Patrick Groulx for Governor ???

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I've been keeping an eye on his cat for a while, he seems cool but damn he can get annoying on facebook lol. He was protesting the Cannabis Cup for whatever reason and was copy/pasting the same message on every single comment on the Cup fb page until facebook blocked him from posting lol. Nothing that would stop me from voting for him over the other scumbags but still, homeboy needs to work on his public relation skills before hes going to win over more than just the weed crowd...


Well-Known Member
He sure wasn't protesting last I saw him.
He was all gluetarted and covered in holy oil...

Didn't know he was cat people ;)...


Well-Known Member
Is this the same guy that was handing out his 'for Governor'
fliers at the Clio Connection pre cup party? ty

edit to add: I know my sig is outdated, lol.
Guessing I need more posts to change it :)


Well-Known Member
If its the guy I seen on Facebook with bald head and earrings, he doesn't really look like he has any credentials to be a governor.. looks can be deceiving, but he looks like a punk to me.


Well-Known Member
Oh doh... facebook, I tend to forget that place.

Yep, same fella.
I did not feel he had a handle on mmj issues,
although it may have just been the venue?

Perhaps he could hold some coffee hours or
something to let us pick his brain further.


Well-Known Member
Probably, the Clio Cultavation birthday bash is where he met seedpac.

Both political parties have pissed off their basses.
%63 of mich voters said yes to medical Cannibis.
%37 of mich voters (LEO, and friends) have been writing stupid laws and stealing our children.

I'm voting green.. Period


Well-Known Member
I've met him twice. I honestly didn't think he was that well spoken and did not get a great first, or second impression. Nice guy I suppose. Even if his ideas were great I don't see him making it far.


Well-Known Member
Oh he will make it nowhere with out us.

And honestly? Is now the time to be picky?
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.


Well-Known Member
Was just my opinion. I would love to see someone come forward to run for office that I could say I fully support. I just simply can't imagine most people that meet him also voting for him.

Heck Nurse. You are a more educated and more personable person for the job.

Thats all I'm saying. As time nears if he is the best man I'll vote for him. But if I feel a vote for him could just be offsetting another vote and putting a worse man in office.

Hope that don't sound like shit talk. I don't know the guy and he could be the greatest thing since bong hits.


Well-Known Member
Oh I get ya.

After all he is a politician.

Seedpac is gonna push whoever we can as hard as we can.
They are taking our children. telling them they can't use a public rest room.
Where I live your children can be taken for attending a birthday party like last weekend. When it happens it's to late...
This guy or the next one?