18 hr days

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member

hard to take criticism when your hearts into it? pussyfart thats stupid. you are messing with cycles and for no other reason other than what???

they are growing fast because it is bagseed hybrid vigor. i could grow bagseed in my toilet with an LED.

get a real timer.


Well-Known Member

hard to take criticism when your hearts into it? pussyfart thats stupid. you are messing with cycles and for no other reason other than what???

they are growing fast because it is bagseed hybrid vigor. i could grow bagseed in my toilet with an LED.

get a real timer.

Haha I know growing bagseed not much of overwhelming accomplishment but can't afford good seeds and even if I could have nowhere but my house to ship to and not that brave just yet...not rly hard to take criticism rly but don't exactly understand y it's such a big deal to give something new a try, now I started this thread just to share my experience with alternate light cycle not to try to convince anyone else to do it if you do not agree with my decision that's ok your entitled to your own opinion but let me just ask you this have you never just wanted to give something unusual a try just to see for yourself the results or what you could learn from the experience either good or bad?
I've got a good bit stockpiled for if this plant crash and burns but if it doesn't (which seems to be the case so far) then I've lost nothing and am out less on the power bill for this time around

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
Haha I know growing bagseed not much of overwhelming accomplishment but can't afford good seeds and even if I could have nowhere but my house to ship to and not that brave just yet...not rly hard to take criticism rly but don't exactly understand y it's such a big deal to give something new a try, now I started this thread just to share my experience with alternate light cycle not to try to convince anyone else to do it if you do not agree with my decision that's ok your entitled to your own opinion but let me just ask you this have you never just wanted to give something unusual a try just to see for yourself the results or what you could learn from the experience either good or bad?
I've got a good bit stockpiled for if this plant crash and burns but if it doesn't (which seems to be the case so far) then I've lost nothing and am out less on the power bill for this time around

right on.

I was doing bubbleponics in the early 90's so i know what youre saying. keep experimenting, but dont mess with the main things. dont try 8 things at once. need to know what did what.


Well-Known Member
I completely understand what your saying not much good to experiment if you have no idea what the exact cause of each problem or improvement you come across was
But to be honest with you I've noticed a lot more n problems with this grow than the other 2 like it and the only difference between them is the light cycle all 3 had a fresh never used mix of exact same medium(.5-1.5-3 ratio of perlite-soil-coco 5gal pot) followed feeding/watering schedule to a t, room temp is slightly higher than first 2 but just by 2-4 degrees
Could the light cycle actually be making the plant try to take in too much n thinking it's further along than it is possibly?
I'm just guessin now any ideas?

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
overthinking it.

try only fertilizing every other. nice clean 6.5 water.with cfl's 6 hours of light is not enough. youre gonna have loose buds and green tasting fluff.

I would suggest switching to 12/12 but im sure you want to see your experiment thru. is the plant a clone from last batch or is it new plant?


Well-Known Member
overthinking it.

try only fertilizing every other. nice clean 6.5 water.with cfl's 6 hours of light is not enough. youre gonna have loose buds and green tasting fluff.

I would suggest switching to 12/12 but im sure you want to see your experiment thru. is the plant a clone from last batch or is it new plant?
Clone and what you actually can't see in pics is the cfls r surrounding a 100w mh
Awhile back before startin my experiment (before the first 2 under 24 hr days) I was using my 150hps+100mh but those lil fuckin hps jerk the juice for such lil output so I switched to cfl(which had used before alone and not incredibly thrilled with final result but didn't disappoint for what they r) + mh


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to write a book every post but this lemon haze cuz brought me has made me an author past few days lol:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think they might suffer with only 6 on in flower. suffer as in : not storing enough energy(light) to build buds during dark period.Your buds might not get as big.
That was 1 of my concerns trying this method but was just wantin to give it a go for myself to see if it rly was that much faster start to finish and the claim for better yield prove to be true but so far from what I can tell unless these buds swell up like crazy I'm not seein much improvement on bud size and quantity but like I said not finished yet but this far into first 2 of experiment seemed to have looked "fuller" buds starting than with this 1 but part of cuttin light back ya know


Well-Known Member
Please don't take this the wrong way mate I am not here to give u a hard time buuuutttt don't u think all this experimental stuff has not been tried before.This is y we r all or most of us sticking to the tried and tested method which is 18/6 and 12/12 for most of us anyway but if u feel that u can gain through ur experimenting then who am I to say any thing different if it means u gain a bit more knowledge through it then that is a good thing because like my old man used to tell me u cannot buy experience so for that fact alone it should b worth it...:joint:..Good luck and I hope their good to u...


Well-Known Member
Please don't take this the wrong way mate I am not here to give u a hard time buuuutttt don't u think all this experimental stuff has not been tried before.This is y we r all or most of us sticking to the tried and tested method which is 18/6 and 12/12 for most of us anyway but if u feel that u can gain through ur experimenting then who am I to say any thing different if it means u gain a bit more knowledge through it then that is a good thing because like my old man used to tell me u cannot buy experience so for that fact alone it should b worth it...:joint:..Good luck and I hope their good to u...
Yeah but I'm just one of those guys that like to see it first hand and wouldn't mind a lower power bill and quicker start to finish
Sounds a lot like my grandfather always told me never be afraid to go against the norm cause you'll never truly know until you find out for yourself
I'll keep posting my results new pics comin next week hopefully still tryin to clear up n problems