The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
God save the queen then?
Early death to all the men who work for Scotland yard?
What is an appropriate blessing for you guys?
, you dont get it do you, Americans are pretty detested around the world these days, we dont give a fuk what u eat for breakfast and would prefer it if you stopped bombing children in countries most of u couldnt place on a map, you promote homosexuality as a lifestyle rather than degenerate attack on the family and the paedophilia it conceals, u got a fag president and a transsexual first "lady", wake the fuk up or go back to the country that gives us disney land and kiddie pageants, you trashed a great nation in 2 generations you fukwits well done


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
so its dress number 4, does this look alrite.....ffs women can turn a nice lunch into a frutrating hell, cunt it im getting baked b4 we go


Well-Known Member
, you dont get it do you, Americans are pretty detested around the world these days, we dont give a fuk what u eat for breakfast and would prefer it if you stopped bombing children in countries most of u couldnt place on a map, you promote homosexuality as a lifestyle rather than degenerate attack on the family and the paedophilia it conceals, u got a fag president and a transsexual first "lady", wake the fuk up or go back to the country that gives us disney land and kiddie pageants, you trashed a great nation in 2 generations you fukwits well done
First off you're sporting some scumbag Nazi as your avatar picture. you know what I do to those?

I have yet to bomb any children in my life
Never paid taxes so haven't helped the army do so either
If you paid attention to the messages I put down I basically expressed everything you just said trying to seem cool I barly heard bout all the dannyboy drama and love yer literature and kickass breakfasts thought I'd say so. Your reaction is so reminiscent of black peoples problems with white people(ironic considering the avatar) in my country they act like the fault that the deeds of the past are the faults of the every individual and it's just not true also we obviously failed democracy because none of us have a say in anything anymore over here don't be so frustrated sorry the other Americans are dicks I don't mean to be a dick I'm just kinda a simple hippie


Well-Known Member
Well we all knew this was coming......

Saturday, August 23, 2014

  • First GMO Weed Strain: Monsanto and Marlboro Join Forces For New GMO Cannabis Strain

    Monsanto and Marlboro have just announced there new partnership and will be releasing a new strain of GMO weed very soon in Washington and Colorado which will be available in medicinal and recreational pot stores.

    When asked if they will be using the round up ready gene, this is what a rep. from monsanto had to say:

    “ No, this will not be necessary for a plant such as cannabis, which is already naturally a very hardy plant. We are simply combining desirable genes which are already present in certain cannabis plants, to make a super plant”

    These genes include:
    - Strong resistance to bugs and disease
    - High THC/CBD levels
    - Bud size/Flower to leaf ratio per plant
    - Terpene profile (flavor profile)

    This project has been on the hush since 2011, and is expected to make its way to the shelves by January 2015. They are calling the strain M80.


Well-Known Member
, u got a fag president and a transsexual first "lady",

Right?! Fuckin shitheads man couldn't dislike them more than I do but sexuality dosnt even come into it I don't like him because he single-handedly trying to castrate and pair down my nation fuckers embezzling ordering illlegal murders "hits" within our own fucking nation drone strike status his 12-year-old daughter had a $10,000,000.
11 day spring break trip to Mexico for example entirely shamefull look
I'm essentially outside functioning America looking in I work for my local growers harvesting and hashing. grow much of my food shoot n freeze the rest in couple of hunting trips a year live in a free campground in the mountains for my little forays into American economy I'm a street musician a begger
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