First time grower having problems.


Active Member

Long time smoker, first time grower here.

So, i have finally decided to start to grow my own shiat with a mate.

So we have bought a 4x4 tent, an 800 cbm carbon filter and a 420/800 exhaust fan. An adjust a wing avenger medium with super spreader. 3 fresh air hoses which draws cold air in from outside.
Timer set from 5pm to 11 am. The coolest hours of the day, more or less. Temps dont exceed 30 degrees celcius. After 8-9pm temps are 26-27. Running 400W Veg bulb & 600W bloom bulb.

We are growing them in 11 litres containers where they where put in after they had germinated. Maybe i should have started of in smaller containers, just thought it would be easier to start them in the ones they should finish in.

Soil mix is 50% soil, 25% leca and 25% perlite, so should be good enough. I would have liked if the soil were more "airy"..? But seems to drain good enough, within a minute or 2 water is coming out the bottom.
First time i watered the whole complete soil mixture before putting it over in containers, with 10 litres of water over a couple of times, i had mixed fertilizer in it, half the normal dosis.

We are growing 7 white widows and 2 jack herrers.
The JH's look okay i think. It's worse with the white widows, they don't look too good. Some of the leaves are crumbling..?

They are about 10 days old. Started light schedule 27 aug.

So will post some pictures of my ladies so you clever guys in here can have a look.

Here are the WW's.
And the JH.

Please give your best advice on what could be wrong..?



Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
10 days old? Might be nute and/or light burn.

Seedlings don't want fertilizer for 2 or 3 weeks, and 1000W sounds like overkill at this point.

Put your hand under the lights till it gets hot, then lower your hand to the top of the plants, if it feels more than just warm...the lights are too close.

Good luck.


Looks fine to me if the problem ur looking at is leaf slightly down it happened to me on my WW and was wrong PH


Active Member
Yes, approx. 10 days.

Germinated them excatly 2 weeks at the clock..! :) Put them in the pots 2 days later, monday morning. Lights when on wed. when they come up the ground. So 10-14 days, where do one measure from..? :/

And they are only getting 400W, not 400+600. My bad..

It haven't been too warm for them i think, i have watched the temps VERY closely.

I personally think it's a nutrient problem....? How do i solve that, should i flush, or just water with plain water the next 10-15 days..?

Will try too raise the lights a bit and only water with plain ph'ed water as i have for the past week..

Thanks for your reply.


Well-Known Member
Tbh they look fairly normal to me. If anything just use PhD water for the next week then start a very mild nute regime gradually building up to full strength. Maybe lift the light a little as seedlings don require huge light and 400w is huge to them.


Well-Known Member
Also if you nuted the whole pot before planting as the roots search for moisture they will absorb the nutes at the bottom and sides of the pot so maybe just water until they look like they need a big of added extra.



Long time smoker, first time grower here.

So, i have finally decided to start to grow my own shiat with a mate.

So we have bought a 4x4 tent, an 800 cbm carbon filter and a 420/800 exhaust fan. An adjust a wing avenger medium with super spreader. 3 fresh air hoses which draws cold air in from outside.
Timer set from 5pm to 11 am. The coolest hours of the day, more or less. Temps dont exceed 30 degrees celcius. After 8-9pm temps are 26-27. Running 400W Veg bulb & 600W bloom bulb.

We are growing them in 11 litres containers where they where put in after they had germinated. Maybe i should have started of in smaller containers, just thought it would be easier to start them in the ones they should finish in.

Soil mix is 50% soil, 25% leca and 25% perlite, so should be good enough. I would have liked if the soil were more "airy"..? But seems to drain good enough, within a minute or 2 water is coming out the bottom.
First time i watered the whole complete soil mixture before putting it over in containers, with 10 litres of water over a couple of times, i had mixed fertilizer in it, half the normal dosis.

We are growing 7 white widows and 2 jack herrers.
The JH's look okay i think. It's worse with the white widows, they don't look too good. Some of the leaves are crumbling..?

They are about 10 days old. Started light schedule 27 aug.

So will post some pictures of my ladies so you clever guys in here can have a look.

Here are the WW's.
And the JH.

Please give your best advice on what could be wrong..?


Hello and welcome.
Your grow looks great!


Active Member
Thanks again guys, really appreciate your help. My ladies are doing just fine, think perhaps i was a bit over worrying, hehe, who wouldn't the first time.

One of them showed signs of nute def. three days ago, so started to to give them their fertz. according to the hesi scheme, 75% of suggested. And adjusted the ph to around 6.

One is showing signs of nute def/lack again this evening, so will water them again tommorow with 100% fertz mixture according to the hesi scheme. :D

Have just FIM'ed one of the two Jack Herers, and three of the white widows, just as of now. So would like to show you some pics to see if i have done it the right way. :) :P :D


JH Untouched :

One of the FIM'ed WW's:

4 Untouched WW's:

And just some pics of my setup to show how it's finally as i want it. Have been doing constant changes to the setup since the very first parts arrived back in july. And moved it from one room to another. Switched carbon filter/fans three times, two actually, cause i put the small one in the other day, so that we could make a sound proofed box for my 420/800 cbm/h fan/filter.. Plus i wrapped ALOT of blankets around the exhaust pipe for sound proofing. :D :P Works like a charm..
Our bathroom is right on the other side of the tent room, and you have to have your ear against the wall to hear a bit of buzzing now, so f**king NIIIICEE.....!

