Sannie's SugarPunch

Sugar Punch...

Sugar Punch... She was a pain in the ass to grow and needed a lot of attention. She seems to be sensitive to just about everything... I accidentally over watered one in flower and destroyed her... Also developed a Cal/Mag deficiency... Not easy to clone. I did clone her successfully but she needed constant attention. Then the Mom went into flower in 18 hrs of light, so I pushed her into the corner of my flower room. I wasn't too worried because I had a nice health top clone. Then two days later all of the clones went into flower... The mom and clones were in separate rooms and none of the other plants did anything like it. Sugar Punch is a freak... So now I have Mom and ALL of my clones in flower... So no more SP for me unless I start from seed again.

Overall... Sugar Punch is a Prima Donna that really delivers in the end. If you can make it through her gauntlet she will reward you with truly delicious, sweet, ass-kicking smoke. Not for the faint-of-heart and not for beginners...


Keizer Soze
:wall: :wall: :wall: bongsmilie :weed: (: o_O o_O o_O :clap:
Hows it going, Mike? Those look VERY nice, and well, so that helps explain it a lil, the SP I got from you, started flowering in 18 hours of light too, I thought it was something weird I did, well anyways, I still have my SPs and they are veging still (not sure why yours started flowering, maybe they were on a 24 hr schedule?), I'm going to regen the one you gave me, and I still have the other three, so i'll have clones for you, if you need them. It IS a sensitive plant though... I'm tryin to be gentle with her.
Did you grow out the candy kush yet?
Just wait until you try the jack I gave you...
Nice pics and reports Keizer.....I really like that second's trippy !!! Haha

I'm really liking these reports of the SP being potent....I have been wanting to get a potent strain into my collection.......

Anyone else have issues with germinating the SP ? I got one with a real long stem that does not want to grow anything past the cotlydons (sp)

Thank you.

I had germination issues that included two of them "stalling" for over a week. Watch her closely and don't let her dry out and she will probably get going again.
Hows it going, Mike? Those look VERY nice, and well, so that helps explain it a lil, the SP I got from you, started flowering in 18 hours of light too, I thought it was something weird I did, well anyways, I still have my SPs and they are veging still (not sure why yours started flowering, maybe they were on a 24 hr schedule?), I'm going to regen the one you gave me, and I still have the other three, so i'll have clones for you, if you need them. It IS a sensitive plant though... I'm tryin to be gentle with her.
Did you grow out the candy kush yet?
Just wait until you try the jack I gave you...

Thank you.

The SP I gave you is a freak. Not sure which pheno she is but she is sensitive. My clones are stretching big time... Will be interested to see how they produce. Would love a clone of your best pheno.

Just harvested the Candy Kush from seed with mixed reviews. Bud structure is loose and fluffy in some of the phenos, clones are in veg undergoing LST. Fingers crossed that I got a good Mom. Early smoke is ok... Tasty but nothing special. We shall see...

Cherry Bomb is the Bomb! Great vegger, easy to clone, sticky buds, tasty smoke and a very pleasant relaxing stone... Like 1,000 kittens trying to nuzzle you to death as you drift off to sleep. I love it and she is a keeper. Good yield too!

You still owe me a beer!
this run of SP is doing much better than the first!! had to look back through this thread to find a picture of the first girl (who was at just about three weeks in the picture) to compare; this one is at 15 days today and looks better, and as big, as that one. pic up soon-too lazy to do it this post.

i didn't have any problems smoking her in the day, but i could see this knocking some people on their tuchas. both of your experience in growing probably made your SPs significantly better than the seeded sample i grew/tried. but mine was still good so i'm looking forward to a proper run of her!

My guess is that your first run was poor genetics... This girl is unstable and all over the place. Lots of weak plants that need LOTS of attention. I bet you get some tuchas-kicking weed this time... Or perhaps I'm just a light-weight... ;)
It's interesting, I did not have many problems with it. But it's a polyhybrid and bad things tend to emerge at times. I did find it to be a sensitive feeder. Haven't had any issues with autoflowering - did it get root bound? Grown in organic dirt it's pretty simple though, just add water.
I'm going to get to the remaining 8 SP seeds over the next few months. I wish I could pop them all at once, but I don't have the room. My thoughts on the first two..... pretty good. Not earth shattering, but pretty good. Pretty easy to grow (I think my soil needs to be dialed back a bit for them), good yield, pretty nice buzz, but neither meet the definition of keeper in my book.

