I gotta ph question

Hey guys and gals, I am on my third grow now and since I started I have been growing in soil, promix HP to be exact, and my local garden store told me it is pretty acidic and therefor I should ph all of my water/feeding solution to 7.0 and so this is what I have been doing but on every grow throughout the whole thing the stems to fan leaves and a lot of other leaves are purple as are some of the veins as well. I use general organics nutrients and follow the directions on the bottles and the plants usually look healthy and grow at a good pace but I can't seem to get rid of the purple stems and veins, any advice? I use 400 watt mh for veg and hps for flower an temps are 78-80 day and 66-68 night humidity usually between 45-55% depending on day/night. Growing a church, El Niño, trainwreck and a lemon skunk...maybe it's genetics? Anyways, let me know what you think, thanks!
If the plants seem healthy the purple is probably nothing to worry about, it's a common genetic trait.
Ive never used promix,but it is classed as hydro and should be ph`d as such.
I think a lot of growers who use promix add dolomite of lime @1tbspn per gallon to counteract the acidity of the peat moss in promix.
Yes thanks bud tipps I was kind of thinking the same thing, I just found it kind of strange that all 4 different strains had the same issues...made me think it was something I was doing. Robro, that is interesting information as well...I know on the bag of soil it says that dolomite lime is already been added to the mix, which is why I never decided to add any...I'll have to give that a shot next round. Also I noticed on the box of my nutrients it says that soil growers don't need to ph the mixture and when I test the ph after I mix it up it's always at 5.8, and you're saying that I should ph it as if it quite hydro which would be right around 5.8 would it not? Maybe I should just forget about ph all together? Lol
Too many mistakes in above comments to correct. Facepalm

I would guess you're overwatering slightly causing your roots to become a little unstable, causing the purpling.

And yes, forget about PHing. You're in soil, not a chemistry lab.
Man, all the people at the hydro store kept telling me to PH everything and then I kept reading in soil not to worry about it, but was using store bought soil mixes straight from the bag. I had all kinds of issues when not PHing stuff. But then I started adding 1 cup dolomite lime to every 1.5cu ft. of soil. No problems since and no phing water/nutes. Just a thought (adding lime)
Well then, it's settled lol...goin out to buy some dolomite lime and retiring the ph pen. My local hydro store probably just knew i was new at this and tried selling me anything and everything lol. Bastards! I'm curious about what the results will be here, cause I'm not gunna lie, ph'ing is kind of a bitch and I won't miss doin it! Oh and for the lime should I get the really fine powder stuff or the more grainy chunky stuff?
First off, pro-mix is not soil. It is a peat/sphagnum moss soilless growing medium. I grow in pro-mix and have been doing so for many, many years. I add dolomite like mentioned above. I also pH to 6-6.5, works for me.
Well then, it's settled lol...goin out to buy some dolomite lime and retiring the ph pen. My local hydro store probably just knew i was new at this and tried selling me anything and everything lol. Bastards! I'm curious about what the results will be here, cause I'm not gunna lie, ph'ing is kind of a bitch and I won't miss doin it! Oh and for the lime should I get the really fine powder stuff or the more grainy chunky stuff?

Really fine powder stuff.
Make sure it's dolomite lime not hydrated or garden lime.
Thanks, really fine stuff it is! Interesting tho lol, apparently my hydro store needs a lesson on what's soil and what isn't...lots of misleading information comin from those guys! Ya you're probably right about using the ph pen lol, never know if it's fluctuating or not. Do you think 5.8 would be ok? Just cause like I said, when I mix up my veg nutes it's always at 5.8 and my flowering nutes are usually 5.7-5.9 depending on how heavy I'm feeding and I would like to avoid using the ph up and down if possible, they are the only chemicals used in my grow at this point
And can I add the dolomite to the pot after the plant is established in it? My trainwreck is now nicely rooted in a 5 gal bucket and I don't plan on repotting again. Ill mix it into my promix or future use but id like to correct the problem in my trainwreck as well
Thanks, really fine stuff it is! Interesting tho lol, apparently my hydro store needs a lesson on what's soil and what isn't...lots of misleading information comin from those guys! Ya you're probably right about using the ph pen lol, never know if it's fluctuating or not. Do you think 5.8 would be ok? Just cause like I said, when I mix up my veg nutes it's always at 5.8 and my flowering nutes are usually 5.7-5.9 depending on how heavy I'm feeding and I would like to avoid using the ph up and down if possible, they are the only chemicals used in my grow at this point

You are more than correct about the misleading info out there.

