First grow


Well-Known Member
So for my first grow I just wanted to do a simple natural outdoor grow, aside from a storm last week almost killing them they seem alright so far. The seeds were sold to me from a friends dealer, he said they were Red Devil (Afghan x Afghan skunk) not sure if he's a credible guy but oh well. One of the plants is a fair bit smaller than the other so I guess she's just a slow grower. What do you guys think of them? This is just at the begging of week 4
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Wait until the soil is a bit dryer between waterings. They look a bit behind for 3 weeks. What soil are you using?
Wait until the soil is a bit dryer between waterings. They look a bit behind for 3 weeks. What soil are you using?

I wait a couple of days in-between watering until the bucket is lighter, if I even do water, it's just been raining a lot recently so i haven't bothered to which is probably why they aren't that big. And just some standard all purpose potting mix I had laying around
they should look better than that with 1 week growth,soils clumped around your roots it looks like stunting growth,,??? But what do i know!!
Soil def look like it drains poorly. Can you get your hands on some better soil? Perlite is good, as well as vermiculite or coco coir. You can also place a plenum on the bottom of your pot prior to transplanting to assist in drainage. :peace:
I'm in the southern hemisphere
I know a lot of people bash miracle grow soil, but it have personally had good luck with it and you can get it anywhere. Might be an option for you, especially for a first time. It has some ferts built into it.
Listen to wot most of the guys r telling u get some perlite and if u can get it some vermiculite this will let the soil work at its best and give ur gals the chance to put on a bit of new growth it would pleasantly surprise u if u do.