I'm not sure if that is botrytis. I've always seen it in a more interior position and not at tip. Still, I would cut it away and examine it away from plants where you can pull the bud apart without spreading spores if it is mold. It would look a little fuzzy and under a 60x scope you would see fungal networks. I don't know of any deficiency or overfeed that would just fry a bud tip and not fry the fan leaves too.
Ok so examined closer today.
Seems to have spread a little over night.
I didn't see anything fuzzy when breaking them open/examining them.
Under a 60x scope I don't think I saw anything resembling a fungal network? A fungal network would look something like this: ?
Under the scope I saw things that looked similar to what a pistil would look like to the naked eye, but had strands of dog hair on the sample so that could of been it. (A shitty $15 scope)
Fan leaves: I noticed some have a purplish tint towards the end of them, then the tips are turning brown.
What I find is weird: I can't find ANYWHERE on the inside of the canopy infected, only the top of the plant's infected. I figured if mold, it would of started in a more shaded area of the plant? I even have dead leaves hanging from the plant on the inside that desperately needs to be cleaned up, but worried to now that I might spread spores.
Another interesting note:
Some of the fan leaves inside the canopy are curling upwards big time & the fan leaves on the outer canopy appear like they are beginning to do the same.
Inner leaf:
One last note: I may of over watered for a while.
For about a month straight we had weather of 100-108 degrees F so I was having to water once, sometimes twice a day or they would start to wilt.
I kept the routine up even when temp's got lower around the 90's, then realized that was too much for them, so have slowed down to once every 4-7 days.
Potential symptoms I could find in my books and online:
-Eutrophication/Nute burn
-Light/heat stress
-Overwatering/potential root rot - I did not notice roots disgusting or smelly when taking soil samples for the NPK/PH test (I took the sample approx. 4" down)
-Caterpillars (I think this is highly unlikely)
-Lack of nutes (Also probably unlikely)
One more important thing:
I did the NPK test and ph test.
According to those, my ph is 7.0-7.5 so to high
My N = surplus according to chart
My P = about twice that of surplus, so probably wayyyyy to much for them
My K = deficient.
The chart goes as follows: Depleted, deficient, adequate, sufficient, surplus.
This is driving me insane, don't want to loose them