Silver! Who Is On This Train?

you started this thread with silver at the top of that bubble, smarty.
No, the price of silver went on to gain another 50%. The day the thread was started the price was $32, it went on to hit $49 two months later. Which means it was a winner and my speculation made a shit ton of money if you sold it at that point.

I don't remember ever telling anyone to buy physical silver and then hold onto it forever and ever and Never ever sell it. Do you? Of course not, you haven't even read the thread, hell, its been nearly 2 years since I last posted before johnny asked his question.

Why so bitter and hurt all the time?
No, the price of silver went on to gain another 50%. The day the thread was started the price was $32, it went on to hit $49 two months later. Which means it was a winner and my speculation made a shit ton of money if you sold it at that point.

I don't remember ever telling anyone to buy physical silver and then hold onto it forever and ever and Never ever sell it. Do you? Of course not, you haven't even read the thread, hell, its been nearly 2 years since I last posted before johnny asked his question.

Why so bitter and hurt all the time?

bitter and hurt was your rant about me in the other thread, i am laughing non stop at "this train" which lost 47% of its value.
bitter and hurt was your rant about me in the other thread, i am laughing non stop at "this train" which lost 47% of its value.

Poor bucky, and by poor I mean you haven't got a pot to piss in.

Let me know if you ever make anything of yourself, I doubt if I ever hear from you.
Yeah, silver went from $9 to $49 in 2 years, some of us made over $180,000 on that deal and still have quite a bit of the metal in storage.
I'd be happy w that kind of turnover. When do you think silver will hit 15? below that how cld u not?
Can you please quote where I said i was a trader who makes his living by trading every day?

I will wait while you go ahead and find that for me.

Only got like 23,000 posts spanning 8 years to go through, might want to use the search function. Let me know when you find it.
You are correct in that you never said you bad..... I was assuming and everyone knows what that stands for...Buck is correct in his chart on Si, and GC matches it as well....If your still holding silver it has cut into your gains.....Most,people lack the knowledge to call a top so getting out @ 49.00 would require some sort of rule set?That would have probably seen your rotating percent's of your position all the way up ....Ex. Taking profit's on the way up when your rules are matched and Buying lower to replace those volumes giving you a ever higher cost basis....Then exiting whole position when you come within X % of your cost basis.....And going bear mode....There's money to be made up and down.....As for the Bubble chart, and the high's going back to the 60's 70's that are not on there ...Your difference is's the Sq rt of 5..They make what are called rt 5 rectangle's..And can be put together to make what are called whirling square's.....with Time the other variable creating your quadrant's....anyway's a long ass story short those rectangle's don't get applied just Horizontally either They go vertically as well and this is where you will see 2.236 come into play again....People say all the time you can't predict the market's and that's not true there are "Anomalous" number set's that will throw your work off here and there but they even out in the end. Fibonacci is a cosmic number set that see's application in ever single person's life everyday and people just don't realize. L. Pesavento has a book that covers this "Fibonacci and Pattern Recognition"....These "harmonic" pattern's have been backtested over 40 yrs and come out with almost a 80% correct rate...Where your basic candlestick pattern's over the same period fail almost 75% of the time. Just my .2 for now
You are correct in that you never said you bad..... I was assuming and everyone knows what that stands for...Buck is correct in his chart on Si, and GC matches it as well....If your still holding silver it has cut into your gains.....Most,people lack the knowledge to call a top so getting out @ 49.00 would require some sort of rule set?That would have probably seen your rotating percent's of your position all the way up ....Ex. Taking profit's on the way up when your rules are matched and Buying lower to replace those volumes giving you a ever higher cost basis....Then exiting whole position when you come within X % of your cost basis.....And going bear mode....There's money to be made up and down.....As for the Bubble chart, and the high's going back to the 60's 70's that are not on there ...Your difference is's the Sq rt of 5..They make what are called rt 5 rectangle's..And can be put together to make what are called whirling square's.....with Time the other variable creating your quadrant's....anyway's a long ass story short those rectangle's don't get applied just Horizontally either They go vertically as well and this is where you will see 2.236 come into play again....People say all the time you can't predict the market's and that's not true there are "Anomalous" number set's that will throw your work off here and there but they even out in the end. Fibonacci is a cosmic number set that see's application in ever single person's life everyday and people just don't realize. L. Pesavento has a book that covers this "Fibonacci and Pattern Recognition"....These "harmonic" pattern's have been backtested over 40 yrs and come out with almost a 80% correct rate...Where your basic candlestick pattern's over the same period fail almost 75% of the time. Just my .2 for now

Tell me, how does all this trading advice fit for people who are only buying actual physical silver that you can hold in your hand? No where in this thread is it suggested or implied that people play around in the COMEX, this thread is for people who only have a physical position, we weren't trying to be traders here playing with digits.

