PLANTS stolen!!!!

Well I hope not....and then I know the person who went through the car too. Because I think that is the same person. And for anyone... do the work yourself if you want your own smoke. Or buy it. But DO NOT make me feel like I am being watched and take whats in my yard. And I'd never poison a kid or kill a kid... but I'd like to scare the shit out of them and catch them in my yard...

This is what growing weed is about unfortunately. Not getting ripped is the trial by fire. Growing is easy, harvesting is hard.

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Get a security light.. Put trackers in ur pots. And get a dog oh and a shot gun along with a fence FOR THE PLANTS, with a LOCK. By the time they try to cut ur lock off the gate the dog will hear, lights will go off.. And u have ur shotgun(; I just now saw this pic on facebook!


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Yes, I think they will be back... going to get a motion sensor light and install today. I want something with noise too!

go to harbor freight and get the drive way alarms..they are motion sensor alarms...but the receiver is in the house so you have to be home to hear great for me...

or this one outside under cover to give off a alarm outside to intruder
You could also grow in large kennel crates as well. Run a little power to it. Zap. Sucks to hear about your loss though. May your last plant do you well. Kids are effin stupid at times.
Yes, I think they will be back... going to get a motion sensor light and install today. I want something with noise too!
put a cheap camera next to your motion sensor or even a fake one..thinking you are being filmed tends to scare people off even if they feel like you cant/wont call the police I doubt they want their pictures taken.
First I would like to say that my heart goes out to you. Whoever stole your plant is trash, and will eventually run afoul of those who will teach them the error of their ways in a satisfactory manner. Now, maybe I have spent too much time reading Sun Tzu's the Art of War, but certain parts have always stuck with me, and apply very accurately to situations like this. Sun Tzu says that all conflict is based on deception. When you are strong, you must appear weak. When you are weak, you must appear strong. When you are unable to attack, you must seem ready to strike. When ready to strike, you must seem defenseless. He also said that the best way to win a war is without shedding a single drop of blood. If you can defeat your opponent with psychological warfare, things never need to come to violence. Maybe I take that advice too seriously, and maybe I spend too much time pretending I am Liam Neeson from Taken. That being said... In addition to the camera I would leave a note in case they come back that says "To those concerned: You have taken property that does not belong to you. This was a mistake. You have muddied your boots in waters that are too deep for you. You have one chance to correct your lapse in judgment. You have one week to return what you have taken. That is all. Smile for the cameras on the way out. We will be watching." and if you have any hunter friends that can loan you a large caliber rifle round to act as a paper weight it would really put a stamp on things.
I had something similar happen to me the day after Memorial Day. I left my house from 6-7 am, and when I got back someone had broken into my house. They took my plants, grow equipment, laptop, PS4, and some watches. My plants were only a month into flower too. They were barely even buds there, so the plants wasn't worth shit yet. That was one of the worst feelings in the world. I felt like I had been violated. I never expected someone to break in. I figured the cops would come before that ever happened. Lol! Anyways these assholes got me for a nice lick, but they were far from taking everything. I mean they left my TV's and a bunch of other expensive stuff. I am still nervous about whoever it was coming back and hitting me again. I got me an ADT security sign for my yard and some matching stickers for my windows as a deterant. Plus I won't forget to lock my windows ever again either. FYI that was how they got in. Anyways I know how bad something like this sucks, so I have to say that I am sorry to here about you and to keep your head up. If I was in your shoe's, I would bring my plant in at night if that is possible. Otherwise I would get some security lights and get one of those driveway alarms that they were talking about in the above posts. Best of luck to you!
So... when I was a kid and I'd pilfer a fruit from someone's yard I deserved to die for that?

