How you liking being in OR doobie? There many wood shops? There should be i buy specialty wood from there. I really dont want to be here next summer. Had a two year plan but one would be better. I know i want to be in north cali or above, and i dont know much about there
I like the weather here.
Lots to choose from depending on what part of Oregon.
We have the Oregon Coast less than 100-miles from I-5, we have moist-ish weather in the Columbia Gorge area (Portland, and nearby towns), we have the High Desert of central Oregon with lots of ranches & farms, we have good weather for farming all along I-5 towns & cities (depending on crop).
Work-wise, there's work to be had, but Oregon got hit hard with the recession so we have a little higher than average unemployment, but not like the South in some parts.
Lots of decent schools, and some good folks.
Medical marijuana, though they are trying to clamp down on some doctors who bend the rules too much, it's not that hard for a person to get their card.
At all.
Almost as easy as California or Colorado.
And the vote to legalize recreational canabis is officially going to be on the state's voting ballot this November.
It only missed passage last time by a handful of percentage points, so it might make it this time since it is worded differently now.
Tons of churches, if you're into that.
Dairy Queen in every small town.
Lots of hunting & fishing oportunities.
Hiking, boating.
Within driving distance of Washington and California (and Idaho, and Montana, if you dig what they have to offer) for long roadtrips to other fun places.
The usual goods & bads