Richest 1% now own more than the rest of us combined

Leave it to Padwan to post a completely misleading piece....

"The richest one percent of the world’s population now own more than the rest of us combined, aid group Oxfam said Monday, on the eve of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

“Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population — a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago,” the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

If you read the two sentences they are not the same.

In one, 62 people are worth more than the POOREST HALF of the population. That does not count the 63rd wealthiest to the person that is just slightly richer than the next poorest guy and that is a huge chunk of wealth.

So, the richest one percent do not own more than the rest of us, some ignorant person at Oxfam said that.

Furthermore, wealth is not cash.... Wealth in the form of Walmart is the buildings, equipment, inventory and business agreements and as such is the reason for hundreds of thousands of jobs for people. So yeah, the poorest 1/2 of the world does not own buildings or hire and pay people and/or own commercial assets as such, that is obvious.

What Padwan is advocating is that we steal all the profit (which translates into growth, more jobs, etc.) from the private sector. It would eliminate the reason for people to invest and for businesses to be created. He wants to kill the golden goose because he thinks that even though he owns neither the goose nor the eggs that he should get a share because he is alive and has needs. Unfortunately there are millions of people out there that think the same backwards way and wonder why the economy is shit....

I just want to point out for all the dumbasses who missed it. Padawan isn't advocating that we steal ALL PROFIT lol... you are a bigger joke than the person you are trying to tear down.
Not to split hairs, but if you ask me, the bottom 77% of the top 1% are really quite decent folks. But that top 23% of the 1%, what assholes. Fuck the 0.23%ers!
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Sad thing is everyone tends to blame the rich for everything yet its the rich that made it happen for you to have that iphone , or pc or even some luxury in life .. Cause someone came up with a idea that made them rich we must now be like Robin hood steal from the rich and give to the poor ,,
I say suck it up the rich are the highest tax lets compare what is fair i mean really as a previous corporate owner and after all Tax will have to look at books but by the time i payed my self i payed around 72 percent corporate and personal tax on money so please give it a rest people how much more you want rich people to cover your ass i say raise taxes on poor and middle income cause
The rich are already paying 90 percent more then low income families , and double of middle income family groups FT_15.03.23_taxesInd.png
Sad thing is everyone tends to blame the rich for everything yet its the rich that made it happen for you to have that iphone , or pc or even some luxury in life .. Cause someone came up with a idea that made them rich we must now be like Robin hood steal from the rich and give to the poor ,,
I say suck it up the rich are the highest tax lets compare what is fair i mean really as a previous corporate owner and after all Tax will have to look at books but by the time i payed my self i payed around 72 percent corporate and personal tax on money so please give it a rest people how much more you want rich people to cover your ass i say raise taxes on poor and middle income cause
The rich are already paying 90 percent more then low income families , and double of middle income family groups View attachment 3592135

Cry me a river