Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?

You can either have rich and poor, or everyone can be poor with a very select few ruling the place.

We can't decide as a nation to be prosperous. It isn't about deciding. It is about reality. No one decides to be poor.

The only way we can get back is to start a war where hundreds of millions die and the productive capacity of most other countries is destroyed.

No, it's not dems, it's people like you pad, who bitch about wealth disparity and vote for people who enact the exact policies that widen the income gap....while blaming the other team.

Lets hear you sing this same tune next time a republican takes the white house

You silly fucks were nowhere to be found when W. was fucking over the world with his administration.

My American Dream is to live in a society that is congruent with the the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work. "Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth."

Right now, wealth controls politics, and politics controls America. This isn't a secret. To continue the farce that it is is simply disingenuous. We all have youtube, we all have cameras at this point..

your dream involves stuff that is beyond your control.
That's "The America Dream". We started off this conversation with me saying it's bullshit, and now it seems we've ended it with you in agreement

If it's beyond my control, it's unattainable, if it's unattainable, it's bullshit.

It wasn't always unattainable.

keep focusing on things out of your control and i'll keep telling you why your dream is unattainable.
Well that certainly is a good point.

I would counter that by saying that where you have rich and poor, the west and other capitalist nations, there are poor. There are also rich people who used to be poor. People who changed their fate.

In countries where the government steps in to make equal citizens, there has yet to be one that makes everyone rich, and plenty where they make everyone poor.

In North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Red China, others and former Soviet Union (probably the best, but they still had to build walls to keep people in) the people were impoverished and there was virtually no upward mobility. The state chose who the elite were, and they were the only ones who lived well.

Some of those countries adopted more capitalistic policies and they created wealth for people. Yes, some people are still poor.

So fuck you.
Well that certainly is a good point.

I would counter that by saying that where you have rich and poor, the west and other capitalist nations, there are poor. There are also rich people who used to be poor. People who changed their fate.

In countries where the government steps in to make equal citizens, there has yet to be one that makes everyone rich, and plenty where they make everyone poor.

In North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Red China, others and former Soviet Union (probably the best, but they still had to build walls to keep people in) the people were impoverished and there was virtually no upward mobility. The state chose who the elite were, and they were the only ones who lived well.

Some of those countries adopted more capitalistic policies and they created wealth for people. Yes, some people are still poor.

So fuck you.
I would counter that by saying that where you have rich and poor, the west and other capitalist nations, there are poor. There are also rich people who used to be poor. People who changed their fate.

Lottery winners? Inheritance?
Perhaps you should have written, people who had their fate changed.

That would be a more accurate description of their situation, overall.
SmokeDick Dan
Believes there can only be rich and poor in this country. And so he votes for the party that is actually trying to make that happen deluded into thinking that he will not be one of the poor.

Typical racist republican Dickhead.

And he just made the list
Arresting Officer
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Lottery winners? Inheritance?
Perhaps you should have written, people who had their fate changed.

That would be a more accurate description of their situation, overall.
100 years ago the Vanderbilt family were the richest people in America.

In the 1870's Cornelius Vanderbilt plowed and planted a virgin field so he could borrow $100 from his mother, who was lower middle class at best. Before he died he was worth over one hundred million dollars.

I'll grant you that this is an extreme example. But I know or know of a great many people who have achieved wealth.

What is a rich person. Undoubtedly different people answer differently.

I think if you have enough money to meet your needs and do a lot of the things you want to do, it would be reasonable to be called rich.

That could be someone with a 75k per year income, over time. Hell it could be 50k with wisdom and time.

When we talk about "rich" people there is an assumption that it's ultra rich only in the discussion.

It is all relative. People who socialized with the Vanderbilt family would be called poor with a net worth of (only) $1 million in 1900 money. It was called "respectable poverty. "

Likewise everyone in the trailer park thinks the guy with the nice double wide and a Ford truck is rich.
100 years ago the Vanderbilt family were the richest people in America.

In the 1870's Cornelius Vanderbilt plowed and planted a virgin field so he could borrow $100 from his mother, who was lower middle class at best. Before he died he was worth over one hundred million dollars.

I'll grant you that this is an extreme example. But I know or know of a great many people who have achieved wealth.

What is a rich person. Undoubtedly different people answer differently.

I think if you have enough money to meet your needs and do a lot of the things you want to do, it would be reasonable to be called rich.

That could be someone with a 75k per year income, over time. Hell it could be 50k with wisdom and time.

When we talk about "rich" people there is an assumption that it's ultra rich only in the discussion.

It is all relative. People who socialized with the Vanderbilt family would be called poor with a net worth of (only) $1 million in 1900 money. It was called "respectable poverty. "

Likewise everyone in the trailer park thinks the guy with the nice double wide and a Ford truck is rich.

can't wait until mommy and daddy cut you off.
Arresting Officer
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Isn't it lonely?

I had a few people on ignore, then I realized I was missing out on part of the entertainment
if your dream involves changing society as a whole, good fucking luck.

Talk about something that is unattainable..

I'm under no delusion that I could ever change society, all I can ever hope to do is live my life and hopefully find some happiness somewhere within society
Lets hear you sing this same tune next time a republican takes the white house

You silly fucks were nowhere to be found when W. was fucking over the world with his administration.


I was, and I will again. The difference is, you'll be there with me next time, unlike now when all you do is assign blame to one party.

I noticed you didn't dispute any of the points I made, yet you still beat the party line drum. Yes, people like you are causing the damage by being uninformed and blaming one side of the isle while cheering for the other doing the same thing.

Against war? support Obama....
Against the Patriot Act? Obama added cell phones and put it on steroids, yet you still support him...
Against wealth disparity? It's increased in the last 8 years as much as any time in history, yet you support Obama and blame pubs.
Against being lied to by our leaders? no, you can't really be against that.

I honestly don't see much difference anymore between the two. Bush blew chunks, the new guy is blowing chunks, the next guy will do the same if we keep playing teams.