Grow More Nutrients

Hello fellow growers, before I start this discussion I would just like to say that I am not affiliated with Grow More in any way shape or form and have no hidden agendas. The only agenda I have is to help fellow growers find products similar to ones the are using, that can perform the way they are supposed to, and save you money, and also to have intelligent discussion. If you are here to hate or troll, please go to a different thread. I am currently doing a side by side journal with Advanced Nutrients vs. Grow More ( I will start that thread and the posting of my pictures within the next couple days). I have used AN for over 4 years now, and as I've expanded my operation it has become quite costly. So while on my hunt for cheaper alternatives that can perform on the same level, I came across Grow More. I have been thoroughly impressed. And again these are my opinions don't hate. Grow mores 3 part is just as good as any 3 part out there, same numbers as GH an jungle juice, it does what it's supposed too. Their carb is Mendocino honey it's molasses based and doesn't have some gimmicky flavor, as far as I can tell works just as well as Bud Candy, $15-$20 a quart. The Hawaiian bud is a 5-50-17 and works well the first couple weeks of flower. Then the Hula Bloom is a 0-50-30(same as beastie blooms) for weeks 4-6. Both the Hawaiian bud and the hula bloom are solubles and cost $20 for a 1.5lb container. Next Biocozyme $20 a quart, good enzyme product, way cheaper than Sensizyme or hygrozyme. Jump Start root tonic, just as good as any other root tonic, might be a little cheaper than others. Now for the Mendocino Avalanche, my favorite product in the entire line up. It's the only bottle in the country that can make the claim Flower Hardener on the bottle and it's all organic, $20 a quart. So for all you Gravity haters, here you go. Or even the Gravity lovers, try this since Gravitys gone, I think it's better than Overdrive. Fuego is their amino product, $30 a quart, any one use Amino Treatment from HnG? Wow imagine what you could do with that $200 savings. Their lineup is organic based, the application are very reasonable, and I have just been thoroughly impressed with this company that I had never even heard of, go figure? Have you? Now you have. Start saving money and put it elsewhere. I typically spend upwards of $600 on my AN Nutes every cycle, with Grow More I get same results and would only spend like $260ish. I'm stoked to be saving money. If you have used Grow More Nutes before let's have a friendly discussion, if you haven't let's have a friendly discussion. Please no hating. It's a shame that you have to say that in community where we are supposed to all be helping each other. But if not there will be umpteen trolls in this thread in minutes, hating because I like a product and it's not the one they like. Peace, Love and Ganja.
Growmore def is not an organic based nutrient line. Many commercial growers in northern Cali have used it for years. It is cheap and does the job. However many will hate it because of the amount of chemicals within it and potential harm it can do to environment.
Most of the liquids are organically based. Some are totally organic. U are probably thinking of the big bags of solubles. Mendocino avalanche and honey both totally organic. Biocozyme is organic. Fuego is organic. Their fulvic/humic I'm pretty sure is organic. And I'm almost positive their 3 part is organic based. If you have literature proving me wrong, I would gladly change my opinion. Thanks for partaking in the discussion bhave.
Yeah I am thinking of the bags of the blue stuff. I seen a big bag about a week ago of their 0-50-30 that just had a new sticker thrown onto it. Believe it was hula girl. I've never seen their 3 part. I heard they where coming out with new lines tho that were more suited towards an organic or semi organic gardens. I came across this post trying to do research on molasses and if it's effectively used by our plants. I've been told it's more to feed your soil microbes and it's a myth it alone will add any flavor or crystals because it is a simple sugar that has too large of molecules to be absorbed by the roots, unlike a sugaree or bud candy that is a complex sugar or carb that is more broke down and readily available. I'm curious if the mendo honey is any different.
Great question. What king of bennies are you using? To feed the bacteria you want to feed them a molasses based carb like Mendocino Honey. If you want to feed the fungal colony you would want to use a humic acid. Both bactreris and fungi are very important, but I suggest to pick one of the two and focus on feeding that. Realistically most of these products like great white and myco madness ect. are kind of not the best recipe of bennies because the create a competition between the bacteria and fungi. Depending on which one you decide to feed or just which one grows stronger it will basically snuff out the other. I personally think a good fungal colony is paramount But it's your decision. If you want a good carb to feed the bacteria, any molasses based carb will do. Not regular molasses because like you said untreated/undigested molasses is such a big chain of sugar molecule that the bennies can't eat it and it will smother them. I like Mendocino Honey a lot for bacteria. If you want to feed the fungi get a good humic. I like Grow Mores Fulvic/Humic because you kind of get the best of both worlds. The humic feeds the fungus while the fulvic helps with nutrient uptake.
Oh and the bag of blue 0-50-30 isn't hula bloom. It's just called 0-50-30 bloom fertilizer. The hula bloom is also 0-50-30 but has no dye and some carbs and vitamins/micronutrients added to it.
If you want a good complex sugar like you were talking about. I would suggest Nectar for the Gods Aphrodites extraction. But it would stick with a molasses based or humic.
Most of the liquids are organically based. Some are totally organic.

