Photosynthesis Plus is The Shit,But Smells Worse Than Shit!


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to give this product a shout out and say that it is IMO is the most cost effective inoculate I have used, and feel that it is extremely under the radar. I have not seen so much the yield increase that is advertised on the label, but my smells and tastes are considerably better than before and oil production seems to be higher. This was the last thing that was added to my line up and If i had to only use one product in my "TEA" it would be this.

I'm sure any of you who have made it to a Max Yield show have gotten the black sample box containing this and and a few other of their products and if so start using it asap, because it is the shit (and smells worst than shit). It's cheap compared to it's competitors too ($60-$80/gal) and you only use 12ml/gal the first inoculation and 6ml/gal every treatment after that.

Well I was just bored and felt like this product deserved some recognition.

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Was watching a old Emerald Cup lecture by Gage Green seeds and noticed they gave this stuff a shout out about 20 min in.

I just wanted to give this product a shout out and say that it is IMO is the most cost effective inoculate I have used, and feel that it is extremely under the radar. I have not seen so much the yield increase that is advertised on the label, but my smells and tastes are considerably better than before and oil production seems to be higher. This was the last thing that was added to my line up and If i had to only use one product in my "TEA" it would be this.

I'm sure any of you who have made it to a Max Yield show have gotten the black sample box containing this and and a few other of their products and if so start using it asap, because it is the shit (and smells worst than shit). It's cheap compared to it's competitors too ($60-$80/gal) and you only use 12ml/gal the first inoculation and 6ml/gal every treatment after that.

Well I was just bored and felt like this product deserved some recognition.

It is Great White. - The ingredients are almost verbatim.

Did you try others bacterials such as Great White but did not see such an improvement?
It is Great White. - The ingredients are almost verbatim.

Did you try others bacterials such as Great White but did not see such an improvement?

Not nearly as much. I think it's the photosynthetic bacteria that are not in great white.
I would think that the fact that it fixes N2 to edible nitrogen is the key, which other species do also. If it works better though, who cares ! I may give it a try.