I used my Obama care and here are the facts...

for practical purposes/simplicity when referring to specific entities federal v. state..we all know that these entities are run by our tax dollars.

jesus, are people that stupid?

So then explain which part of my original post fails. None. Insurance rates are going UP next year. Are you seriously arguing that? Or pulling an Uncle Cuck and reading what you want into someone elses words?
So then explain which part of my original post fails. None. Insurance rates are going UP next year. Are you seriously arguing that? Or pulling an Uncle Cuck and reading what you want into someone elses words?

another reference to UB.

you guys do nothing but complain about him when he's around and then reference him when he's not.

it's bad form.

didn't your mom teach you that?
If no one was to sign up for Obamacare, it would wither and die on the vine. You say you are scared of getting fined? Just structure your taxes so that you have to pay in just a little each year, they won't be able to fine you then either since the only way they can fine you is by taking it out of your tax return.

You either starve the beast by not playing into its game, or you bleed the beast by taking advantage of every single legal loophole that allows you to get transfer payments.

If I lived in a 20,000 SQ FT mansion, had 3 rolls royces and 10,000 acres of prime farm and pasture land and had $100,000,000 put away in a Trust Fund, but had no actual income. I would legally qualify for full foodstamp aid, and you know what? I would certainly apply for it even though it is not needed, and I would use every penny to buy steak and lobster.

Cuz you know, they removed the asset part of the formula for qualification for foodstamps.
I wish we'd either go back to how things were in about 1955 in health care, pre medicare.

Or go single payer.

Doctors need to be free to practice medicine, not be businessmen and accountants.

BNB - nothing, i repeat, nothing will ever go back to 1955.

lamenting for it is precisely why the right is falling apart..denial and not living in the now.