Obama wins, we lose. McCain wins, we lose.


Well-Known Member
I want to thank VI REDD for this thought bubble.

I understand that in the face of what seems to be the worst economic time in america in my life-time, be i'm only 23, that there seems to be no clear choice in what candidate to choose for, this is generally the reaction I get from most people my age who pay mind to political matters. I have a set of core values that swings my favor one way to a certain cock shaped man, McCain, instead of a certain man who resembles an ape, obama. but either way I feel like I am going to lose, much of this dispair comes from our congress that is giving out money in order to avoid the american public knocking on their doors with pitchforks, and a few judges who have decided that they make the laws instead of interpret them. so it is better to lose by a short mile than a long one, who do you think could lead this country best and what is the thing that sways your favor the strongest?
Are you rich? Can't think of too many other folks who have a lot of reason to vote for McCain. Republicans are good for the rich folks, Democrats are good for the poor folks and the middle-class folks. Since I've never been rich, I've always voted Democrat, since it doesn't make any sense to me to vote for people who like to take away the little money I do have and give it to the folks who already have more money than they can spend in ten lifetimes.

If you're rich, then McCain is the *obvious* choice. Otherwise, a vote for McCain is a vote against your own interests. I mean, McCain wants to make those tax cuts for the rich *permanent*, at a time when our economy is in shambles. Does that make any sense at all? Warren Buffet, one of the richest people on the planet, called those tax cuts "welfare for the rich" and questioned why *he*, of all people, was getting such enormous tax cuts. A McCain presidency, right after this horrid Bush presidency, will destroy our middle class, and if that happens, this country's done, put a fork in it.
Vote third party it may be a waste of a vote now but in times to come possibly on day America may have more than two choice's as a president
Here's the question......don't vote and let O"bama win, or vote for McCain, and let the moderates ((O'bama)) win. (You get it) If McCain wins, he will be better for the country short term, but bolster and solidify our habit, our leftist habit, at the same time. If O'Bama wins, we veer violently left, at the detriment to all BUT the rich, (who will wait/pray for another Reaganesque figure to fill the void), and hopefully (maybe this is what he's talking about) find our way back to liberty via suffering. Either way we're moving left.....
Third party voting falls into the "don't vote" category, in my opinion......unless it is a true leader, and a patriot, carrying the nomination.
I want to thank VI REDD for this thought bubble.

I understand that in the face of what seems to be the worst economic time in america in my life-time, be i'm only 23, that there seems to be no clear choice in what candidate to choose for, this is generally the reaction I get from most people my age who pay mind to political matters. I have a set of core values that swings my favor one way to a certain cock shaped man, McCain, instead of a certain man who resembles an ape, obama. but either way I feel like I am going to lose, much of this dispair comes from our congress that is giving out money in order to avoid the american public knocking on their doors with pitchforks, and a few judges who have decided that they make the laws instead of interpret them. so it is better to lose by a short mile than a long one, who do you think could lead this country best and what is the thing that sways your favor the strongest?

You think Obama looks like an ape? And McCain resembles a penis?
Republicans are good for the rich folks, Democrats are good for the poor folks.....
i suppose that's one way of looking at it. a short sighted way, but a way nonetheless. short sightedness seems to be the hallmark of the liberal agenda these days and a lot of folks are eating it up. they seem to have forgotten the old saw about giving a man a fish as opposed to teaching him to fish and their message is resonating with those trapped in the growing cult of entitlement. a more proper definition would probably be that conservatives are good for folks who want to be rich and liberals are good for folks who wish us all to be poor. since we have no true conservative contender for the oval office, i suppose it would be most prudent to back the candidate that is the most conservative of the two.

lately i have been looking back over our past presidents and have found that we have never really had a president that truly held to conservative values, at least not within my lifetime. each occupant of the white house has managed to extend the grasp of government a little more into our lives and, with the help of congress, increase the people's dependence on the great american bureaucracy. has there ever been a president who actually advocated any substantial shrinking of government?