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Unless you plan on moving, it's going to be indoor from here on's amazing what you can get from a closet sized space. I still use an old school 400w tek light for veg AND flower, with a window fan to vent the heat & smell & a small fan to simulate wind. Takes up 3' x 5' (1m x 1.7m) in my spare room. 2 plants in soil at a time, 2-4oz. per plant, $30 per month additional elect. bill at 18/6 . Yeah, I could do better with HPS, but I don't have to deal with ballasts, humidifiers, outrageous power bills, & the like. Good Luck.
So... when I was a kid and I'd pilfer a fruit from someone's yard I deserved to die for that?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Rollitup mobile app
Did you break into their house, and/or car during the pilfering with no regard to their personal feelings of safety and security, and take literally thousands of dollars worth of fruit at one time? There is a huge difference and you know it, don't act like breaking and entering and stealing a pound+ plant is the same thing as swiping the sunday paper or taking a plum from your neighbor's tree.
First I would like to say that my heart goes out to you. Whoever stole your plant is trash, and will eventually run afoul of those who will teach them the error of their ways in a satisfactory manner. Now, maybe I have spent too much time reading Sun Tzu's the Art of War, but certain parts have always stuck with me, and apply very accurately to situations like this. Sun Tzu says that all conflict is based on deception. When you are strong, you must appear weak. When you are weak, you must appear strong. When you are unable to attack, you must seem ready to strike. When ready to strike, you must seem defenseless. He also said that the best way to win a war is without shedding a single drop of blood. If you can defeat your opponent with psychological warfare, things never need to come to violence. Maybe I take that advice too seriously, and maybe I spend too much time pretending I am Liam Neeson from Taken. That being said... In addition to the camera I would leave a note in case they come back that says "To those concerned: You have taken property that does not belong to you. This was a mistake. You have muddied your boots in waters that are too deep for you. You have one chance to correct your lapse in judgment. You have one week to return what you have taken. That is all. Smile for the cameras on the way out. We will be watching." and if you have any hunter friends that can loan you a large caliber rifle round to act as a paper weight it would really put a stamp on things.

You know I have been thinking about leaving a message of sorts...and warning that I can see and know who they are etc. Now it seems everyone who walks by my house.. I wonder... and especially if they are young... and I lug my last plant in every night... either to the shed or my kitchen... lock up tight and draw my blinds. Something I never thought twice about until now. It's sickening.
Did you break into their house, and/or car during the pilfering with no regard to their personal feelings of safety and security, and take literally thousands of dollars worth of fruit at one time? There is a huge difference and you know it, don't act like breaking and entering and stealing a pound+ plant is the same thing as swiping the sunday paper or taking a plum from your neighbor's tree.

Its not the same thing... you're right. I would never poison anyone that's for sure. But bottom line is they are going to profit from that plant. That's why they took it for sure. And of course smoke it.. .given that it makes it to harvest. They need a place to keep it.. and it's stinky..and getting stinkier...whoever they are, they are asshats.... and they get caught with it... they'll probably blow the whistle on where they got it. Depending on the age of the perpetrators....
You might take a look at carport greenhouse. It's like drawing the blinds over your plants. Out of sight, out of mind. The are great to grow in & they look cannot see inside them & you can put motion alarms around the outside to let you know when anyone is on your property & you can stop them before they see inside...just trying to help....thieves suck...
carport cages 7-12-2014 001.JPG

carport cages 7-12-2014 004.JPG
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You might take a look a carport greenhouse. It's like drawing the blinds over your plants. Out of sight, out of mind. The are great to grow in & they look cannot see inside them & you can put motion alarms around the outside to let you know when anyone is on your property & you can stop them before they see inside...just trying to help....thieves suck...
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It's great... except we probably would require a permit to put one up.. and I am in a subdivision... while it's not a tiny postage stamp lot by any means... something like this would be obvious.... A couple of plants outside on the deck go unnoticed by my neighbours etc., but any more than that and its risky... like my dopey neighbour said they keep "smelling skunk"... I replied that yes, I am seeing them in the yard at night! Meanwhile I KNOW what it is. Next year I may put a couple at my bro's house... he has more property. I have a massive crawl space ... should just convert that.. pitch black, no windows... I can stand between the joists...
Unless you plan on moving, it's going to be indoor from here on's amazing what you can get from a closet sized space. I still use an old school 400w tek light for veg AND flower, with a window fan to vent the heat & smell & a small fan to simulate wind. Takes up 3' x 5' (1m x 1.7m) in my spare room. 2 plants in soil at a time, 2-4oz. per plant, $30 per month additional elect. bill at 18/6 . Yeah, I could do better with HPS, but I don't have to deal with ballasts, humidifiers, outrageous power bills, & the like. Good Luck.

I do have inside plants too. Nothing ready to go into the tent yet. Just much better plants for me outside. They look great and it's nice to tend to them out there in the summer... even if they are potted on the deck. The one that got ripped was in a 15g fabric pot... I guess I made it easier for them.. as it had handles... bastards. I have been in this neighbourhood all my life... this home was my parent's home. I bought my bro's out when my mom passed 2 years ago. But like everything things have gotten much more built up... there are big big homes not 2 streets over.. it's probably over enabled god damn kids from that area...