selling the extra?


Well-Known Member
I think I can relate to you, Scroogeness. If my grow keeps going well, I'll have a few ounces, and I really don't smoke much at all. I have no interest in smoking more than like once or twice a week, and I doubt I go through more than a half oz per year. So if I end up with 8 oz, do I really wanna smoke the same strain for the next decade? Hell no.

If things go my way, I'll be selling half oz's or oz's to just a few of my closest friends at very discounted prices. I'll obviously only sell to the people I like and trust to not be loud-mouths about where it came from. I'm sure people on here will try to stone me to death (not in the good way) for this, but I don't think it's unreasonable. I'm not looking to make a profit. I'm looking to be practical, share the love, and make back some of the money that I spent of my grow in the first place.


Active Member
I dont really see the point in growing if you smoke so little. Aside from likeing to grow.
So your growing weed, you have too much and you want to unload surplus, and you sell some. You get busted you go to PRISON not jail prison. Now your in jail for selling herbs that you grew all because you didnt want to spend, what $50 a month to cover what you need to smoke.
Growing as i see it is a way to cut cost but I smoke $100 worth a week or more.
I mean grow to grow or grow to save money but the last thing you want is jail time.


Well-Known Member
I usually have excess. I keep a pound of leaf+trim+budlet for the woman's personal stash. (Already got her pound saved up.) I cook up oil from leaves/trim/budlets until I have enough canna-oil to make one pan of brownies per week for a year. (I have about 36 weeks worth currently, not quite there yet.) I keep two ounces of buds for myself and to share with the woman, which is enough to last us not just until the next crop is done, but until the next two crops are done. That way, if a crop fucks up, I'm still good. If two crops in a row fucked up, then I'd be smoking the woman's stash. (Got our two ounces set aside already.)

Once I reach that point, then I bundle up my excess and drop it off at a dealer friend's house for a tad more than half street price. He generally sells it for $420/ounce, $500/ounce for the NYC Diesel, and we split that money. He does all the selling, not me; his customers don't even know who I am, and he loves that deal. We've been friend for more than 15 years (he was *my* dealer when I was a consumer rather than a producer), and there's absolute trust between us so money's never an issue, and everybody's happy with the situation, me, him, and his customers. The nice thing for me is, no foot traffic at my house, not many phone calls, nothing suspicious whatsoever. I only have to deal with one person, ever, and it's someone I know is absolutely trustworthy.
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Well-Known Member
wow,why would u even think of selling ur own bud unless its shitty! haha,keep it for urself,so u can save up ur own money to buy a better setup or more important shit like a house! but if u need 50 bucks here and there maybe sell an eigth,if u wanna risk jail!


Well-Known Member
That's what I said :joint:
im als out right now so ill like some too!! haha serious!! GIVE ME THE B UD OR ELSE ILL KILL YOU!!! nah imfucking with u,but seriously keep for uself unless u need money,like literally if u got af ew ounces or so,and u think 2 ounces will last u or something then maybe but id keep it,only sell when u need the money ad if its dank sell 50 an eigth no less,but if is not that great then pick ur own prices,but in a college town im sure u can get 50 an eigth for dank!


Well-Known Member
well like i said, i just dont know how long 4 oz's will last if i leave it unfrozen (my roommate wouldnt be too happy about it if it was in our freezer.) i only smoke about 5 grams a week but i grow so i dont have to get mixed up with dealers (plus its a fun hobby). but i dont think having a couple friends over and one of them trying to get some from me is really that high of a risk. unless im selling them like a lb. haha


Well-Known Member
So, keep it all? What if you produce more in one year than you'd smoke in your lifetime? Just flush it down the toilet when it goes bad? Fill my waterbed with pot? Make pot salads and pot pies? Compress it into BB-sized pellets and shoot squirrels with it so the little bastards stop eating my tomatoes? Garnish everything I eat with pot leaves? Start making my own parachutes and rope and clothes out of it? ;)


Well-Known Member
yea. def will keep it. its definitely one less thing to worry about anyways. i guess if you were stoned then his reply would be funnier also.. anyways. im just gonna make shit loads of brownies...


Well-Known Member
yea,i mean is it dank shit?or is it some ok?cause i mean u can get rich of idotic college kids,im not in colleg eyet and I know! my friend made300 bucks off of 10 grams of dank,told these kids it was white widow and shit and made some good bucks! haha


Active Member
I agree with most of the posts on here, if there's no way you'll ever use it personally and grow basically for a hobby, then unload it cheap to an old dealer/friend of yours and be done with it, one deal and no one knows who you are. I wouldn't sell though, keep it in case of a drought.


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm growing mostly cause I find it extremely interesting. Yea, it could land me in jail, but I'm being smart about it and therefore I consider it a calculated risk.

I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed by this thread. Half the people are saying "Extra WTF WTF? how could that happen?!? Just smoke it!" which is just dumb. I have a stoner mentality, and I'm enjoying growing, but that doesn't mean I smoke daily and therefore consume an oz per week. So yes, I (and others on this thread and forum) will likely end up with EXTRA. Stop being ignorant about it.

And then the other half are responding with "OMG just rip off some stupid people with it!!" That sounds greedy and ignorant to me. Ganja usually brings peace, and smokers usually share with each other and try to be good to each other. I always liked that. Once you start ripping people off, you're no better than any other dealer who treats his customers like shit.

That all being said, maybe I'm just tired and cranky and looking into this too much.


Well-Known Member
donate to medical need people the excess , enjoy what you keep

i cant believe with all the info out there there can be many people who cant keep themselfs supplyed ?