Need Help Determining Harvest Date and Technique for First Grow

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
I need help determining when to harvest my plant. its about its fourth fifth week into flowering and the hairs are beginning to turn amber colored. I only have a Sherlock Holmes style magnifying glass but it looks like the thc is becoming cloudy. The flowers aren't very big but I did get the seed out of a stash I had so I cant complain. A few pictures below might help anyone come to a conclusion or help offer some tips. Any advice is much appreciated as usual


Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Well it was kinda a half ass grow.. Had it outdoors for points and indoors for others. Right now im using three 2700K CFLs and one grow light i got from a hardware store. Have constant moving air and humidity rarely gets above 60%. Grew it in Miracle Gro which is a noobie mistake but i didnt know at the time. Any last minute tips that can help with anything? i know i fuc*ed up but im trying to do damage control


Well-Known Member
I'd give it extra time hoping it will swell out some, invest in a jewelers loupe I got one off ebay for $7 that has 60-100x zoom auto focus and led lighting

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Is a jewlers loupe really a necessity in determing the harvest date? if it is ill get one I was just wondering how necessary it is

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
I also heard its hard to focus in on the actual plant because the plant is moving so you have to take a piece off and view it in front of a white sheet of paper? Idk if these are true because the internet says many things which arent true


Well-Known Member
It seems like there is a lot of hairs still light and sticking out straight image.jpgYour buds still look like between the first and second to be


Well-Known Member
Is a jewlers loupe really a necessity in determing the harvest date? if it is ill get one I was just wondering how necessary it is
It's not 100% necessary at all but it sure helps the one I got works fine it's hand held and very simple to use mine looks very similar to this ( not this exact one) image.jpg you should definatly look into one for your next grow


Well-Known Member
So like one more week or so?
its hard to say without the plant being right infront of me but when I had no loupe I waited till the hairs receded so I might have been over ripening but it was still very good smoke I'd give it between a week or 2 and if you see hardly any change harvest that girl