Blackcoupe 01's Ice & Aurora Indica Grow


Well-Known Member
lol if i knew where u were from i would!! haha,god they need to legalize this shit! then we could all be good freinds and send eachother samples,and become our own little HIGH TIMES magazine,wed be the best !!! haha and wed have the most strains!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully that day will come sooner than later. I just cant even imagine how awesome that would be if it were legalized.


Well-Known Member
im going to be fighting for it! im becomming a lawyer for a reason bro! i know the president for NORML in Illinois i might do some law work for htem when i get done with college,i guarentee ill get pot legalized or decriminalized in my life!


Well-Known Member
im going to be fighting for it! im becomming a lawyer for a reason bro! i know the president for NORML in Illinois i might do some law work for htem when i get done with college,i guarentee ill get pot legalized or decriminalized in my life!
If you get pot legalized, Ill kiss-ass



Well-Known Member
im going to try i already started writing a book about iton how the governemtn can bring us out of recession by legalizing it,watch the movie Super High me,tey explain how Marijuana isthe number 1 selling cash crop in the world over tobacco and other shit,the governemtn can make so much moeny! just legalizing it,not hard to grow eiter,find a few farmers,plant af ew seeds and boom its WEED! im going to go around and get thousands/millions of signatures,and make a documentry!


Well-Known Member
I noticed the leaves starting to droop a bit on my largest plant (AI #3) so I decided to go ahead and transplant them all. I went from 6 to 8 inch pots, wanted to go 10 inches but didnt have enough ocean forrest. So next transplant Ill go big enough to get me through till harvest. The root system on all plants looks beautiful. Very healthy and bright white. They were overdue for this transplant, check these roots out.

Like I said, they were overdue lol! Guess Im not used to them growing so fast, the Fox Farm products kick ass!

Ive never let a plant get this far along before a transplant. I like to see a ring of roots on the bottom, but not this thick. Guess next time Ill transplant around 2 weeks old instead of 3 1/2. Not a bad root system for a 25 day old plant huh? What yall think?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha coupe!

That gets me worried..I'm in 1 gal bags now and I think I might just go with the 3 Gal.. you should figure out how big yours are and let us know :)

When I first picked up the bag of OF I dealt with seedlings I was like this bag of soil is going to last me a whole year! Yeah right!


Well-Known Member
LOL holy shit bro! check out my new grow i decided to do somethign totally diff this time,and those roots r amazing haha


Well-Known Member
All the babies are doing great after the transplant, the one with the droopy leaves had already picked them back up by this morning. They just keep going! Like nothing can stop them.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
congrats mann! im happy for u,keep it up,and where is the best place to order good seeds at?im in the US and i really want to try some good seeds after i get done with these bagseed ones


Well-Known Member
DAY 26

And here is my oldest unknown bagseed plant, 22 days into flower.

This plant is the craziest plant by far Ive ever had. I threw a seed from some decent mids in a pot outside. A large pot which already had 2 large banana pepper plants in it. Didnt really expect it to sprout, and when it did I didnt really care, I was going to just let it grow with the peppers and hope for the best. Well this damn thing grew for about the first week, then didnt seem to grow AT ALL for almost 2 months! Imagine having a plant 2 months old, and its still looking like a frail seedling! Feeling sorry for it, and also amazed at how shitty it was growing, I decided to rescue it and bring it inside. Here it is, day one indoors.

Pretty damn pathetic right? How is it even possible for it to look like this for nearly 2 months? Normally, I would never waste my time messing with such a shitty plant but for reasons unkown I wanted to keep it. Named it Pepper, since it spent its early days with my banana peppers. Well after lots of love and 75 days inside, 22 days into flower here she is now, taking up a large chunk of my closet.

This girl had quite the journey, and Im glad I didnt just give up on her.