A couple of things to remember when shopping at a hydro store;
1) Most grow shop employees don't know shit about growing, no matter what plant it is. BTW canabis is just a plant like any other.

2) Hydro shops are only in it for the money, period. With that said I can't believe they didn't sell you pH up and down. But that goes back to number 1. They don't know shit.

Not to toot my own horn but I am right about the ph pen lol. Keep using it. 5.8 or 5.9 is probably good but it can't hurt to monitor your ph. Tap water is subject to change pH dependent on weather, rain or lack of rain, different treatment methods or just what the fuk ever. You can take a bucket of water and check the ph today, leave it sit till tomorrow and the ph will change. It happens from the water absorbing co2, loosing dissolved oxygen and other reasons. Just keep an eye on it for personal satisfaction.

They do have organic ph up and down if that's your thing.

And can I add the dolomite to the pot after the plant is established in it? My trainwreck is now nicely rooted in a 5 gal bucket and I don't plan on repotting again. Ill mix it into my promix or future use but id like to correct the problem in my trainwreck as well

I can't honestly answer about adding dolomite after the fact but I have read of folks mixing it with water and watering it in. I have to say though I don't have any experience with that method so I can't predict the results or offer advice on that method, sorry.

P.S. If you quote the person you responding to it will show up in their alerts so they know to answer you. To quote someone press the "reply" button on the bottom of the post you want to quote.

If you ever have any questions about growing in pro-mix hit me up I'll be glad to help.
Trying to find RO water around town. Its a lot easier to work with ( check water or safeway they will have RO water for sale in the 5G for cheap). Now for the purple that is just a gen thing that sounds to me. you should be fine just don't over water. That seems to be a big problem with most growers.
You are more than correct about the misleading info out there.

A couple of things to remember when shopping at a hydro store;
1) Most grow shop employees don't know shit about growing, no matter what plant it is. BTW canabis is just a plant like any other.

2) Hydro shops are only in it for the money, period. With that said I can't believe they didn't sell you pH up and down. But that goes back to number 1. They don't know shit.

Not to toot my own horn but I am right about the ph pen lol. Keep using it. 5.8 or 5.9 is probably good but it can't hurt to monitor your ph. Tap water is subject to change pH dependent on weather, rain or lack of rain, different treatment methods or just what the fuk ever. You can take a bucket of water and check the ph today, leave it sit till tomorrow and the ph will change. It happens from the water absorbing co2, loosing dissolved oxygen and other reasons. Just keep an eye on it for personal satisfaction.

They do have organic ph up and down if that's your thing.

I can't honestly answer about adding dolomite after the fact but I have read of folks mixing it with water and watering it in. I have to say though I don't have any experience with that method so I can't predict the results or offer advice on that method, sorry.

P.S. If you quote the person you responding to it will show up in their alerts so they know to answer you. To quote someone press the "reply" button on the bottom of the post you want to quote.

If you ever have any questions about growing in pro-mix hit me up I'll be glad to help.
Thanks polo the don, you have been incredibly helpful! I will definatly keep using the ph pen and keep it around 6.0, and they did sell me ph up and down but it is the chemical kind, I don't think they sell an organic kind there otherwise I would have bought it but no big deal I'm sure their effects are very minor overall. As for the dolomite after the fact I think ill just leave it alone for this one and start fresh with the next ones. Afterall, it doesn't seem to be effecting the outcome of the buds at all so probably nothing to really worry about in the first place, just tryin grow the best bud I can! I'll be sure to ask If I have any more questions on the promix! Thanks again!
Trying to find RO water around town. Its a lot easier to work with ( check water or safeway they will have RO water for sale in the 5G for cheap). Now for the purple that is just a gen thing that sounds to me. you should be fine just don't over water. That seems to be a big problem with most growers.
Thanks, I have been looking around for a decently priced ro unit because I can't seem to find any at grocery stores anywhere.. Just distilled and spring water. My tap water usually reads about 235ppm which I've been told isn't terrible when it comes to tap water. I agree about the overwatering too a lot of my buddy's made that mistake so I learned from their mistakes lol I make sure they're good and dry before I water again
Trying to find RO water around town. Its a lot easier to work with ( check water or safeway they will have RO water for sale in the 5G for cheap). Now for the purple that is just a gen thing that sounds to me. you should be fine just don't over water. That seems to be a big problem with most growers.

