Grow = Mood

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
It has become readily apparent that my plants effect my mood.

I have been battling brown slime algae in my DWC and it has completely fucked my "calm"

I have given up on DWC and swapped out everything to Hempy buckets.

I hope this works better I feel so miserable when we are are not all happy


Well-Known Member
It has become readily apparent that my plants effect my mood.

I have been battling brown slime algae in my DWC and it has completely fucked my "calm"

I have given up on DWC and swapped out everything to Hempy buckets.

I hope this works better I feel so miserable when we are are not all happy

try soil its stress free


Well-Known Member
I once had a similar problem, it really depends on strain man some are really sensitive to it. My best advice is learn to make a good base soil, compost is key, get some molasses source the absolute best vermicompost you can find and re use your soil. i think soild only starts showing its true potential after a few grows have been done in it. Ye and try pairing up with benefitial bacteria, microbes and funghi, look at your soil as a living system rather than a medium.


Well-Known Member
Yup !

I also used to dwc, switched to soil just for a change.
I had a nice super lemon haze that got torched from heat/light mistake I made. I was crabby for days .....
Oh, powdery mildew ? That shit makes makes me wanna pull my teeth out!

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
It has become readily apparent that my plants effect my mood.

I have been battling brown slime algae in my DWC and it has completely fucked my "calm"

I have given up on DWC and swapped out everything to Hempy buckets.

I hope this works better I feel so miserable when we are are not all happy
In winter I usually get post garden depression, not this year... I built a greenhouse (:


Well-Known Member
It has become readily apparent that my plants effect my mood.

I have been battling brown slime algae in my DWC and it has completely fucked my "calm"

I have given up on DWC and swapped out everything to Hempy buckets.

I hope this works better I feel so miserable when we are are not all happy
Algae is no biggy, simply prevent light getting into the gear and your rootzone,
paint it black is the best option tho others use gaffer tape everywhere,
cleanup is a hassle so mix in 10% bleach with your clean, and do it every rez change


Well-Known Member
Is that the Zym you told me about?

Yes the plants effect my mood but more vice versa. At the moment my AC is still bothering me and I don't trust it
Ye basically any powderd enzymatic pond cleaner does the trick just follow instructions or make your own concentrate solution. Are you using a portable AC a pinguino lol? If so a decent one never costs les than 500 to 600 euro you can get them for less but they just wont do the trick and break down after a year or two of constant use.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Algae is no biggy, simply prevent light getting into the gear and your rootzone,
paint it black is the best option tho others use gaffer tape everywhere,
cleanup is a hassle so mix in 10% bleach with your clean, and do it every rez change
this is not the case with brown slime algae, it doesn't give a fuck about light or bleach or phasan 20. I had a black tub and it was covered in reflectix. Shit was all in everything and I cleaned EVERYTHING compleatly like 4 times,full tear down and rebuild. It is not really algae it is diotomes or some shit. Hisenburgs tea was helping but the shit would bloom fast and infect the roots.

I had three very successful grows before the herpes hit

Hempy buckets is the next adventure.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I had a buddy who went from soil to DWC because he said it would be "easier" "it will run itself"...well it seems to me he has been in there checking ph , adding water, ppms, draining and refilling all the time. It just seemed like more work to do on a daily basis. Not to mention he flooded his house on a couple occasions (that will take away from profits)....It just seems to me a lot of people think its going to be easier and its really not. Just more control over nutes and PH.

I know what your saying about affecting mood, Nothing puts a smile on my face, and a warm feeling like the smell of some dank nuggets. and not much bums me out as much as a mistake or losing some nug.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Hempy buckets is the next adventure.
I'm a big fan of hempy, very easy to care for once you got it dialed in.

I use 3:1 perlite/vermiculite and the basic Lucas formula (General Hydroponics MaxiGrow & MaxiBloom), plus 4 ml of Cal-Mag/gallon and pH+ to about 5.8

I think the key to hempy is to allow it to go bone-dry before watering.....what size of bucket will you use?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of hempy, very easy to care for once you got it dialed in.

I use 3:1 perlite/vermiculite and the basic Lucas formula (General Hydroponics MaxiGrow & MaxiBloom), plus 4 ml of Cal-Mag/gallon and pH+ to about 5.8

I think the key to hempy is to allow it to go bone-dry before watering.....what size of bucket will you use?
2 gallon

Bone dry??? the Hempy thread says every two days??

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I water my 2L pop bottle hempy's every second day, and they are bone dry by then

The 11 litre bucket (~ 3 US gallons) takes about 5 days to dry out, give or take, depending on the heat
you just wait until it looks a bit droopy or or check the perlite/vermiculite for moistness??

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
you just wait until it looks a bit droopy or or check the perlite/vermiculite for moistness??
nope...never goes droopy....all by weight, when it's super light, then it's time to water/feed....but no worries, with hempy you can water 3 times a day and not kill it

BTW: why a serious pot question/thread in Talk N Toke....I thought this section was for anything but MJ