Oooh yeeah, and the digital ballast has also been soundproofed with a bit of blanket inside and out, doesn't even get hot at all, can have my hand in there for several minutes, no problem.
Just wanted too hear you experienced growers if you think it's a bit of fire hazard to put blanket in there, it ain't touching the ballast at ALL.. Plenty of room for air movement. :D What you think..?
The setup Gallery :

Thanks for a great inspirational helpful community.

K from DK.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

Long time smoker, first time grower here.

So, i have finally decided to start to grow my own shiat with a mate.

So we have bought a 4x4 tent, an 800 cbm carbon filter and a 420/800 exhaust fan. An adjust a wing avenger medium with super spreader. 3 fresh air hoses which draws cold air in from outside.
Timer set from 5pm to 11 am. The coolest hours of the day, more or less. Temps dont exceed 30 degrees celcius. After 8-9pm temps are 26-27. Running 400W Veg bulb & 600W bloom bulb.

We are growing them in 11 litres containers where they where put in after they had germinated. Maybe i should have started of in smaller containers, just thought it would be easier to start them in the ones they should finish in.

Soil mix is 50% soil, 25% leca and 25% perlite, so should be good enough. I would have liked if the soil were more "airy"..? But seems to drain good enough, within a minute or 2 water is coming out the bottom.
First time i watered the whole complete soil mixture before putting it over in containers, with 10 litres of water over a couple of times, i had mixed fertilizer in it, half the normal dosis.

We are growing 7 white widows and 2 jack herrers.
The JH's look okay i think. It's worse with the white widows, they don't look too good. Some of the leaves are crumbling..?

They are about 10 days old. Started light schedule 27 aug.

So will post some pictures of my ladies so you clever guys in here can have a look.

Here are the WW's.
And the JH.

Please give your best advice on what could be wrong..?


Whats up friend. Im kind...No im late on responding but i checked out your pics on that link and after doing a little pondering and what the provlem may have been is: starting your seeds of in those large pots of soil whereas the soil retains too much moisture for the seedlings and a lack of aeration in addition to some heat stress may have caused some discomfort. They really are some beauties though. What soil are you using? If youre using commercial with already powered ammendments you want be very shy with advanced nutes in commersh soil especially with a lack of aeration. Thats if your going to be using them. Great polish you have you will do good. You should hace seen my set up in the beginning. I got into a little razzle dazzle with the community sometime back and one guy told me i needed batteries for my set up. I cracked up about that. Awsome job bro.


Active Member
Whats up friend. Im kind...No im late on responding but i checked out your pics on that link and after doing a little pondering and what the provlem may have been is: starting your seeds of in those large pots of soil whereas the soil retains too much moisture for the seedlings and a lack of aeration in
addition to some heat stress may have caused some discomfort.

#Think excatly that too.. The more i have thaught about it. Will def start in smaller containers next time. Will 3,5 litres be okay...?!

They really are some beauties though. What soil are you using? If youre using commercial with already powered ammendments you want be very shy with advanced nutes in commersh soil especially with a lack of aeration. Thats if your going to be using them.

#Ty, looking even better by the day.. ;) :P Just using standard bags of soil from a DIY center. Along with 25% leca pearls and 25% of perlite. So should be allright. Peharps 10-15% of sand would do me good. But water runs out the bottom of the pot in less than a minute.

Great polish you have you will do good.


You should hace seen my set up in the beginning. I got into a little razzle dazzle with the community sometime back and one guy told me i needed batteries for my set up. I cracked up about that. Awsome job bro.
#Thanks Bro.. Batteries for what..??!

why the straws ?????
# Cause i thought in the start that my soil werent airy enough in the lower parts of the soil, maybe due too mee being a bit generous with the water. So thought it might help.. But probably didn't...

After a second look I'm liking your setup even more good job wot make of tent do u have if u dont mind me asking.....
#Thank you bro.. :D
Just some cheap tent off ebay. Around 100 bucks. So not top of the line at all, but okay price/quality wise. I know it wan't last me forever, if it lasts a year it's all good. Then i will buy a better one along with some hydro perhaps.



Well-Known Member
ps some drip trays would keep the bottom of your tent a lot cleaner if u dont keep on top of stuff like that it can cause u a hole load of problems.....a clean room is a healthy room ....espetially the floor..


Well-Known Member
ps some drip trays would keep the bottom of your tent a lot cleaner if u dont keep on top of stuff like that it can cause u a hole load of problems.....a clean room is a healthy room ....espetially the floor..
Right! I clean my tent with bleach, fresh scented pine cleaner, and dawn dish soap every other day. Clean environment happy girls happy you.:grin:


Well-Known Member
The battery thing was the guy making fun of my set up. I had three cfls and a table. And compared to alot of setups as beginners including myself your whole approach has style and polish with seriousness. But good job though.:clap:


Well-Known Member
so when you start off seedlings, you should start them in 6in pots give them a good run off of spring water because the tap provides a great deal of extra nutrients that will give the seedlings a stressful two weeks. In two weeks after a 6in pot grow transplant into 3-5 gallon pot when ready to flower you can transplant into your 5 gallon with all new soil or into a 7-10 gallon as final pot with all new soil. Just my own experience. But other ideas from others are good too thats where i got mine from:mrgreen: