I'm a US citizen sovereign with a much sharper grasp on history.
You sir, are a name caller. IAC, the Fist of Zion is something I do support, along with most all thinking Americans.
You admit that you are a Zionist, so all I'm doing is calling a spade a spade, as the saying goes. Why do you then say I am a name caller? You sir, in contrast have called me a racist anti Semite numerous times. Now that is name calling. Also, being an American citizen doesn't mean shit as far as I'm concerned, considering our standing in the world as to quality of life or education. As a matter of fact, we are pretty fucking dumb in comparison to most developed countries. As far as your grasp of history in the Palestinian/ Israeli conflict, it is so biased as to make it useless, bordering on sad actually. Read what the rest of the world thinks about Israel, it will give you a better understanding why Israel is becoming a pariah. Oh, and going back to name calling, if I understand you correctly, most everyone in this forum that doesn't agree with you, can't think. Now, that's not a nice thing to say.I'm a US citizen sovereign with a much sharper grasp on history.
You sir, are a name caller. IAC, the Fist of Zion is something I do support, along with most all thinking Americans.
Well, I do blame Israel for most of the violence in the West Bank and Gaza, and in most of Middle East for that matter.. It is my opinion that if Israel had returned the land taken in 1967, as mandated by the UN and the Geneva Convention, the world would be a very different world today, and for the better. Israel's security would have to have been maintained of course, but militarily they have always been vastly superior to any of their neighbors as a result of the USA' unequivocal support. The Israelis would have taken off the table an argument made by terrorists ever since. that all the Jew wants is all the land they can take by force. By their actions though, primarily in their treatment of the Palestinians, all they did was to help create the situations we have found ourselves in ever since. In bin Laden's "Letter to America", one of the main reasons he gave justifying the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was America's support of Israel, and the plight of the Palestinian people As a matter of fact, almost the entire letter mentions the abuses suffered by the Palestinians at the hands of Israel and the US by proxy.That is what he thought and said and acted on, and that cannot be disputed. So, in essence, the largest terrorist attack in history was a result of Israel's actions against the Palestinians, and the USA's support of those actions. Zionism has caused a lot of problems, not only in Israel and the occupied territories, the but around the entire world. That also cannot be disputed, but it seem Israel doesn't give a fuck.
Israel was a flashpoint and rallying cry for 9/11so let me see if i have this right:
9/11 was caused by israel and the USA, not by terrorists flying planes into buildings, and we should base our foreign policy off of what bin laden and the people you identify as terrorists say we should do?
did i get that about right?
I am just quoting was bin Laden wrote in his " Letter to America" after 9/11, explaining his reasons. There was more than one reason, but seemingly Palestine was a main reason. When people feel they are unjustly treated they usually have a reason. In the Palestinian situation, most of the world sides with Palestine as far as the need for a homeland. In that respect, maybe the US and Israel can adjust their policies, simply to be more of a part of the world community. The Palestinian problem is not going to go away unless Israel stops building settlements anywhere they choose, and at any time they choose. I just think our policies toward Israel, which ignores us too by the way, is causing way too much friction in the world. We can also say go fuck yourself to the world , as Israel does,but that is not a good way to create friends in my opinion, and just might be counterproductive. But who needs friends, and why would we adjust our policies for them. We still have our best buddy, Israel.so let me see if i have this right:
9/11 was caused by israel and the USA, not by terrorists flying planes into buildings, and we should base our foreign policy off of what bin laden and the people you identify as terrorists say we should do?
did i get that about right?
Israel was a flashpoint and rallying cry for 9/11
Terrorists are at fault for the execution. But Israel had a role
I am just quoting was bin Laden wrote in his " Letter to America" after 9/11, explaining his reasons. There was more than one reason, but seemingly Palestine was a main reason. When people feel they are unjustly treated they usually have a reason. In the Palestinian situation, most of the world sides with Palestine as far as the need for a homeland. In that respect, maybe the US and Israel can adjust their policies, simply to be more of a part of the world community. The Palestinian problem is not going to go away unless Israel stops building settlements anywhere they choose, and at any time they choose. I just think our policies toward Israel, which ignores us too by the way, is causing way too much friction in the world. We can also say go fuck yourself to the world , as Israel does,but that is not a good way to create friends in my opinion, and just might be counterproductive. But who needs friends, and why would we adjust our policies for them. We still have our best buddy, Israel.
so let me see if i have this right:
9/11 was caused by israel and the USA, not by terrorists flying planes into buildings, and we should base our foreign policy off of what bin laden and the people you identify as terrorists say we should do?
did i get that about right?
Mossad had prior knowledge. Don't know why they filmed it rather then going to the airports and intercepting the hijackers at their departure destinations, IF, they thought the US would not act on the information provided.
weren't you also in on the plot to get bin laden, armchair patton?
Hey, I don't need to belong the greatest country in the world, I just happen to, by luck.
That self appointed and self conceived greatness is not necessary to make me a true blue, thick and thin, tax paying, Citizen American Patriot for Zion.
And when I was a young fire breather, sign toting, march around guy, I was never so sanguine as to blame the Jews for all the warring there. I blamed the PLO and the dumb Dems, for supporting them against Israel.
I was never so out of touch as to be against the USA.