Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
He is probably scared of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Yup, lapsing scripts is a no-no although it isnt this case its probably what he feels it is as its a narcotic.

I dont understand why people arent serving there physicians with the waiver that was circulating...its not specific to the MMAR its for the physicians responsability going forward as its a "untested" narcotic. Basically, you waive your MD of any responsability of medical marijuana.
My Doctor laughed at the waiver I gave him. He said even if I wanted to the sue him it would fail for some reason he had. He signed and said sure no problem and never charged a cent. He's a great guy ! Love my Doc. He's a internationally reconized specialist and super smart. Cool guy and very compassionate.
all narcotics are given with triple script on a doctors triple script pad it's different than that regular pad, defiantly not a paper form done in a word program on a computer.
It's a narcotic...that is so funny.....never been so messed up as I was/am doing "legal" narcotics. That morphine shit will kill you...marijuana...not so much!
I'm with ya on those "other" narcos can and will kill ya (fast or slow)
all narcotics are given with triple script on a doctors triple script pad it's different than that regular pad, defiantly not a paper form done in a word program on a computer.

I'm with ya on those "other" narcos can and will kill ya (fast or slow)
Yup....slow roasted from the inside out
chuck is out of tweed already, they don't have more than 50 patients like all of you think. its all speculation for the dump, 2nd quarter losses of over 1mill
My Doctor laughed at the waiver I gave him. He said even if I wanted to the sue him it would fail for some reason he had. He signed and said sure no problem and never charged a cent. He's a great guy ! Love my Doc. He's a internationally reconized specialist and super smart. Cool guy and very compassionate.
He saw past it like the rest of us did, who the fuck would get sued over weed.
more "American Sue Everyone for Everything" splashover scariness from the south, I think you would find it harder to sue someone in Canada .... unlike sue city down below
chuck is out of tweed already, they don't have more than 50 patients like all of you think. its all speculation for the dump, 2nd quarter losses of over 1mill

More information would be interesting.
I thrive off their mistakes and losses.
This is why the RCMP is interested in ways around this.
It's way too easy right now to order from an LP once and stuff the bag/jar/container full of your favourite supply without it being identifiable in any way by law enforcement.
yepp, that sounds like the plan of many people i've talked to
yep and the labels are only paper labels.... you could print those off easy. But trust me ya really don't feel very cool carrying around that fucking jar, don't fit in the pocket, and I don't carry around a backpack everywhere I go uugghhh. If they were worried about the BM and med patients, then they would have insisted that pricing be cheaper(at lest half of what they sell for now) but there is not enough numbers for anyone to worry that med patients have to go to the BM, as rec users outweigh us in numbers.
Trust me when I say... it doesn't matter who you are. Legal or not.
Any person caught with Marijuana will end up going through the system or some kind of bullshit.
You can bet on this one. They just made it easier to screw people with this MMPR..... IF THE POLICE SO PLEASE....
end of story.
Best to shut the fuck up and keep things under wraps.
Trust me when I say... it doesn't matter who you are. Legal or not.
Any person caught with Marijuana will end up going through the system or some kind of bullshit.
You can bet on this one. They just made it easier to screw people with this MMPR..... IF THE POLICE SO PLEASE....
end of story.
Best to shut the fuck up and keep things under wraps.

"Best to shut the fuck up and keep things under wraps" sounds like good advice for most.
I'm getting to the stage in my life where I don't really give a fuck.
you will when it ends up costing you. Specially after being told you are legal and its all good.
Courts suck. Lawyers... that kind of fuck around bugs the crap out of me personally.
Id love to be able to blaze one when ever I felt I had to. I do anyway but keep it to myself.
Patients are a minority after all.