Well-Known Member
So I guess you don't want to hear about how Hannah carefully stacks things and takes them down, places shapes inside others, and rings on sticks? It's nice having a girl.
yes he's cutting teeth. He's just into "sequences" or "programmes" or something, by all accounts, and I quote roughly from the wifes Wonder Weeks book, "you may have noticed your baby deconstructing things"......lmfao, fuk yes! "Whereas before your baby may have liked to remove a block at a time from a tower" bahahahaha, a block at a time, shut the fuk up, what babies have you been observing, he just smashes the tower down! "This is so he can see how things are put together, now he starts the process of putting things together". The book is just classic, full of Alice in Wonderland Dream stuff. Babies sitting nicely on the floor filling up a bucket with flour using a spoon, get the fuk out! More like hoying flour all over your house, then crawling to the nearest plant, ripping a branch off it then scooting off into the corner to munch on some hydrokorrels! not before snatching a mini Connect 4 from a shelf that has the smallest marbles you can imagine in it! Anyway, what the fuk am I here for, he's in his bed for an afternoon snooze, time to get a joint rolled to soothe ma mind.![]()