rubbin charas in nepal

Please Nirakar DO NOT bring western genetics to the Himalayas, study genetic and what is la andrace before you make the choice, it would be a crime to muddy the landrace genetics you have. The feet of the Himalayas region is the birth place of Cannabis, breeders from all over the world would give an arm and a leg to have some Himalayan landrace genetic and you want to do what, grow sensi???
Please Nirakar DO NOT bring western genetics to the Himalayas, study genetic and what is la andrace before you make the choice, it would be a crime to muddy the landrace genetics you have. The feet of the Himalayas region is the birth place of Cannabis, breeders from all over the world would give an arm and a leg to have some Himalayan landrace genetic and you want to do what, grow sensi???

sensimilla simply means without seeds in spanish. maybe be the word came from mexico, so why would i need western seeds to grow sensimilla, i just need a great green house, 40 feet high hahahaha to grow them nepalese landrace sensimilla. but i wouldnt mind growin western seeds, african seeds, chinese seeds and what not.
n i have seen almost every video of ganja there is on youtube like i have every song of bob marley thats on youtube so i have watched how u do it in emerald triangle.
n the plants u see bisay dai rubbin durin april werent even ripe n the plants u see him rubbin now just started to flower some r gettin fat already like u see in them videos but most r just goin to bud. n he got no money to buy ganja or no land to grow n wants to smoke so he rubs it regardless of wat stage the plant is n if he dont rub them they other guys who will, but just with his age n experience he is the best that i know of. n his hands were made to rub charas. if u look at his hands the skin they hard, he dont have to use water or anythin to get dat charas out of his hands, he just rubs his hands together n charas just falls n i am there to collect them. my hands r soft n everytime i try to rub i dont get any where close to wat bisay dai rubs in quality n quantity, n when i try to get that charas out of my hands i have skin comin off too sometimes so u dont see my makin charas but that dont mean u wont ever see me makin it, i like makin ice water hash. some day when i have my own garden i will rub some fine cream n when i am done rubbin them buds for that cream i can always use the rubbed buds to make some bubble hashish.








that pic with that monster lady was taken oct. 2011. some close up bud shots from my garden last year, n a dried cured marijuana bud i had from my garden last year.


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I guess you do not realize that sensimilla (yes I do speak Spanish as well) will be seeded sooner than later by local genetics and it will start the cycle but I do not think I can change your mind in any case you should read about breeding and genetics some. If your knowledge mostly come from video on You Tube I should not been surprised on the other hand, you should try books as a tool to educate yourself, quite amazing.
Are you able to make a difference between the pics of Charas you have and the one I posted above or are you color blind as well?
I guess you do not realize that sensimilla (yes I do speak Spanish as well) will be seeded sooner than later by local genetics and it will start the cycle but I do not think I can change your mind in any case you should read about breeding and genetics some. If your knowledge mostly come from video on You Tube I should not been surprised on the other hand, you should try books as a tool to educate yourself, quite amazing.
Are you able to make a difference between the pics of Charas you have and the one I posted above or are you color blind as well?

do u know the meanin of sensimilla??? why cant i grow landrace senismilla tell me?? how is it gonna get pollinated when they in a green house when i am growin only female nepalese landraces, n since no male pollen can penetrate the green house.u should just stop watchin my videos. or keep ur comments to urself, i dont care how old u are, u tell me that i am color blind in my face when u come to nepal or when i come to ur country n we'll see. but heck comin to ur country, u live in a country where u ruled by the most evil forces in this world thats why u guys think u the best n u cant see other races do good. i have never seen a black man or a brown man make ganja videos its always soma or strain hunters or bob the farmer, urban grower n wat not.
n i have a god who has dreadlocks n smokes ganja all the time n u tellin me ganja is originated in the himalayas tell that to ur white frens.. if ganja wasnt from nepal lord shiva wouldnt be livin in nepal n smokin ganja...he would be in the USA smokin dem western sensimilla.. .
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this is the ice water hash i made without them expensive bubble bags that u guys have in ur western world. n yah i have watched almost every video but that was durin earlier days n its not just videos, they thousand of articles n books on the internet that i have read. but that was all in the past. i have been growin since 2008 n nobody has taught me more than my garden n all the wild plants i see growin in my country. u guys put videos on super croppin n give it a name, but before u gave it a name n called it super croppin nature was already doin that for us with the wind n the rain. u come to nepal n u call sagamata mt everest, u come to nepal take a seed from nepal n call it himalaya gold, hahahaha every thing you guys have in ur western country were stolen from poor country like ours a long time ago n u guys still stealin everythin u can from every poor country thats in this world. hahahaha. go mite watch CNN anderson copper 360. hahahaha
heck chillin out in this forum n with u white ppl. just get me out of this place... what the fuck i got to do get myself banned motherfuckers???
heck chillin out in this forum n with u white ppl. just get me out of this place... what the fuck i got to do get myself banned motherfuckers???
I am not sure Your Big mouth, and little deficient flowers would get ya banned! Sorry, Try to stay positive! You like Bob Marley Right? ;) cool videos though
I met the women of my life in 1980 in Pokara and have only good memories of Nepal. I traveled all my life because I love and respect diversity so I really couldn't care less about the color of your skin, I do not judge people on it.
If you want to breed Nirakar a smart move would be to bring Nepalese genetics in Cali and hook up with breeders who will appreciate it and make the best of it with you, it is called networking. It is also a good way to learn how to manage a green house, learn about breeding, nutrition of plants, soil content, etc. with masters of the art.
If you change your attitude and are ready to learn get in touch.
May Shiva protection be always with you
I just read this whole thread. I love hashish and am very interested in the culture, especially charas. I'm ashamed to see how the thread has degenerated.

Words... labels... borders... races and ethnicity.... What the fuck does any of that have to do with charas?

I started out thinking the OP was a super cool dude. Now I see the true colors.

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” - Take note Nirakar.