I used my Obama care and here are the facts...

you keep saying you are not racist, but you are very, very racist.

one can not mention civil rights without you being unable to control your obvious disgust at the thought of having to serve black people equally with all others.

that, and you call the president by racial slurs repeatedly.

what kind of a person calls the president by racial slurs and rails against civil rights constantly?

a racist. that is you.

I am disgusted that any person would be forced to serve another if they do not wish to associate with that other person.
That includes black people forced to serve non black people, partially black people or people whose best friend was black. It is a property rights thing, not a racist thing.

I don't care for Obama, due to his idea that some people can control others using initiated force. His racial makeup is not relevant to me, his actions are. Why do you call him black by the way ? Are you racist?

Your actions of shitting on others property tells me you do not respect other people's property.

Civil rights were an attempt by government to change the nature of what ownership is. It threatens force against some people for being indifferent to other people. Do you go around threatening people that are acting indifferent to you or that chose to remain on their property and don't want you there?

I realize you cherry pick what you will answer, but tell me how indifference "causes harm" again ?
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i actually have many times, you seem to ignore the concepts of reality staring you in the fucking face.

we have told you many times that you are not forced to serve black people, princess. you can open a private club.

how many times have we told you this now? are you so senile that you just block out this advice?

how long is it gonna take your racist ass to see that we have tried it your way, and it caused harm?

are you ever gonna acknowledge that your model of denial of service caused lots of harm?

no, you won't acknowledge that.

You fail to distinguish between actionable harm and indifference, again. Punishing people for acts of indifference is what you are advocating, which is not very consistent or logical and results in the creation of other problems.

If a person is racist and leaves his property, goes to someone else property and commits an act of aggression, is it their thoughts of racism that caused the harm or the act of aggression against the other person / property that created the harm ?

If a person is a racist but stays on his own property and doesn't initiate contact with somebody, instead preferring to simply be left alone....and somebody else INSISTS they will go onto the racist property and make them associate, with them who is the aggressor Poopy pants? While this is a rhetorical example, I realize you may be too dense to see the answer, so I will provide it. The person that is using force to create the association is the one in the wrong.

Check mate. Again.
Also, you like to use the black person example, which is an attempt to narrow the conversation into your "you must be a racist argument" ...that's a lame trolling tactic and a false conclusion that lacks evidence.

no it isn't.

you repeatedly use racial slurs and your objection is to civil rights. basic history, princess.

I thought you were against enslaving people?

there you go again, calling civil rights 'slavery' and 'rape' of white people.

and you wonder why everyone knows you are racist now.

Dividing private property into classes of private property wherein the "owner" in some instances enjoys the rights of ownership and in other instances they don't changes the meaning of the word into two distinctly separate things.

whine and cry some more, ya racist.

if you really object to civil rights that much and don't want to serve black people, just call it a private club.

your problem already has a solution, bigot.

Government word smithing...you, like most sheep believe what you are told rather than critically examining things for logic and consistency.

Denial of service is not an act of aggression.

yes it is.

refusing to serve someone on the basis of their skin color, which you want to make legal again, is racist, aggressive, hostile, and harmful.

and there's that part that you can never admit: denial of service caused harm.

to deny that is to deny recorded history.

but that's what you have to do, because otherwise you'd be advocating for the right of one person to harm another, and we all know that's not allowed under any version of governance, not your retarded delusional utopia or my normal world of reality.

so keep denying history and claiming victory. i know you will, racist.
I am disgusted that any person would be forced to serve another if they do not wish to associate with that other person.

yes, we get it.

you are disgusted by civil rights.

that puts you alone in a very select group of racists.

I don't care for Obama, due to his idea that some people can control others using initiated force. His racial makeup is not relevant to me

bullshit, since you repeatedly refer to him by racial slurs.

Civil rights were an attempt by government to change the nature of what ownership is. It threatens force against some people for being indifferent to other people.

way to attempt a revision of history, racist.

civil rights was the successful end to a very harmful era.

those who would deny service were not indifferent people, they were hostile racists.

don't keep denying history, ya racist.
You fail to distinguish between actionable harm and indifference, again. Punishing people for acts of indifference is what you are advocating

talk about word smithing.

denying service to someone on the basis of their skin color is not an act of indifference, it is an act of aggressive and hostile racism.

it caused a lot of harm to a lot of people, a historical fact that you have to deny.

Check mate. Again.

awww, the princess is declaring victory again.

how fucking cute.
tell us again how you want to allow denial of service on the basis of skin color because you are not racist.

I want to allow denial of service to anyone based on anything. That means that people do not have to serve you because you are an asshole and shit on their floor and they shouldnt have to even if you are white...