blueberry kid
Well-Known Member
do i mix tha molasses wit water?
I was trimming since 8....I finishes at 1 or so...guh...I hate that part. I shot her with insecticide this morning and washed her off this afternoon so she should be clean...ish at least....there are no live little fuckers on her at least.They will come up fast under that know to harden em off a few hours at a time....figured you were neck deep in did the mite thing turn out...was she clean?
I was trimming since 8....I finishes at 1 or so...guh...I hate that part. I shot her with insecticide this morning and washed her off this afternoon so she should be clean...ish at least....there are no live little fuckers on her at least.
its beginning to get shoots. its like a couple days far along are ya there blue