you homophobic bigots are trying to deny equal protection of the law and basic civil rights, yet it's somehow the gays that are demanding and want their way?
cool logic, washere.
How is it equal protection if I can deny you service if you are fat, wear red shorts, too tall, freckles, like pickles, don't like pickles, have one leg longer than the other, curly hair, voted for Gore, didn't vote, ugly, too pretty etc etc.
Why can hooters discriminate against old fat women as servers? They are NOT private.
Why can Bing Steel hire only blacks? Are brown, red and yellow not minorities too? It is NOT private.
How do you figure it's equal protection in light of the millions of other reasons that are legal to discriminate? Wouldn't exception protection be a more honest descriptor?
cause it's equal herp derp! cool logic alwayshere.