Botrytis? (Outdoor)


Well-Known Member
Botrytris.jpg Botrytris #2.png

What do you all think? My plants are pretty deficient in P so really hoping it's something like that, but have a feeling bud rot.. :/
Effected parts are drying and dying out.

In a very low humidity area, but had a lot of rain their first 2-3 weeks of bloom. Been pretty dry the past couple of weeks, just an occasional light rain here and there.

Probably got another 3-4 weeks to go.. Help please!!
I'm not sure if that is botrytis. I've always seen it in a more interior position and not at tip. Still, I would cut it away and examine it away from plants where you can pull the bud apart without spreading spores if it is mold. It would look a little fuzzy and under a 60x scope you would see fungal networks. I don't know of any deficiency or overfeed that would just fry a bud tip and not fry the fan leaves too.
I'm not sure if that is botrytis. I've always seen it in a more interior position and not at tip. Still, I would cut it away and examine it away from plants where you can pull the bud apart without spreading spores if it is mold. It would look a little fuzzy and under a 60x scope you would see fungal networks. I don't know of any deficiency or overfeed that would just fry a bud tip and not fry the fan leaves too.
Ok so examined closer today.
Seems to have spread a little over night.

I didn't see anything fuzzy when breaking them open/examining them.

Under a 60x scope I don't think I saw anything resembling a fungal network? A fungal network would look something like this: ?fungal_network.png

Under the scope I saw things that looked similar to what a pistil would look like to the naked eye, but had strands of dog hair on the sample so that could of been it. (A shitty $15 scope)

Fan leaves: I noticed some have a purplish tint towards the end of them, then the tips are turning brown.

What I find is weird: I can't find ANYWHERE on the inside of the canopy infected, only the top of the plant's infected. I figured if mold, it would of started in a more shaded area of the plant? I even have dead leaves hanging from the plant on the inside that desperately needs to be cleaned up, but worried to now that I might spread spores.

Another interesting note:
Some of the fan leaves inside the canopy are curling upwards big time & the fan leaves on the outer canopy appear like they are beginning to do the same.
Inner leaf: Curling.jpg

One last note: I may of over watered for a while.

For about a month straight we had weather of 100-108 degrees F so I was having to water once, sometimes twice a day or they would start to wilt.
I kept the routine up even when temp's got lower around the 90's, then realized that was too much for them, so have slowed down to once every 4-7 days.

Potential symptoms I could find in my books and online:

-Eutrophication/Nute burn
-Light/heat stress
-Overwatering/potential root rot - I did not notice roots disgusting or smelly when taking soil samples for the NPK/PH test (I took the sample approx. 4" down)
-Caterpillars (I think this is highly unlikely)
-Lack of nutes (Also probably unlikely)

One more important thing:

I did the NPK test and ph test.
According to those, my ph is 7.0-7.5 so to high
My N = surplus according to chart
My P = about twice that of surplus, so probably wayyyyy to much for them
My K = deficient.

The chart goes as follows: Depleted, deficient, adequate, sufficient, surplus.

This is driving me insane, don't want to loose them :(
It may not nessesarily be botrytis....maybe it got wet, held water, got cold and rotted, then the sun hit it and finished it off. nawmsayin?!;)
you said you found a dog hair in the bud? is it possible that a dog peed on it? dog pee is very high in N. and would burn only where he got it.
Heres what I would do...get some tweezers and nibble it off leaving just the tips with some of the burnage on the ends. If you take it down all the way to fresh bud, those tips will burn. So leave just a little brown tip left of the damage. Hit it with some fungicide. The weather is prime for bud rot right now. Its just best to do it.
Like bugeye said I've not seen Bot on the tips, nor have I seen it on marijuana. I have battled it on grapes.

What temps and humidity is this plant growing in?

It's a fungus, and like most fungi, it will onset and infect the interior parts of the plant that stay the most moist (less drying sunlight, airflow, thus more humidity)

I don't think it's Bot, but could well be wrong. I would suspect a maggot fly of some type eating inside on the tender terminal buds. If you can't find a larvae in dissected buds then I'd cut all the affected buds off and spray with a Bordeaux solution ( simple sulphur) and hope it was a fungus.

That would be my approach and just some ideas.
It may not nessesarily be botrytis....maybe it got wet, held water, got cold and rotted, then the sun hit it and finished it off. nawmsayin?!;)
Lol yes, I sure do. That could be, they are starting to get pretty dense.

Heres what I would do...get some tweezers and nibble it off leaving just the tips with some of the burnage on the ends. If you take it down all the way to fresh bud, those tips will burn. So leave just a little brown tip left of the damage. Hit it with some fungicide. The weather is prime for bud rot right now. Its just best to do it.
Thank you, I will go out and do that. Was nervous to mess with it to much, was scared I'd spread spores if it was/is mold. Would you hit the whole plant with fungicide, or just the area around the dead part?

you said you found a dog hair in the bud? is it possible that a dog peed on it? dog pee is very high in N. and would burn only where he got it.
Potentially. My dog loves sniffing around them. She's a female, but pees like a male (always lifting her leg and marking her spot) so would not surprise me, although where effected is pretty high up there, so I would think would of been hard for her to reach that high.

Like bugeye said I've not seen Bot on the tips, nor have I seen it on marijuana. I have battled it on grapes.

What temps and humidity is this plant growing in?

It's a fungus, and like most fungi, it will onset and infect the interior parts of the plant that stay the most moist (less drying sunlight, airflow, thus more humidity)

I don't think it's Bot, but could well be wrong. I would suspect a maggot fly of some type eating inside on the tender terminal buds. If you can't find a larvae in dissected buds then I'd cut all the affected buds off and spray with a Bordeaux solution ( simple sulphur) and hope it was a fungus.