I suggest a read of the thread so you can get the gist of what the thread is about, no one wants to hear about chasing beta since it has nothing to do with the thread.
Who want's to hold physical silver if it dont make money?....I don't want to read the thread....In fact I asked a post or two ago WHY would you wanna hold physical silver when paper silver will dictate it's value?

Who want's to hold physical silver if it dont make money?....I don't want to read the thread....In fact I asked a post or two ago WHY would you wanna hold physical silver when paper silver will dictate it's value?


When SHTF all those paper profits won't buy you a cup of coffee, but the physical item will still hold value.

Also, when selling silver back, you don't pay taxes as long as it is in the right form.

Try not paying taxes on your paper gains. The physical is 100% anonymous.
I'd be happy w that kind of turnover. When do you think silver will hit 15? below that how cld u not?
the sooner the better, but really it all depends on the central banks. The paper markets determine the price of the physical silver, not supply and demand. With just one trader with unlimited amounts of money ( $29 trillion so far) running all the markets you can bet that absolutely everything is out of whack and when it all goes in the shitter there is going to be a shit storm unlike anything the world has ever seen. The writing is on the wall, the Dollar is losing its place in the world, other countries would rather use their own currencies to trade with , rather than being forced to use dollars. The BRICS nations are becoming very influential in the world now and there are cracks starting to appear in the western financial areas.

You know its a giant bubble when companies with no revenue, no employees, no offices, no website and no profits have huge IPO's worth Billions in $.

That little bump in the road in 2007/2008 was just a dress rehearsal, they haven't solved any of those problems, they just made them all twice as big.
Silver is awesome. So is gold. Easy to profit if your in it for the long haul. Buy whenever you are able to, sell when you are an old man. Dont worry about a couple dollar swing here and there, if your in it for the long run (10-20 years) all a price drop means is that its on sale this month/year. Ill side with 5000 years of history any day of the week.
the sooner the better, but really it all depends on the central banks. The paper markets determine the price of the physical silver, not supply and demand. With just one trader with unlimited amounts of money ( $29 trillion so far) running all the markets you can bet that absolutely everything is out of whack and when it all goes in the shitter there is going to be a shit storm unlike anything the world has ever seen. The writing is on the wall, the Dollar is losing its place in the world, other countries would rather use their own currencies to trade with , rather than being forced to use dollars. The BRICS nations are becoming very influential in the world now and there are cracks starting to appear in the western financial areas.

You know its a giant bubble when companies with no revenue, no employees, no offices, no website and no profits have huge IPO's worth Billions in $.

That little bump in the road in 2007/2008 was just a dress rehearsal, they haven't solved any of those problems, they just made them all twice as big.
Im not gonna argue my opinion on the vast reason's that exist's for market correction's or taking profit's ....But, I will state that it's all been heard before and I believe there is still away's to go(up)....Simply, the fact is there are still to many bear's when the major fund's stop shorting and finding reason's everyday that the market should go down my sentiment may begin to sway....Same with gold just vice verse......The SHTF theory is okay except after all that happen's there will be no one to put a worth on Gld/slv as a monetary system.....I would imagine it may take year's to get something like that sorted out. Plus, if that was the case there may be quite a few mundane skills or need's that would be placed in the same value range as well. Along, with the FCB's money tho (which they have been tapering for last year) 70% of the other volume's trades are on the exchanges are by the 1%(WSJ). And. price action dictate's pricing,volumes,etc......IPO excuse IMO fall's into the Kramer/WallStreet PR thing, but that's how I view them... the best thing I ever did for myself was turn that shit off of my TV...Price for IPO's is determined by institution's and there amt of "faith in projection's maybe"? But in the end they are a relatively healthy thing for an economy and not to bad of a gauge for it's health either? Back to SI/GC tho, the physical pays out what it's trading @,So why not buy paper and make hundred's on a dollar move if year's are your time frame vs dollars? (margin maybe?) IDK if even SHTF was my theory I would not just buy it and consider it being lower this year as a sale especially since paper wise it is confined by a price. I guess SHTF is the only thing that make's since to me even if there's 5000 yrs behind it:confused:
What you talkin bout willis it is droppin?Silver don't move fast....Pips