Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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if i were a native american, or a negro, or an asian, or a persian, or a chicano would my statements be less true?
of course they would, because you are in fact one of the few actual racists in this forum.

bucklefuckle would have made his specious arguments and bullshit claims less transparent.

maybe you should observe him more, to get some pointers.

I've already proven your statements wrong. Jewish eschatology (their apocalyptic end time scenario) is no different dumbass.

Talk about the superiority of european culture all you want from your redneck trailer in hicksville...
the obvious and undeniable superiority of european culture which is plain to all.

Doc.. how many other war criminals throughout history have gone unprosecuted?

Conviction doesn't define war crimes, 80% civilian casualty rates do.

Thousands. Israel also happens to make them their leaders to reward them for partaking in genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Because without Deir Yassin there would be no Israel
I've already proven your statements wrong. Jewish eschatology (their apocalyptic end time scenario) is no different dumbass.

Talk about the superiority of european culture all you want from your redneck trailer in hicksville...
really? where is the glorious battle between the hosts of heaven and the hosts of hell?

where is the destruction of all human society that it might be rebuilt jesus style?

where is the punishment for non-jews for being non-jews?

the jewish utopian fantasy is FOR JEWS, not against anyone else, and does not come with wholesale slaughter, hellfire, damnation and endless torment for everyone but the faithful.

yourte pathetic attempt to make that argument is truely sad.

my "redneck trailer in hicksville" is a damned sight better than the standard of living in any other part of the world not blessed with european cultural influences.


every fucker in these pictures would crawl through a river of shit to get a place like my "redneck trailer in hicksville" and you know it.

so yeah, you can spout your bullshit till you're blue in the face, but you're still a petty racist, trying to cobble together some method of calling me racist to conceal your own racism.

this is where you should have attempted to argue that those photos are examples of traditional arab construction.

but yeven you are not stupid enough to try and make that claim, so you IMPLIED it through some pictures of the swankiest parts of dubai.

this is what dubai looks like if youre not part of the upper crust of hundreds or "princes", thousands of oil rich plutocrats, and tens of thousands of corrupt government hangers-on:


dubai was built in IMITATION of western style, but is in fact still a third world nation if youre not at the top.
this is what dubai looks like if youre not part of the upper crust of hundreds or "princes", thousands of oil rich plutocrats, and tens of thousands of corrupt government hangers-on:

What about Japan and China?

Also, this is what the US looks like if you're not part of the upper class;







dubai was built in IMITATION of western style, but is in fact still a third world nation if youre not at the top.

Your conditions are unreasonable regardless. We live in a global economy, so of course any nation near 1st world conditions is going to have some degree American influence
What about Japan and China?

Also, this is what the US looks like if you're not part of the upper class;







Your conditions are unreasonable regardless. We live in a global economy, so of course any nation near 1st world conditions is going to have some degree American influence

abandoned buildings =/= a slum where slave labourers are forced to live in squalour

crazy people/homeless bums/an occupytard camping out in protest =/= real oppressed peasants living in bondage .

get some perspective numbnuts.

even the poorest person in america stands head and shoulders above the average schmoe in sandland, south america, or africa.
Americans in poverty are no better or worse off than any other people in poverty, that's simply another right wing talking point. Just like "most americans have refrigerators and microwaves" is an attempt to paint the poor as better off than they actually are so rich people don't feel so bad about not giving homeless people change. How would you suppose a homeless person would have the ability to use a microwave or refrigerator when they don't have a house?

Look at any of the neighborhoods in Detroit MI, Blackwater AZ, Muniz TX, Beattyvill KY, University Park NM, Tchula MS, Jamestown TN, Yanceyville NC, Campti LA, CUllen LA, Sneedville TN, etc.

Here's a list;
really? where is the glorious battle between the hosts of heaven and the hosts of hell?

where is the destruction of all human society that it might be rebuilt jesus style?

where is the punishment for non-jews for being non-jews?

the jewish utopian fantasy is FOR JEWS, not against anyone else, and does not come with wholesale slaughter, hellfire, damnation and endless torment for everyone but the faithful.

yourte pathetic attempt to make that argument is truely sad.

[They] would corrupt themselves, and make a graven image; this was the sin that would most easily beset them. Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire? As the seas turn black and feel like mud, and all will know the wrath and atonement of their sins? You shall utterly be destroyed, scattered among the nations, And your sin shall be made your punishment. There shall you serve gods, the work of men's hands, be compelled to serve them, whether you will or no, or, through your own sottishness and stupidity, you will find no better succours to apply yourselves in your captivity.

Not even gonna bother explaining it to you, then waste your time with a long winded reply.

my "redneck trailer in hicksville" is a damned sight better than the standard of living in any other part of the world not blessed with european cultural influences. every fucker in these pictures would crawl through a river of shit to get a place like my "redneck trailer in hicksville" and you know it. so yeah, you can spout your bullshit till you're blue in the face,

LOL you may believe that but the world just isn't the way you imagine it in your bigoted little mind. If you paid your taxes you wouldn't be living in a trailer aka karmic justice.

Get yourself off to Europe and tell me all about it's culture, the way you see it... I can wait, i've practically lived there.

but you're still a petty racist, trying to cobble together some method of calling me racist to conceal your own racism.
You gotta explain this one this is just hilarious...
Americans in poverty are no better or worse off than any other people in poverty, that's simply another right wing talking point. Just like "most americans have refrigerators and microwaves" is an attempt to paint the poor as better off than they actually are so rich people don't feel so bad about not giving homeless people change. How would you suppose a homeless person would have the ability to use a microwave or refrigerator when they don't have a house?

Look at any of the neighborhoods in Detroit MI, Blackwater AZ, Muniz TX, Beattyvill KY, University Park NM, Tchula MS, Jamestown TN, Yanceyville NC, Campti LA, CUllen LA, Sneedville TN, etc.

Here's a list;
you have never been poor, or hungry or homeless.

you have never faced real hardships.

what you see as "poverty" is not reality.

your wikipedia wisdom is irrelevant.
[They] would corrupt themselves, and make a graven image; this was the sin that would most easily beset them. Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire? As the seas turn black and feel like mud, and all will know the wrath and atonement of their sins? You shall utterly be destroyed, scattered among the nations, And your sin shall be made your punishment. There shall you serve gods, the work of men's hands, be compelled to serve them, whether you will or no, or, through your own sottishness and stupidity, you will find no better succours to apply yourselves in your captivity.

Not even gonna bother explaining it to you, then waste your time with a long winded reply.

LOL you may believe that but the world just isn't the way you imagine it in your bigoted little mind. If you paid your taxes you wouldn't be living in a trailer aka karmic justice.

Get yourself off to Europe and tell me all about it's culture, the way you see it... I can wait, i've practically lived there.

You gotta explain this one this is just hilarious...
I'm glad you watched it. SHit is pretty fucked up huh..
I think its fucked up she was told to sign a pledge to effectively have a chance in office.
I'm not anti Semitic, but there's something fishy going on with the zionists.
I'm glad you watched it. SHit is pretty fucked up huh..
I think its fucked up she was told to sign a pledge to effectively have a chance in office.
I'm not anti Semitic, but there's something fishy going on with the zionists.

And this is at the heart of the OP. It's not Judaism but the bullshit interpretations by religious nutters, many of said nutters have occupied the highest reaches of power in Israel. Many here think because they were a suit and tie, instead of a Keffiyeh or Shemagh they are somehow different...

Military aid should be directed at western allies only until these religious regimes get their shit in order or are ousted - I don't care if it's Israel, Iran, the Saudis...