over anything else so "superfoods" just like western medicine is about making money firstly and health secondly imho.

Regarding Purblack what I meant is that I feel personally that one is the best of all I have tested so far and they do provide you with a lab analysis if you want one which is more then some other brands do. As far as placebo goes it´s a well established phenomena for sure, luckily for me though I am always brutally honest with myself and always have very low expectations when I consume these so called "superfoods", supplements etc.. Think I´m born like that, nevertheless I have tested a wide range of them throughout the years and if they even gave me any benefits I did not notice, like I said it´s important to be honest with yourself and not imagine stuff. Have also done a wide range of brands of Shilajit and while most do not give me anything that I can tell some do, Purblack (note I have no connection to the brand whatsoever just another customer) is one of them brands where I can feel more clarity when I take, normally I am tired all the time and sometimes sleep as much as I´m awake but not after a weeks use of that stuff. For me there is no doubt it does something for me, regarding the plants something most def happen after that last batch of tea but yeah it´s true I cannot confirm why that was so?
Could be all coincidence and they just started growing well again after that or that the tea came out perfect that time around for some reason but failed before that? They are in soil and coco though and not DWC this time around so wish I could have direct access to seeing the roots but I do not.

I just does´t know my friend all I wanted to do is share my results cause I was on cloud 9 after seeing the results and trying to kick start them stubborn plants for week after week with no results prior to this. The only ingredient I did add was Shilajit rest is exactly the same, perhaps a coincident, quite a coincident but still a coincident? Let´s see in the future, if I can replicate this again and again for sure I would call that at least a bit more scientific in a way but if not, it was pure luck I guess? Either way I understand this is not the place to discuss this substance, again so very sorry for the OT and letting my pleasant mood after seeing progress getting the better of me.

Something that is related to this topic though, I am curious if you guys store your tea after brew and if so at what temps + for how long max? Asking cause every time I brew now I do smaller batches at a time so I can use it up right after it´s done, I also have a very small fridge but that´s another story.