Black cop kills unarmed 20 yo white male

do yourself a favor, racist, and don't google ezell ford.

it might even lead you down a path of a ton of other unarmed blacks who were shot by police and destroy your racist worldview.

My world view that it isn't always about skin color? I know that's racist to you, but oh wellz.

Yes, there is a history of racism of white cops to black citizens. That history, while still ongoing, continues to decline. I believe it will continue to decline even more if race baiting fucks like you die off.

There is enough bad shit out there related to race that we don't have to make everything about race the way you do. You may feel like you are doing good, but you are part of the problem. Sometimes shit happens between people of different colors that has nothing at all do with skin tone.

But hey, post about that one time somebody did something so you can claim that everyone else you want to include is just like that. It seems to please you in a weird way.
Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of the.crime.
Interesting fact.
Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of the.crime.
Interesting fact.

Trolling with old Martin Luther King speeches beenthere? If silly fucks like you, didn't do stupid shit like this, maybe we could actually talk about race, without it turning into a shit show.

See color is still an issue with niggers white and black in them USA states other parts of this world just scratch our heads, and draw comfort when we bury our blacks we don't care what fucking color you are
You're all worn out UB, like Al Sharpton, no one takes you serious, you are just a little side show.

i always find it funny when someone who was mere days ago citing holocaust deniers tells me about how no one takes me serious.

wanna fill me in on this holocaust hoax, washere?
The silly fucks that do stupid shit are the Al Sharpton's and Jessie Jackson's, they are the ones that make race a shit show.They have the bully pulpit and exploit it for personal profit, so where's your outrage?
Speaking of turning race into a shit show, your buddy UncleBuck does that on a daily basis and not a peep from you.
IMHO, if it weren't for race baiters and phony fucks like you, maybe we really could have a civil talk about race.

I agree that AS and JJ exacerbate the situation and when they come on I just don't watch.

I'm a facts girl, love rachel maddow..she gets it and apologizes with class when she gets it wrong.