the people are now being given a choice between two socialist candidates. one who offers the illusion of comfort in return for your freedoms and the other who offers the illusion of safety for some others of your freedoms. most will make decisions based on a few individual issues - health care, iraq, the economy etc. some will merely be voting a strict party ticket. a very few will be looking beyond the campaign promises and partisan posing. they will be searching for a leader that can see beyond what is best for their party and their own political future, to where their decisions will leave this country in the future. they'll be looking for him, but they won't find him in this short list of losers.

it seems y'all are going to be forced, once again, to chose between the lesser of two evils. you are going to have to decide how much of our freedom you are willing to give up. at this point i have little faith in the american people to look beyond their own comfort and i have little doubt that you will choose to sacrifice america's ability to succeed for the illusions of the nanny state.
Of your mother.....I think you own the trademark for that one.....let me know if your willing to release.....
If McCain wins, he will be better for the country short term, but bolster and solidify our habit, our leftist habit, at the same time. If O'Bama wins, we veer violently left, at the detriment to all BUT the rich, (who will wait/pray for another Reaganesque figure to fill the void), and hopefully (maybe this is what he's talking about) find our way back to liberty via suffering. Either way we're moving left.....
That is very profound. I could not have said it better.
If O'Bama wins, we veer violently left, at the detriment to all BUT the rich, (who will wait/pray for another Reaganesque figure to fill the void), and hopefully (maybe this is what he's talking about) find our way back to liberty via suffering.
you are counting on it being possible to recover from such a swing toward the totalitarianism of brak and his ilk. it is much easier to relinquish our freedoms than it is to win them back.
you are counting on it being possible to recover from such a swing toward the totalitarianism of brak and his ilk. it is much easier to relinquish our freedoms than it is to win them back.
You are correct, assuming it's not too late already. The coming collapse has been a long time coming.

When a country is as polarized as ours has become, it either:

Splits and dissolves - Balkanization; or

One side defeats the other in a bloody struggle. Thereafter, the winning side dominates, oppresses, and punishes the losing side of the 'Union.'

The U.S is weakened by our own policies put in place since the progressive movement of the early 20th Century which converted our Republic into a democracy.

I am afraid the United States of America must fall in order to be saved. It's called 'Ben Tre' logic. "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it."

Barak Hussein Obama is the fast track.
you are counting on it being possible to recover from such a swing toward the totalitarianism of brak and his ilk. it is much easier to relinquish our freedoms than it is to win them back.

Especially when the FAR right is making money off of the last 8 years of "JUSTICE" and "our freedoms"
you are counting on it being possible to recover from such a swing toward the totalitarianism of brak and his ilk. it is much easier to relinquish our freedoms than it is to win them back.

"and hopefully"

"and hopefully (maybe this is what he's talking about) find our way back to liberty via suffering."
Splits and dissolves - Balkanization
the dissolution of the union is probably the best of all possible outcomes. the lessening of federal power is preferable, but prying power from the grasp of professional bureaucrats is difficult at best. as the left herds us more and more toward the soviet ideal, there may be no choice but mass secession and the formation of a more loosely knit federation of states. this seems to have been the original intent behind the formation of this country, but the consolidation of power has led us far away from that ideal.

One side defeats the other in a bloody struggle. Thereafter, the winning side dominates, oppresses, and punishes the losing side of the 'Union.'
without the blood, this is the show we witness from time to time as one side gains the upper hand in our government. the problem is, it's only a show. both parties are aiming toward the same goal of absolute power, with only the means to that end differentiating the two. the people are merely pawns, being willingly sacrificed at their masters' pleasure. we are given the illusion of control by playing in our mock elections, but the outcome is always preordained.

"It became necessary to destroy the town to save it."
the state must fall from time to time in order to assure the freedoms of the people. only by the destruction of entrenched power structures can the people hope to retain their own power.
only by the destruction of entrenched power structures can the people hope to retain their own power.

I now think it more prudent to "assume control" over the Republican party, as a conservative. The "structure" has been built, and an overhaul is all that is required. We conservatives need a home base, and the Republican party looks like the best possible location for this "base".