I used my Obama care and here are the facts...

you know nodrama just took a picture off the internet ad called it his, he plagiarizes everything you freeloader.

if you really want to make sure you live by your code of not passing costs onto anyone else, you'll need to get health insurance, freeloader.

A cabbage plagiarist eh ? Sounds serious.

I think I'll keep on doing things my way and not telling other people how to run their lives as long as they reciprocate. It's the only way to ensure the highest possibilities of peace.

How do you reconcile the acts of intiated force imbedded in Obama Care ? (serious question...if you have the balls to answer it)
If no one was to sign up for Obamacare, it would wither and die on the vine. You say you are scared of getting fined? Just structure your taxes so that you have to pay in just a little each year, they won't be able to fine you then either since the only way they can fine you is by taking it out of your tax return.

You either starve the beast by not playing into its game, or you bleed the beast by taking advantage of every single legal loophole that allows you to get transfer payments.

If I lived in a 20,000 SQ FT mansion, had 3 rolls royces and 10,000 acres of prime farm and pasture land and had $100,000,000 put away in a Trust Fund, but had no actual income. I would legally qualify for full foodstamp aid, and you know what? I would certainly apply for it even though it is not needed, and I would use every penny to buy steak and lobster.

Cuz you know, they removed the asset part of the formula for qualification for foodstamps.
The IRS can forcibly change your W-2 withholding allowance and make it so you never owe . How do I know. They just did it to me. I owed taxes (by choice) and they clamped my claim at zero for 2014 by force. They are assraping my checks this year.
The IRS can forcibly change your W-2 withholding allowance and make it so you never owe . How do I know. They just did it to me. I owed taxes (by choice) and they clamped my claim at zero for 2014 by force. They are assraping my checks this year.

The IRS has evolved into a criminal enterprise. I feel bad for you bro. really
A cabbage plagiarist eh ? Sounds serious.

I think I'll keep on doing things my way and not telling other people how to run their lives as long as they reciprocate. It's the only way to ensure the highest possibilities of peace.

How do you reconcile the acts of intiated force imbedded in Obama Care ? (serious question...if you have the balls to answer it)

how do you reconcile the fact that you will inevitably pass on your health care costs to others with your dogmatic belief against passing costs onto others?

in other words, how do you reconcile being responsible in word but a complete hypocrite freeloader in action?
how do you reconcile the fact that you will inevitably pass on your health care costs to others with your dogmatic belief against passing costs onto others?

in other words, how do you reconcile being responsible in word but a complete hypocrite freeloader in action?

So by asking me a question based on speculation, you avoid answering a question I already asked you?

That seems like you have no answer, why yes it certainly does.
So by asking me a question based on speculation, you avoid answering a question I already asked you?

That seems like you have no answer, why yes it certainly does.

that you will need health care is not speculation, it is an inevitability.
that you will need health care is not speculation, it is an inevitability.

What if I go to Wendy's, step into the men's room, slip in a pile of human dung and break my neck dying instantly? I guess I'd need no healthcare then huh?

Also you assume that IF I needed healthcare I would go to a coercive government licensed witch doctor instead of a homeopathic healer or just push the bones back together, grab some fishing line and sew myself back up like a Maori warrior while catching and eating the shark that tried to eat me.

Also you never answered my question. That means you got no answer.

Slow night in the art department ? You haven't drawn a penis with your crayons in days.
What if I go to Wendy's, step into the men's room, slip in a pile of human dung and break my neck dying instantly? I guess I'd need no healthcare then huh?

Also you assume that IF I needed healthcare I would go to a coercive government licensed witch doctor instead of a homeopathic healer or just push the bones back together, grab some fishing line and sew myself back up like a Maori warrior while catching and eating the shark that tried to eat me.

Also you never answered my question. That means you got no answer.

Slow night in the art department ? You haven't drawn a penis with your crayons in days.

good argument.

"i will never need health care that costs money!" is the argument you are advancing.

empirically, it is demonstrated to be wrong over and over and over again.

but you are a special little snowflake, princess. reality does not apply to you.

we look forward to paying for your inevitable future medical bills, freeloader.
good argument.

"i will never need health care that costs money!" is the argument you are advancing.

empirically, it is demonstrated to be wrong over and over and over again.

but you are a special little snowflake, princess. reality does not apply to you.

we look forward to paying for your inevitable future medical bills, freeloader.

I'm doing one handed pushups now while typing this with my prehensile tail. I am special, thank you.

Consensus on a thing inherently wrong is a bunch of people trying to polish a turd somebody found at Wendy's thinking they can turn it into a diamond.

You never answered my question either. It's time for me to grab a cold one and go smoke a fattie. Nighty night Meathead.
I'm doing one handed pushups now while typing this with my prehensile tail. I am special, thank you.

Consensus on a thing inherently wrong is a bunch of people trying to polish a turd somebody found at Wendy's thinking they can turn it into a diamond.

You never answered my question either. It's time for me to grab a cold one and go smoke a fattie. Nighty night Meathead.

i've answered your question many times over, you are apparently too dense to understand the reply though.

hence your rebuttal that you are a special little snowflake who will never need to pay for medical care. and, of course, the repeated references to wendy's, which you are also apparently too dense to understand are painfully unfunny.

it's super easy to say you'll just go ahead and die when an expensive medical procedure could save you from the comfort of the internet, rather than your soon to be death bed. it's almost easier to be that hero than it is to repeatedly declare victory and rest on the laurels of a future prediction which will inevitably prove false.
good argument.

"i will never need health care that costs money!" is the argument you are advancing.

empirically, it is demonstrated to be wrong over and over and over again.

but you are a special little snowflake, princess. reality does not apply to you.

we look forward to paying for your inevitable future medical bills, freeloader.

You stole sasquach's land. So how's he the freeloader?
but it's not immoral to make everyone else pay your medical bills?
Not at all. If it makes you feel better though I promise to pay everyone in my state, including myself .00001 cent that they contributed to a conglomerate so someone could take two x-ray pictures of my fractured foot.

Oh, I also got a pair of crutches.
are you talking about the "justly acquired land" that robroy acquired through genocide of native populations?

I'm very confused. Saquach got relocated from his life living in forests of California to freezing his ass off in Canada. That makes him no different than the spotted owl who had his home taken away by mean white men in Oregon.
i've answered your question many times over, you are apparently too dense to understand the reply though.

hence your rebuttal that you are a special little snowflake who will never need to pay for medical care. and, of course, the repeated references to wendy's, which you are also apparently too dense to understand are painfully unfunny.

it's super easy to say you'll just go ahead and die when an expensive medical procedure could save you from the comfort of the internet, rather than your soon to be death bed. it's almost easier to be that hero than it is to repeatedly declare victory and rest on the laurels of a future prediction which will inevitably prove false.
So you're calling people freeloaders, yet they're the ones paying so that your lefty fanbase can get "free" healthcare?

It seems freeloaders are ok as long as they vote Democrat and/or are a minority?