Remember one thing about RO water, you WILL need to use cal/mag because it does not have any.

Thanks polo the don, you have been incredibly helpful!

My pleasure.

I'll be sure to ask If I have any more questions on the promix!

Or any other matter...

Thanks again!

Your welcome.

I feel as though it is my responsibility to share knowledge, since knowledge has been shared with me.
Yes the Cal/Mag will be needed. Unless you find something to add to your soil mix that will add Cal/Mag for you. I do this so no Cal/Mag is needed. Be careful with it cause it will burn the fuck out of your ladies.
You are more than correct about the misleading info out there.

A couple of things to remember when shopping at a hydro store;
1) Most grow shop employees don't know shit about growing, no matter what plant it is. BTW canabis is just a plant like any other.

2) Hydro shops are only in it for the money, period. With that said I can't believe they didn't sell you pH up and down. But that goes back to number 1. They don't know shit.

Not to toot my own horn but I am right about the ph pen lol. Keep using it. 5.8 or 5.9 is probably good but it can't hurt to monitor your ph. Tap water is subject to change pH dependent on weather, rain or lack of rain, different treatment methods or just what the fuk ever. You can take a bucket of water and check the ph today, leave it sit till tomorrow and the ph will change. It happens from the water absorbing co2, loosing dissolved oxygen and other reasons. Just keep an eye on it for personal satisfaction.

They do have organic ph up and down if that's your thing.

I can't honestly answer about adding dolomite after the fact but I have read of folks mixing it with water and watering it in. I have to say though I don't have any experience with that method so I can't predict the results or offer advice on that method, sorry.

P.S. If you quote the person you responding to it will show up in their alerts so they know to answer you. To quote someone press the "reply" button on the bottom of the post you want to quote.

If you ever have any questions about growing in pro-mix hit me up I'll be glad to help.
This is some great info!

One thing I don't get - how in the world do dispensaries keep up with everything if they have to ph THAT much water/nutes?
On an even bigger scale, (Not with cannabis as of yet) How do industrial farmers like with corn for example keep up with stuff? They don't ph stuff.. They let the soil do the work (Although I know promix and most store bought soils actually are not real soil)

But anyways, how do dispensaries and when it gets to the point where people have huge fields of it, how will they keep up with everything?
One thing that has always got me, and I see argued about quite a bit.
This is some great info!

One thing I don't get - how in the world do dispensaries keep up with everything if they have to ph THAT much water/nutes?
On an even bigger scale, (Not with cannabis as of yet) How do industrial farmers like with corn for example keep up with stuff? They don't ph stuff.. They let the soil do the work (Although I know promix and most store bought soils actually are not real soil)

But anyways, how do dispensaries and when it gets to the point where people have huge fields of it, how will they keep up with everything?
One thing that has always got me, and I see argued about quite a bit.

About those fields of corn and stuff, those fields are soil, dirt, it's in the ground. Soil buffers the pH. As far as dispensaries, if they are growing hydro they probably have a resivour that contain nutes for a group of plants and when they mix the nutes they pH at the same time. There are controlled units available that electronically monitor pH, ppm, and EC and adjust as needed. Most big grow ops don't use a 16 bottle nute system. They do the same thing I do, grow plants by feeding them what they need to grow with a simple nute program designed to cover all the needs of a plant, no matter what that plant is.

Don't think weed is some sort of special plant that needs all sorts of special shit to survive, it's not. It's a plant just like any other. These "canabis specific" nutes and shit are only a money making marketing game.

If you ever want to read a book about growing weed just get a book on gardening. A plant is a plant. If you grow hydroponically get a book on hydroponic gardening. If you grow in soil get a book in soil growing. Most canabis stuff is just hype, don't be fooled. If it will grow tomatoes, it will grow weed.