BYE BYE Petro dollar.


Well-Known Member

According to Russia’s RIA Novosti, citing business daily Kommersant, Gazprom Neft has agreed to export 80,000 tons of oil from Novoportovskoye field in the Arctic; it will accept payment in rubles, and will also deliver oil via the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO), accepting payment in Chinese yuan for the transfers. Meaning Russia will export energy to either Europe or China, and receive payment in either Rubles or Yuan, in effect making the two currencies equivalent as far as the Eurasian axis is conerned, but most importantly, transact completely away from the US dollar thus, finally putin’(sic) in action the move for a Petrodollar-free world.

More on this long awaited first nail in the petrodollar coffin from RIA:

The Russian government and several of the country’s largest exporters have widely discussed the possibility of accepting payments in rubles for oil exports. Last week, Russia began to ship oil from the Novoportovskoye field to Europe by sea. Two oil tankers are expected to arrive in Europe in September.

According to Kommersant, the payment for these shipments will be received in rubles.

Gazprom Neft will not only accept payments in rubles; subsequent transfers via the ESPO may be paid for in yuan, the newspaper reported.

According to the newspaper, the change in currency was made because of the Western sanctions against Russia.

As a protective measure, Russia decided to avoid making its payments in US dollars, which can be tracked and controlled by the United States government, Kommersant reported.

“Protective measure” meaning that it was the US which managed to Plaxico itself by pushing Russia to transact away from the US Dollar, in the process showing the world it can be done, and slamming the first nail in the petrodollar’s coffin.

This is not surprising to anyone who has been following our forecast of the next steps in the transition from the Petrodollar to the Gas-O-Yuan. Recall from April:

The New New Normal flow of funds:

  1. Gazprom delivering gas to China.
  2. China Gazprom paying in Yuan (convertible into Rubles)
  3. Gazprom funding itself increasingly in Yuan.
  4. Russia buying Chinese goods and services in Yuan (convertible into Rubles)
And all of this with the US banker cartel completely disintermediated courtesy of the glaring absence of the USD in any of the above listed steps, or as some may call it: from the Petrodollar to the Gas-o-yuan (something 40 central banks have already figured out… just not the Fed).

Still confused? Then read “90% Of Gazprom Clients Have “De-Dollarized”, Will Transact In Euro & Renminbi” for just how Gazprom set the stage for the day it finally would push the button to skip the dollar entirely. Which it just did.

In conclusion we will merely say what we have said previously, and it touches on what will be the most remarkable aspect of Obama’s legacy, because while the hypocrite “progressive” president who even his own people have accused of being a “brown-faced Clinton” after selling out to Wall Street and totally wrecking US foreign policy abroad, is already the worst president in a century of US history according to public polls, the fitting epitaph will come when the president’s policies put an end to dollar hegemony and end the reserve currency status of the dollar once and for all, thereby starting the rapid, and uncontrolled, collapse of the US empire. To wit:

In retrospect it will be very fitting that the crowning legacy of Obama’s disastrous reign, both domestically and certainly internationally, will be to force the world’s key ascendent superpowers (we certainly don’t envision broke, insolvent Europe among them) to drop the Petrodollar and end the reserve status of the US currency.

As of this moment, both Russia and China have shown not on that it can be done, but it is done. Expect everyone to jump onboard the new superpower axis bandwagon soon enough.


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Wow, the collapse of the dollar. Do you really think that this is some true shit man? I mean can we really just tumble because of oil dealings?
No of course not, the USA is the one indispensable nation, no one can do what we can do, we are all gods and the world is our plaything.

But seriously though, these things happen every 100-200 years or so, ask the French, the English, the Spaniards, The Dutch, The Romans etc etc etc We never learn from history.
This is old news, Putin and China have been doing that secret dance for the last 3 months,
but why pay in Rubles when its already 33% down
...better stick to Chinese currency its the more stable of the 2, or like me go Bit.coin all the way

Oh how much does the us owe them chinese commies again ..3-5 $trillion,
and we just know the us can't afford or won't pay
Let me put that in words for you.

"As a staunch liberal, I have no idea what this deal means.
Is this going to affect my EBT card?"

you're the one addicted to government cheese, welfare farmer.

all you've done your entire life is collect from the federal government, in fact.
The dollar just hit yearly high. The markets are not skeered yet.

I've decided to make money off the next crash. I kick myself for not doing it last time.

I'm still shorting the US dollar today though, it's pulling back a tad.
I still say that when the dollar is replaced as reserve currency, and it's a when, not if, that the new reserve currency will be a mixture of the G8 currencies. We will probably maintain the biggest percentage for now, but the world bankers are in this thing together. They will do what's best for them, and a basket currency would be a wet dream for them. Imagine being able to digitize reserve currency from any of the world banks.
I still say that when the dollar is replaced as reserve currency, and it's a when, not if, that the new reserve currency will be a mixture of the G8 currencies. We will probably maintain the biggest percentage for now, but the world bankers are in this thing together. They will do what's best for them, and a basket currency would be a wet dream for them. Imagine being able to digitize reserve currency from any of the world banks.
"new world order"
"one world government"
"one world religion"
"one world currency"



We've all heard of the "Amero," right? K good.

I saw something recently (that i totally didn't understand) about some kind of huge world gold reserve scandal/conspiracy/whatever. What was that about?
"new world order"
"one world government"
"one world religion"
"one world currency"



We've all heard of the "Amero," right? K good.

I saw something recently (that i totally didn't understand) about some kind of huge world gold reserve scandal/conspiracy/whatever. What was that about?

A currency basket doesn't mean one gov or one currency, just a new method for the reserve banks to cash in on the ability to create money from thin air that is part of the reserve currency.

What I heard about the Gold reserve scandal is there isn't a fraction enough to cover what's been bought. Ft. Knox hasn't been inventoried in over 60 years. The conspiracy theory floating around is that's why Nixon took us off the standard. Who knows though, that's not even the 1%er knowledge, that's more like the .0001%ers.
A currency basket doesn't mean one gov or one currency, just a new method for the reserve banks to cash in on the ability to create money from thin air that is part of the reserve currency.

What I heard about the Gold reserve scandal is there isn't a fraction enough to cover what's been bought. Ft. Knox hasn't been inventoried in over 60 years. The conspiracy theory floating around is that's why Nixon took us off the standard. Who knows though, that's not even the 1%er knowledge, that's more like the .0001%ers.
How 'bout... a one world government that looks like a bunch of local governments, and a one world digital currency that just looks like a bunch of different currencies... a one world religion that just looks like a bunch of different religions... eugenics that looks like "caring for the health of the collective," etc.

This is probably how it works: make the evil look comfortable and delicious, and have everyone begging for it...

The big gold scandal i recently heard about, was some older lady claiming to have worked closely with some... idk, some guy, who supposedly has control or rightful entitlement to some "global gold reserve for the peoples" or whatever, and that he had noticed her "work" on the issue (can't describe the issue sufficiently, i'll have to hunt for the video...), and had "selected" her to help him do something... something about giving it back to the people, and taking it out of the hands of the banks, or something seemingly crazy like that.

Hang on...

She linked to this at some point:

I gotta find that video; maybe you guys can understand it for me (lol).