Club 600


Well-Known Member
Dez, sorry to hear about you getting tested I know how that is
I've had to be clean for 6 weeks now and have to get retested at
an "undisclosed date in the near future" NY mandates for opiate
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Well-Known Member
Sum more space made with a bit shuffle about, so gona take a couple out the veg room so I can have summit nice to smoke end of October....

Here's the space anyway for a topped bubblegum and a blue cut... keeping a bubblegum my green crack and dog pip for cuts or future
Couple dog shots getting frosty now IMG_20140906_082443.jpg


Well-Known Member

Will the amount of light I use on one of these make any difference, like a mean would them 4 strip led be good for it or that led panel be better.....

also i have a small water pump already and irrigation line so could be easier to build one if I buy the sprayers for inside the bottom and buy 2 tubs the same so i can use one as a dome and one as a res

but that would pay for itself in a fortnight


Well-Known Member
Sunlight is as sunlight does, mama always said...


Saw a golden eagle swoop in towards the branches of a neighbor's tree as it hunted either bird or squirrel.
Was only 75-feet away and 25-ft off the ground.
It's the birch tree in the first pic that's in direct center of the pic and up near the top.
Never a camera in hand for cool stuff like eagles and bigfoot... :-(
There's a mated nesting pair of golden eagles up the hill from us about 1/4 of a mile, so this was one of them.
We've also got large owls in our front yard elm tree (one owl has a voice like Barry White. Thought it was a prowler trying to fake off as an owl at first. Deep voice like mine. Big freakin' owl.)
And there are red-tailed hawks flying around here too.
And we have a blue jay family in out back yard spruce tree.


Well-Known Member
gotta love birds of prey!! id love to own a golden eagle, but we cant..
great pics everyone keep em coming!!!
Sunlight is as sunlight does, mama always said...

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View attachment 3247761
View attachment 3247762

Saw a golden eagle swoop in towards the branches of a neighbor's tree as it hunted either bird or squirrel.
Was only 75-feet away and 25-ft off the ground.
It's the birch tree in the first pic that's in direct center of the pic and up near the top.
Never a camera in hand for cool stuff like eagles and bigfoot... :-(
There's a mated nesting pair of golden eagles up the hill from us about 1/4 of a mile, so this was one of them.
We've also got large owls in our front yard elm tree (one owl has a voice like Barry White. Thought it was a prowler trying to fake off as an owl at first. Deep voice like mine. Big freakin' owl.)
And there are red-tailed hawks flying around here too.
And we have a blue jay family in out back yard spruce tree.