I'll try to help you noobs out once again-the plant needs plenty of N until harvest.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Potroast closed this one. https://www.rollitup.org/t/so-you-n...-specific-bloom-foods-aka-snakeoil-eh.570037/

Here's more evidence that plenty of N induces potency and helps with curing. Excerpts from Mel Frank & Rosenthal.

Nitrogen was positively correlated with higher potency. Once controversy in marijuana lore is whether a nitrogen deficiency during flowering increases potency. We have grown plants with N deficiencies, and they seemed no more potent than those grown with high amounts of nitrogen available. However, the N-deficient plants did produce a much smaller harvest.

Pot uptakes nearly the same nutrient profile throughout its entire life, with only slight variations.

In general, it's better to feed the plant what it wants rather than trying to force it into flowering faster using high P formulas. If it looks good, you're feeding right. Raising P does not cause flowers to form faster or denser.

That being said, if you have healthy green plants with strong stems and a robust root system, all theory is out the window and whatever you're doing is correct. You don't need more N if the plant is healthy and green, even if N is low. Listen to the plant.
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So is the flowering half of most nute regimes just all a hoax? If it doesn't do anything beneficial why bother? I'm one if those lazy ass newbs that go with the flow and have but not a clue about botany. Its really hard to not switch to the flower nutes as thats the thing your "supposed to do".:rolleyes:
So is the flowering half of most nute regimes just all a hoax? If it doesn't do anything beneficial why bother? I'm one if those lazy ass newbs that go with the flow and have but not a clue about botany. Its really hard to not switch to the flower nutes as thats the thing your "supposed to do".:rolleyes:
sarcasm?..i am hoping
Keyword being "seemed". Sounds awfully scientific to me....
Here is more science from our boy Ed....

Yep, harvesting as ready as opposed to all at once, another concept I've recommended for years. I take out what's ready and stick the plant back under the lights or leave it out in the field and harvest in stages.

Note to defoliators - in a round about way he is talking about apical dominance.