What percentage of Sea Grow (all purpose and flower) is organic? I switched to it from GH Flora 3 part, the smoke is amazingly rich, deep, smooth. GH Flora was easy to use and produced great results. The taste wasn't bad compared to stuff from the dealer. Probably because I fed water only the last 2 weeks and took my time curing. But, the taste/smoke of Sea Grow is vastly better. I keep thinking of that 5th taste the Japanese talk of, umani? It's deep, rich, hearty.

I attributed that taste difference to Sea Grow being more organic. I've heard organic nutes make a big difference, but I would have never imagined how much until I tasted it myself.
Oh and the bag of blue 0-50-30 isn't hula bloom. It's just called 0-50-30 bloom fertilizer. The hula bloom is also 0-50-30 but has no dye and some carbs and vitamins/micronutrients added to it.

How does Hula differ from Hawaiian? The theme of both caused me to think they're the same thing. It wasn't until you mentioned using Hawaiian in early bloom and Hula at the end did I realize they're different.
Hawaiian Bud has some nitrogen in it and less potassium, for early bloom. Hula Bloom has no nitrogen and more potassium for a pk boost mid bloom. And you finish with Mendocino Avalanche the only nutrient in the country that can make the claim "flower hardener" on the bottle, and it's totally organic. I don't know much about Sea Grow though? Sorry...
True I forgot I was told they removed the dyes also. As for feeding bennies I'm not sure I have anymore left after using grow mores bags of blue lol. So I'm more or less looking for carbs readily available to plant to help with trich production.
Hello fellow growers, before I start this discussion I would just like to say that I am not affiliated with Grow More in any way shape or form and have no hidden agendas. The only agenda I have is to help fellow growers find products similar to ones the are using, that can perform the way they are supposed to, and save you money, and also to have intelligent discussion. If you are here to hate or troll, please go to a different thread. I am currently doing a side by side journal with Advanced Nutrients vs. Grow More ( I will start that thread and the posting of my pictures within the next couple days). I have used AN for over 4 years now, and as I've expanded my operation it has become quite costly. So while on my hunt for cheaper alternatives that can perform on the same level, I came across Grow More. I have been thoroughly impressed. And again these are my opinions don't hate. Grow mores 3 part is just as good as any 3 part out there, same numbers as GH an jungle juice, it does what it's supposed too. Their carb is Mendocino honey it's molasses based and doesn't have some gimmicky flavor, as far as I can tell works just as well as Bud Candy, $15-$20 a quart. The Hawaiian bud is a 5-50-17 and works well the first couple weeks of flower. Then the Hula Bloom is a 0-50-30(same as beastie blooms) for weeks 4-6. Both the Hawaiian bud and the hula bloom are solubles and cost $20 for a 1.5lb container. Next Biocozyme $20 a quart, good enzyme product, way cheaper than Sensizyme or hygrozyme. Jump Start root tonic, just as good as any other root tonic, might be a little cheaper than others. Now for the Mendocino Avalanche, my favorite product in the entire line up. It's the only bottle in the country that can make the claim Flower Hardener on the bottle and it's all organic, $20 a quart. So for all you Gravity haters, here you go. Or even the Gravity lovers, try this since Gravitys gone, I think it's better than Overdrive. Fuego is their amino product, $30 a quart, any one use Amino Treatment from HnG? Wow imagine what you could do with that $200 savings. Their lineup is organic based, the application are very reasonable, and I have just been thoroughly impressed with this company that I had never even heard of, go figure? Have you? Now you have. Start saving money and put it elsewhere. I typically spend upwards of $600 on my AN Nutes every cycle, with Grow More I get same results and would only spend like $260ish. I'm stoked to be saving money. If you have used Grow More Nutes before let's have a friendly discussion, if you haven't let's have a friendly discussion. Please no hating. It's a shame that you have to say that in community where we are supposed to all be helping each other. But if not there will be umpteen trolls in this thread in minutes, hating because I like a product and it's not the one they like. Peace, Love and Ganja.

Thanks, I'm new to all of this and I was wondering if it would be alright to use molasses alongside of the Hula Bloom
Hawaiian Bud has some nitrogen in it and less potassium, for early bloom. Hula Bloom has no nitrogen and more potassium for a pk boost mid bloom. And you finish with Mendocino Avalanche the only nutrient in the country that can make the claim "flower hardener" on the bottle, and it's totally organic. I don't know much about Sea Grow though? Sorry...
the bottle says to use avalanche between weeks 4-5 i thought.
... and it's totally organic. ...

One minor correction here: This product is organic based but due to the tiny amount of phosphate and a few other constituents it would not pass requirements for USDA Certified Organic. Otherwise nothing to worry about here, especially in comparison to some of the other inorganic minerals you are probably using; for example, Cal-Mag.
I can tell you the Grow More factory is having trouble keeping up with demand for cannabis related products. Lead time on a truckload (20 pallets or tons) of those products is currently 3-4 weeks. Nominal factory output for all products this time of year (incl. large-scale agriculture and consumer products) is around 16 truck loads per week.
I can tell you the Grow More factory is having trouble keeping up with demand for cannabis related products. Lead time on a truckload (20 pallets or tons) of those products is currently 3-4 weeks. Nominal factory output for all products this time of year (incl. large-scale agriculture and consumer products) is around 16 truck loads per week.
Hermitian, you seam to be a straight shooter and in the "know" on the grow more product line.
Does the Mendocino Avalanche contain any PGR's?