Bud Rot Outdoors Questions

This is just a thought..... take a q-tip with some baking soda and water on it and brush it off/detail it. See if that works
Chop time, if its really infected you are only giving the rot more time to spread and are putting any yield you thought you had at risk. Whenever I see mold like that i cut it the fuck off asap and i monitor my plants for white mold spots. If you see mold on a leaf take off the whole leaf. But the latter is for those who dont have deep rot. I would take the plant and I have never heard of this milk thing, if anything milk is going to encourage rot. Chop them and learn from the experience.

Also, how many people have suggested you pull them... Why ask if you don't listen to suggestions.
No need to write that way unnecessarily. I get that pulling them is the way to go I just didn't know how to handle the areas that are more subtle with mould spores dispersed..
It's mold it's going to grow however it grows...Chop off whatever u have to chop off to get rid of the mold. There's no trick just cut what's moldy and throw it away....it sucks that you have to cut so much to get rid of little mold spec's. But it is what it is!!
View attachment 3236699 I have some outdoor bud rot questions. My plant is in its last two weeks of flowering... Attached is a picture of the plant after I removed the moldy buds. As you can see the stem looks rotting a bit...

1) from my research I have learned to spray one parts milk to nine parts water. Do I spray only leaves or do I spray the buds as well?

2) yesterday I removed all the parts that seem to have bud rot. It was only on two small buds. I picked off some other buds to smoke And test to see if they're ready. How do I tell if those have some beginning stages of bud rot? I don't seem to see any of the powdery substance on them but it's hard to tell. Is there way to know for sure?

3) how does using baking soda and water compare to using milk?

4) I read somewhere that if a plan starts getting dead brown leaves that could be molding as well. Could this potentially be a sign of something else to? I have another plant in a different spot that has Browning leaves that are dying but there doesn't seem to be any mold...

5) do I preventative spray all my plans with the milk spray even the ones without mold?

6) lastly, as you can see in the picture the stem looks like it's rotting a bit. Is that a really bad sign? Are the other buds smokable on the plant right now?

Are solutions to treat the stem different?

Actinovate .http://www.naturalindustries.com/retail/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=3 this actually works its all you will need for any type of fungus or mold or mildew. Its amazing organic stuff.
View attachment 3236699 I have some outdoor bud rot questions. My plant is in its last two weeks of flowering... Attached is a picture of the plant after I removed the moldy buds. As you can see the stem looks rotting a bit...

1) from my research I have learned to spray one parts milk to nine parts water. Do I spray only leaves or do I spray the buds as well?

2) yesterday I removed all the parts that seem to have bud rot. It was only on two small buds. I picked off some other buds to smoke And test to see if they're ready. How do I tell if those have some beginning stages of bud rot? I don't seem to see any of the powdery substance on them but it's hard to tell. Is there way to know for sure?

3) how does using baking soda and water compare to using milk?

4) I read somewhere that if a plan starts getting dead brown leaves that could be molding as well. Could this potentially be a sign of something else to? I have another plant in a different spot that has Browning leaves that are dying but there doesn't seem to be any mold...

5) do I preventative spray all my plans with the milk spray even the ones without mold?

6) lastly, as you can see in the picture the stem looks like it's rotting a bit. Is that a really bad sign? Are the other buds smokable on the plant right now?

Are solutions to treat the stem different?

Hi dont chop it down cut away the moldy bud ,then take 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide per gallon and feed it to them every 5-10 days ,,in the future do this every month during the veg stage and you wont have problems..
This thread makes me sad. For what it's worth, stuff like actinovate has never worked for me. Cool idea in theory, but i found the practical application lacking.

For all of you saying to spray the plant with milk, serenade, actinovate, etc: Just consider the fact that youre advocating the treatment of mold, something that thrives in a damp environment, by spraying the plant with water.... If ya do go this route, consider your method of application. A lot of hand-pump sprayers deliver large water droplets and will quickly soak your buds (not good).

Best method of application i've found is using an electric paint gun. You can dial it to deliver a really fine mist that will get good coverage and wont soak your buds. Or if you want to spend some money, get an atomizer.

good luck with the rot. Very sad to see.
bud rot is hard to be..but can be controlled to a point....the milk wont do thing..good for PM but not the Bot....greencure will kill spores on the plant...actinovite should be used as a preventive...water it in while in flower before they are prone to the rot....its a systemic fungicide and also can be used foliar..before rot hits..its a bacteria that colonizes on leaf tissue....H2O2 can be used also as a spray when rot is discovered..but only kills spores..its not a preventive....

serenade and neem oil will make your flowers taste like bad ass..lol....and they dont do much on the Bot just PM.....there a product called oxidate....seen some great reviews on it for the BOT...used on grapes also ..Bot loves them....I never tried it..but sounds promising....

also useing silica like Pro Tek in watering twice a week during the grow helps alot..this is what i do....it makes the branches stiff like a treel rod and also makes the plant leaf tissue very strong so the fungus cant penetrate the tissue.....builds tissue cells...can also be sprayed on for rapid intake...I like to spray early morning so the plant have time to dry out...to late in the day and you put your ladies to bed wet..loll.....

i grow outside and also in a greenhouse and had my Bot battles....can't win it but you can control and surpress it....so far Actinivite ..greencure and silica have helped the most....and H2O2 sprayed on cut off Bot eras..i forget the water to h2O2 ratio for the 3% store stuff...

be known that greencure can burn some pistils..but they recover fast...

Oh also bug shit ..catipillar shit and dead bugs on buds will be a sure thing to start mold...
Anyone else have opinion on serenade for bud rot?i have just noticed a couple spots of rot and promptly removed them.
It's mold it's going to grow however it grows...Chop off whatever u have to chop off to get rid of the mold. There's no trick just cut what's moldy and throw it away....it sucks that you have to cut so much to get rid of little mold spec's. But it is what it is!!

i wouldn't throw it away u can make hash with that shit