the best track ever made
Theres something special about oldskool jungle, even though it can be very simple it seems like it was engineered to hit all the correct spots.
Heres one of my favourite tunes by my favourite producer, perfect mix of ragga jungle and jump up.
Do yourself a favour and have a 5 min skank break!
did you have a listen to my mix, its starts off horribly but I think you will enjoy the second half
I did do, a nice selection. Hm dont recall it starting terribly though? Isnt that tune a banger or what?!
Btw like your nickname, fav label?
Do you knopw any current producers still having a go at old skool jungle? Check out voltage (used to be part of cabin fever) he sometimes makes the odd jungle tune, id dare say the best ever modern jungle tune i heard is his and its unfortunately nevber been released. I have a couple of mixes with the tune on though.