They most definitely do, I mean there is one to the left of this message. What other proof do you need? No, but being serious I absolutely am convinced aliens exist. I am obsessed with the Sumerian culture and if you spend enough time studying their texts, and way of life it is quite obvious all other forms of organized religion/spirituality/culture ripped off most of their material from the Sumerians. I think we are descendants of the Anunnaki, the "Gods" who created us and government to control us by handing down kingship to demi Gods (basically beings that were half human, half God/alien). If you read the Sumerian creation though it clearly shows these Gods were actually created, and not by other Gods, instead by Tiamat and Apsu. Really they are false wanna-be Gods, extremely intelligent beings who have probably millions of years of evolution behind them making them appear to be God-like to new creatures like us. God does not exist yet, it is an idea of the future when all beings who are conscious unify into a singular consciousness. They have successfully enslaved the human race, we are their sheep, which is why they often call God the shepherd. They most certainly are not good, but use magic (simply trickery and illusions) to make us believe they are good.