Hopefully I find something great in the next 8 seeds......
Thank you.

The SP I gave you is a freak. Not sure which pheno she is but she is sensitive. My clones are stretching big time... Will be interested to see how they produce. Would love a clone of your best pheno.

Just harvested the Candy Kush from seed with mixed reviews. Bud structure is loose and fluffy in some of the phenos, clones are in veg undergoing LST. Fingers crossed that I got a good Mom. Early smoke is ok... Tasty but nothing special. We shall see...

Cherry Bomb is the Bomb! Great vegger, easy to clone, sticky buds, tasty smoke and a very pleasant relaxing stone... Like 1,000 kittens trying to nuzzle you to death as you drift off to sleep. I love it and she is a keeper. Good yield too!

You still owe me a beer!
You are right on that my friend, I owe you two beers. So the cherry bomb is a good one? Niice, I need to do a batch of clones, all my sannie stuff, your cherry bomb and your SP, I'm also seriously thinkin of getting the Chucky's bride, or the Selene, (wish they got the damn Chocolate Rain in again) after lurking/nerding it up on the opengrow forum, it seems those are the sativa keepers. Anything C99 related I wanna grow, I was SO disappointed when I grew a "c99" from clone, pretty sure it was an imposter... Sannie's Anesthesia looks interesting too, I have ZERO indicas right now, all mine are sativa hybrids, kinda want to get at least one.
Ah, and speaking of, did you pop your C99 yet?
It's interesting, I did not have many problems with it. But it's a polyhybrid and bad things tend to emerge at times. I did find it to be a sensitive feeder. Haven't had any issues with autoflowering - did it get root bound? Grown in organic dirt it's pretty simple though, just add water.

The auto-flowering is a little weird... The Mom was under 18/6 light the whole time she was in veg. The clones were in 24/0 for about 3 weeks, then 18/6 for about a week. The mom was sitting in the veg room in a 7 gallon smart-pot with three other moms and the clones were in the nursery. I don't think the mom was root bound, but she may have needed some top dressing. The mom went into flower, then two days later the clones followed. None of the other strains were impacted, so it appears to be a SP related issue. Throw in the fact that Johnny also had a clone go into flower in 18/6 over 100 miles away...

I think Sugar Punch is A+ quality smoke and worth the effort to grow her out but she has her challenges. I was 8/10 in germination but only because I really babied 2 of them. In veg a couple of them just stalled for a while. They just quit growing and then would start up again. I had to give them their own individual watering schedules, separate from the rest of the room. Then in flower I accidentally over watered one. I didn't kill it, I but really messed her up... A couple developed Cal/Mag deficiency late in flower that I didn't really do much about. I cloned half a tray of Sugar Punch with half a tray of Candy Kush, then another tray half Anesthesia, half Cherry Bomb. The Anesthesia/Cherry Bomb tray needed about half the attention that the Sugar Punch/Candy Kush tray needed. I think the Sugar Punch/Candy Kush tray took about twice as much attention because the Sugar Punch and Candy Kush had harder thicker stems that are a bit tougher to root. I wouldn't say that she is horrible, but she certainly isn't "plug and play".
You are right on that my friend, I owe you two beers. So the cherry bomb is a good one? Niice, I need to do a batch of clones, all my sannie stuff, your cherry bomb and your SP, I'm also seriously thinkin of getting the Chucky's bride, or the Selene, (wish they got the damn Chocolate Rain in again) after lurking/nerding it up on the opengrow forum, it seems those are the sativa keepers. Anything C99 related I wanna grow, I was SO disappointed when I grew a "c99" from clone, pretty sure it was an imposter... Sannie's Anesthesia looks interesting too, I have ZERO indicas right now, all mine are sativa hybrids, kinda want to get at least one.
Ah, and speaking of, did you pop your C99 yet?

Next time you come through town we should sit down and do some "strain strategy" so we can get a good mix in our pool...

And to answer the C99 question...

Next time you come through town we should sit down and do some "strain strategy" so we can get a good mix in our pool...

