Warning!!!!! Do not do business with this caligrown!!!!

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Well-Known Member
I am writing to tell all your guys not to trust or do any type of buisness with that fucking chump,He ripped off 2 others people that trusted him,(these 2 persons are also on RIU).He was supposed to help me with the curing process of my medecine,instead he sold my shit and kept the money.Now, I can't even get a hold of that guy.Im not trying to start any drama on RIU,but I thought your guys should know before you even think about talking to that little bitch.He stole over 10,000 dollars from people that he called his "friends".
His user name is CALIGROWN.
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So you left your bud in the hands of a complete stranger to you? That's what I'm getting out of that post. As easy as it is to blame someone else, sometimes you have to look at yourself first.
He was not a complete stranger to me,he was suppossed to help me grow for my first time,so he took some of my medecine to cure it for me.
BTW,you can think whatever you want, I just don't want the same thing to happen to someone else.
Im sorry you got robbed ,, But curing is just letting them sit in jars ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Still sorry for your loss ,, how much did you yield ?
Both in Cali, I'd offer help too, but to rip someone off after telling them you'd help them is fucked. I don't know, RL drama I don't like, but definitely speaks to some character issues if it proves true...
Yeah man, frenchy is my boy and we know him personally... he ripped me off too, and he deleted his thread where frenchy and fdd busted him out about taking his shit. And no it wasnt like giving it to a complete stranger...we knew him for a couple of months, smoked with him, and he gave us tips on growing before he took the shit...Just from him deleting the thread u guys should know that he's trying to hide it...so if anyone else is doing business with him then you should reconsider or get your shit back from him asap. The guy moves 3 times in six months...I would be too if someone was looking for me
Quit trusting everyone they are all out to get you especially these daze.

Caligrown, you gonna man up or be a coward?
he stole 45oz? wow, what a shitbag youd think if he knew how to grow hed already have enough for himself.
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