That would be my approach and just some ideas.
According to "Wunderground"Temps = around 80-95 degrees F recently.
Humidity = around 15-20% during the day & 40-60% at night.
Night time temps = around 50-60 degrees F

I honestly don't think it's a pest, with the reason being I sprayed IMID about two weeks before they started blooming (About 6ish weeks ago) and I think it is suppose to stay in their system for approx. 2 months, so I would imagine that would kill anything off? I could very well be wrong though. I could not find larvae in effected buds.

I don't have any bordeaux, I assume Activonate and serenade would be effective as well? All I have on hand at the moment.

Thank you all for taking the time to respond and help out!
If no signs of mold i would lightly mist it everywhere. when it rains do it again. Really dense buds I would get the fungicide down in between the buds, wont hurt it. Botrytis took out half my crop last year around 5 lbs. That was an expensive lesson to learn, when all I had to do was give it a little spritz of fungicide. Watch her closely, look inside the buds daily.
If no signs of mold i would lightly mist it everywhere. when it rains do it again. Really dense buds I would get the fungicide down in between the buds, wont hurt it. Botrytis took out half my crop last year around 5 lbs. That was an expensive lesson to learn, when all I had to do was give it a little spritz of fungicide. Watch her closely, look inside the buds daily.
Thank you! Any fungicide in particular you prefer to use? Damn, that would be a very expensive lesson to learn. Hope I don't have to learn that the hard way!
I use green cure. you can make a homemade version with baking soda. search recipe;) I dont wish botrytis on anyone, shits fucked lol. Did you ever get seeds bro?
I don't have any bordeaux, I assume Activonate and serenade would be effective as well? All I have on hand at the moment.

Hell I was just throwing darts at a moving target. Bordeaux is just a very safe copper salt that often kicks fungus problems. It's been used over 100 years. i.e. grapes in the Bordeaux region of France.

I'm not too goosey to try other things on my gardens, but I want to know exactly how any particular chemical works. In other words Activonate and Seranade may well kick your problem in the ass. But I'd read the label carefully and want to know exactly what was going on at the plant level, and residual effects.
Potassium Bicarbonate as an effective way to kill mold spores and prevent them from taking root. GreenCure® uses several modes of action against mildew the most obvious of which is that it causes spores and tubes to suffer immediate and rapid water loss, thereby effectively killing the fungus. Once destroyed, the residual spore material often sloughs off or washes away.
I use green cure. you can make a homemade version with baking soda. search recipe;) I dont wish botrytis on anyone, shits fucked lol. Did you ever get seeds bro?
For sure, I never thought it would be something I would have to worry about being in this state with such low humidity.. Guess I was WAY wrong on that lol. Naw, been trying to get everything in order with plants first. I'm wanting them for next season, but wanted to run them indoors first to see how I thought they would do outside. I'll def. let you know when I head up there to get some!

Potassium Bicarbonate as an effective way to kill mold spores and prevent them from taking root. GreenCure® uses several modes of action against mildew the most obvious of which is that it causes spores and tubes to suffer immediate and rapid water loss, thereby effectively killing the fungus. Once destroyed, the residual spore material often sloughs off or washes away.
Thanks again! Think I should be overly worried about spreading spores around if it is mold? Would you go ahead and cut/spray then start picking off dead leaves?

Hell I was just throwing darts at a moving target. Bordeaux is just a very safe copper salt that often kicks fungus problems. It's been used over 100 years. i.e. grapes in the Bordeaux region of France.

I'm not too goosey to try other things on my gardens, but I want to know exactly how any particular chemical works. In other words Activonate and Seranade may well kick your problem in the ass. But I'd read the label carefully and want to know exactly what was going on at the plant level, and residual effects.

Thank you for the advice bro! Maybe i'll get some Bordeaux & Greencure then start alternating the two.

Ughh just found it on another plant. Hope that it is not mold or anything serious :(
either budrot or rot from budworms
I have not seen any bud worms yet, but have seen some moths fly out of them while picking out dead shit, and some dead moths on the soil.

Ughhhh :/

So if budrot, what are my chances of overcoming it if using greencure/bordeaux? Don't want it taking over the plants or spreading to others, but I know if I could give the plants some time they would put on a lot of weight.
All Botrytis is mold, avoid at any cost to avoid touching it shaking breathing on it, the spores are highly contagious at this extent..
treat your plant like its radioactive and gently move it to a safe location, or if fixed clear the local area of dead trees and twigs then .. snip those affected bits off, develop a functional plan, see link, or even harvest earlier to my blog:
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The green cure or any other fungicide will kill it on contact.. Use it every 5 days or after it rains on it. It will save the plant for sure at any stage of mold. If it IS botytis its airbourne so anything else around it will get it if not treated
It may be budworms, after looking that up, I saw pictures of other peoples with budworms that looked exactly how mine do. And that would explain why only the tops seem to be effected. I'll go look around some more in a sec.

Mannnn this is really downputting lol.

V, I am tryin to develop a functional plan, but not even exactly sure what it is just yet or the best plan to take. It is in the ground so can't move it without chopping it. Also, to make sure I understand correctly, it would be best to clear the area of all dead leaves/twigs, then the potentially moldy/budworm buds? Or clear the buds and spray then clear all the dead leaves/twigs?

Thanks Diabolical, i'll have to run down to the store to grab some here very soon.

So when cutting effected flowers off, would it be best to ziplock bag over them, then snip?