And to answer the C99 question...

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ohh my... you have the tutankhaman?! That's a gnarly strain.. Sweeet... The tut and the c99? Yeah, we need to figure this all out, plus the purple paralysis is looking pretty good, and I have cuts from it..
All I need is eight good strains, and I have three already, so five more... that's NOT counting the Sp, mad scientistXjackberry, agent orange, lavender, the strains I got from you, and the other grapegod phenos... Hopefully out of the SPs that I have, ONE will be a mindblower
and I know you know this, but you should pop some holes in those polo cups... don't wanna rot the root stem
ohh my... you have the tutankhaman?! That's a gnarly strain.. Sweeet... The tut and the c99? Yeah, we need to figure this all out, plus the purple paralysis is looking pretty good, and I have cuts from it..
All I need is eight good strains, and I have three already, so five more... that's NOT counting the Sp, mad scientistXjackberry, agent orange, lavender, the strains I got from you, and the other grapegod phenos... Hopefully out of the SPs that I have, ONE will be a mindblower
and I know you know this, but you should pop some holes in those polo cups... don't wanna rot the root stem

When I first started germinating seeds I was horrible. I went 1/27 one time with some pretty expensive genetics. The next time I went something like 13/30. By the time I was done butchering them I had blown through about $500 worth of seeds and had about 14 sickly looking plants... I had a pretty rough and ugly start... I obviously started changing stuff up to get better and one of the things I ditched was the holes in the cup. Perhaps I should go back to it, but my current germination rate is about 85%...

I am 9/10 with C99. One of the seedlings never got her cotyledon leaves all the way open so she has had to struggle out of that. (You can see her in the front row of the pic above.) She is working her way out and I bet she catches up to the others. Very healthy and very robust. All 9 were above ground within 48 hours and 8 look great!

I am 7/10 with Tutankhamon - 5 healthy, 2 stragglers that are likely to be runts if they make it. I may have another Prima Donna on my hands...

We are getting pretty OT here so we should probably pick this conversation up off-line so we don't hi-jack the SP thread...
Ahh, whatever. It is what it is. What are your methods for germination? I always have extremely high success rates just putting them in water for 12-24hrs and then putting them into a pellet/rockwool cube/whatever. I'd also cut holes in the cups but it's not necessary if you're extremely careful.
Amen. I think Sugar Punch just likes you a lot more than she likes me... ;)

My best success rate for germination has been soaking seeds till they get a tail over 1/4 inch long (24 - 36 hours usually) then I pour them individually into soil, in holes about 1/2 inch deep. Keep them moist but not wet, and healthy seedlings usually start showing up in about 48 hours or so.

I used the paper towel method for a while but way too tedious and you can injure those little roots pretty easy. I got pretty good at it but still... It was a good interim step for me but not a permanent solution.
I'm gettin' tired of killing seeds because the peat pellets dry out....when you plant seed in grow soil what is the temp of the grow room ?

i'm using root riot cubes to germ seeds and am liking it a lot. this last round, i didn't even soak anything for 12-24 hours like i was doing--i just popped them in really wet cubes. during the 48-72 hours it took for germination, the cubes even dried out twice on me and i still had a great success rate. out of say ten, i had two that didn't germ.
one was from five THS skunk xxx purchased from TSSC and out of four attempts on those, i've only gotten one to germ and just recently. (smoked something a long time ago called "triple x" and i really liked it. hoping this was it.) it is a runt btw, and only 22 days old. the other was a bodhi sunshine daydream, my first one of those i think to not germ. although, when i messed up a few months ago and had double- and triple-germination in single pots happening, there might have been one lost during that round too...sorry, i'm rambling. as soon as they sprouted, i popped them in .3-gallon propagator air-pots.

We are getting pretty OT here so we should probably pick this conversation up off-line so we don't hi-jack the SP thread...

i enjoyed catching up with your recent grow... you and OGE always have solid information to pass along! 8-)

your SP pics are awesome--looks like you did a great job, btw!! thanks for sharing those if i haven't said so already. i hope this next girl looks as nice as yours. definitely think the first one was a runt i was dealing with like you said and after watching this second girl grow, i am really looking forward to trying her again. she will be at day 21 tomorrow so i plan on putting a picture of her up then.